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New York City

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New York City, which is geographically the largest city in the state and most populous in the United States, is known for its history as a gateway for immigration to the United States and its status as a financial, cultural, transportation, and manufacturing center. 

New York is the largest city in the USA and the biggest seaport. The total area of New York is 365 square miles or 900 square kilometres. Its population together with the population of its suburbs amounts to 16 million people.

Located on a large natural harbor on the Atlantic coast of the Northeastern United  States, the city consists of five boroughs: The Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island (Richmond).

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«New York City »

Презентация для использования на уроках английского языка Автор: Розакулова Н.Ш.

Презентация для использования на уроках английского языка

Автор: Розакулова Н.Ш.

New York City, which is geographically the largest city in the state and most populous in the United States, is known for its history as a gateway for immigration to the United States and its status as a financial, cultural, transportation, and manufacturing center.

New York City, which is geographically the largest city in the state and most populous in the United States, is known for its history as a gateway for immigration to the United States and its status as a financial, cultural, transportation, and manufacturing center.

New York is the largest city in the USA and the biggest seaport. The total area of New York is 365 square miles or 900 square kilometres. Its population together with the population of its suburbs amounts to 16 million people.

New York is the largest city in the USA and the biggest seaport. The total area of New York is 365 square miles or 900 square kilometres. Its population together with the population of its suburbs amounts to 16 million people.

Located on a large natural harbor on the Atlantic coast of the Northeastern United States, the city consists of five boroughs: The Bronx , Brooklyn , Manhattan , Queens and Staten Island ( Richmond ).

Located on a large natural harbor on the Atlantic coast of the Northeastern United States, the city consists of five boroughs: The Bronx , Brooklyn , Manhattan , Queens and Staten Island ( Richmond ).

Manhattan is the central and the oldest part of the city. It is the district of business and finance. It is here in Wall Street that many business offices, banks and the world famous New York stock exchange are situated.

Manhattan is the central and the oldest part of the city. It is the district of business and finance. It is here in Wall Street that many business offices, banks and the world famous New York stock exchange are situated.

Millions of people visit New York City every year. New York is a city full of history, diversity, culture, incredible beauty and breathtaking sites

Millions of people visit New York City every year. New York is a city full of history, diversity, culture, incredible beauty and breathtaking sites

The Statue of Liberty is America’s symbol of freedom. It was build in New York Harbor in 1886.It was a gift from the people of France.
  • The Statue of Liberty is America’s symbol of freedom. It was build in New York Harbor in 1886.It was a gift from the people of France.
Times square is the center of the theatre district. The lights from all the theatres and advertisements are very bright.        On New Year’s Eve crowds of people stand in Times Square and wait for midnight.
  • Times square is the center of the theatre district. The lights from all the theatres and advertisements are very bright.
  • On New Year’s Eve crowds of people stand in Times Square and wait for midnight.
Central Park is used by thousands of New Yorkers and visitors every day. They walk, sit in the sun, listen to music or go to the zoo.        Young people ride their bikes and roller skate.
  • Central Park is used by thousands of New Yorkers and visitors every day. They walk, sit in the sun, listen to music or go to the zoo.
  • Young people ride their bikes and roller skate.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the most famous art museum in New York. It has great art collections from all over the world. It is located in Central Park.
  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art is the most famous art museum in New York. It has great art collections from all over the world. It is located in Central Park.
The Guggenheim Museum has one of the world’s finest collections of modern and contemporary art. This museum was designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
  • The Guggenheim Museum has one of the world’s finest collections of modern and contemporary art.
  • This museum was designed by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.
The Empire State Building is the most famous building in the world.           It is very high. It is 1,454 feet.
  • The Empire State Building is the most famous building in the world.
  • It is very high. It is 1,454 feet.
Today New York City is informally called

Today New York City is informally called "The Big Apple". The origin of this name is unknown, but it is popular all over the world.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

New York City

Автор: Розакулова Нафиса Шавкатовна

Дата: 24.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 134864

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