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Данная презентация предназначаена для учащихся 5-6 классов и рассказывает об одном из самых красивейших городов России - Казани. Здесь представлены наиболее известные достопримечательности татарской столицы, история их создания и интересные факты. Может использоваться на уроках английского языка во время изучения темы " My country"

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«Открываем города и страны. »

KAZAN Презентация на тему  «Открываем города и страны»


Презентация на тему

«Открываем города и страны»

Kazan is one of the biggest and the most beautiful cities of Russia. It is the capital of Tatarstan.There are a lot of sights there.

Kazan is one of the biggest and the most beautiful cities of Russia. It is the capital of Tatarstan.There are a lot of sights there.

The Kremlin of Kazan

The Kremlin of Kazan

  • The Kremlin of Kazan is a magnificent construction. It has many buildings inside: Blagoveschensky Cathedral,
  • Suumbike -Tower, Mechet Kul-Sharif.
  • It is also the residence of the President.
This is Blagoveschensky Cathedral. It was founded in 1552 by the order of Ivan the Terrible. It is very beautiful inside. There are wonderful wall paintings there.
  • This is Blagoveschensky Cathedral. It was founded in 1552 by the order of Ivan the Terrible. It is very beautiful inside. There are wonderful wall paintings there.
Mechet Kul-Sharif.

Mechet Kul-Sharif.

  • It is one of the most important Muslim churches. It was built in 1996. It is situated in the western part of the Kremlin .
This is Kremlevskaja Street and the Spasskaja Tower.

This is Kremlevskaja Street and the Spasskaja Tower.

Here you can see the memorial of the builders of the Kremlin: one is Russian and the other is Tatar. It is a symbol of friendship between our countries.
  • Here you can see the memorial of the builders of the Kremlin: one is Russian and the other is Tatar. It is a symbol of friendship between our countries.
Millennium Square

Millennium Square

The memorial of a cat.

The memorial of a cat.

  • There is a very interesting legend. Elisabeth the daughter of Peter the Great once visited Kazan and did not see any mice in the city. She was very surprised and took 30 cats to St. Petersburg because there were lots of mice in her palace.
This is the bank of Kazanka River. From here you can see the great panorama of the city.

This is the bank of Kazanka River. From here you can see the great panorama of the city.

This is the view of the Agricultural Palace on the bank of Kazanka River. It was built in 2010.
  • This is the view of the Agricultural Palace on the bank of Kazanka River. It was built in 2010.
This is Sabantui! Tatars celebrate it in June. It is colorful and exciting holiday. There are sack races, wrestling, horse racing . The winners get traditional prizes : six sheep and a car!
  • This is Sabantui! Tatars celebrate it in June. It is colorful and exciting holiday. There are sack races, wrestling, horse racing . The winners get traditional prizes : six sheep and a car!
http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki  http://ru.wikipedia.org



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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Открываем города и страны.

Автор: Егорова Елена Александровна

Дата: 27.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 123192

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