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Мой город Дзержинск

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Презентация о городе Дзержинске Нижегородской области на английском языке

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«Мой город Дзержинск»

Dzerzhinsk  I love my city of Dzershinsk, the town itself is small, but beautiful


I love my city of Dzershinsk, the town itself is small, but beautiful

Shukhov Tower    In Nizhny Novgorod region on the outskirts of Dzerzhinsk is a place on a national scale Shukhov Tower unique design, made in the form of supporting steel mesh shell, but more advanced, Shukhov Tower is located in Dzerzhinsk on the left bank of the Oka. Earlier this fragile Shukhov Tower held megaton power line voltage of 110 kV, today released her from duty due to the expiration date and duration, it now has only a historical and tourist functions.

Shukhov Tower

In Nizhny Novgorod region on the outskirts of Dzerzhinsk is a place on a national scale Shukhov Tower unique design, made in the form of supporting steel mesh shell, but more advanced, Shukhov Tower is located in Dzerzhinsk on the left bank of the Oka. Earlier this fragile Shukhov Tower held megaton power line voltage of 110 kV, today released her from duty due to the expiration date and duration, it now has only a historical and tourist functions.

    Palace of Culture chemists In early 1959, was a holiday. At last there was a great place Dzerzhinsky wherever youth can spend free time cultural and urban enterprises - their activities. Heart was filled with joy at the initiation to the architecture created by skillful hands of our builders, from the exquisite decoration of halls and grandeur of the interiors. The town center was erected a magnificent building - Palace of Culture chemists.

  Palace of Culture chemists

In early 1959, was a holiday. At last there was a great place Dzerzhinsky wherever youth can spend free time cultural and urban enterprises - their activities. Heart was filled with joy at the initiation to the architecture created by skillful hands of our builders, from the exquisite decoration of halls and grandeur of the interiors. The town center was erected a magnificent building - Palace of Culture chemists.

Dzerzhinsk Dzerzhinsk - a town in the Nizhny Novgorod region with a population of slightly less than 250 thousand people.Dzerzhinsk is also known worldwide as the capital of the Russian chemical. To explore the town slowly, recommend removing  apartments in Dzerzhinsk  and enjoy the friendliness of the locals.


Dzerzhinsk - a town in the Nizhny Novgorod region with a population of slightly less than 250 thousand people.Dzerzhinsk is also known worldwide as the capital of the Russian chemical. To explore the town slowly, recommend removing  apartments in Dzerzhinsk  and enjoy the friendliness of the locals.

TheEnd Thank you for your attention to you was Artem, until we meet again


Thank you for your attention to you was Artem, until we meet again

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Мой город Дзержинск

Автор: Богатырева Роза Васильевна

Дата: 16.07.2020

Номер свидетельства: 554812

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