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Лондон (презентация)

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Разработка урока по теме:«Лондон – столица объединённого королевства»LondonisthecapitaloftheUnitedKingdom»)

Тип урока: закрепление знаний.     

Форма урока: ролевая игра.

Технологии:игровая, проектная.

Используемые приёмы работы: индивидуальный, групповой, фронтальный.

Цели урока:

Обучающие: обобщение социо-культурных знаний о стране изучаемого языка, совершенствование навыков монологической и диалогической речи.

Развивающие: расширение кругозора, развитие языковой интуиции, способности к коллективной работе.

Воспитательные: воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре и традициям страны изучаемого языка.

Задачи урока:

- активизация лексических единиц, повторение речевых оборотов и                  разговорных клише;

-   тренировка коммуникативных навыков;

-   закреплениеречевых навыков и умений;

-   совершенствованиеумения поддержать беседу.

Предварительный этап. Подготовка к уроку

1. Ознакомление детей с основными достопримечательностями Лондона, а именно:

Trafalgar Square

Westminster Abbey

Buckingham Palace, Changing of the Guard

Big Ben

St. Paul’s Cathedral

The Houses of Parliament

Piccadilly Circus

The Tower of London

Parks of London

Tower Bridge


На этом этапе ученики получают сведения исторического, географического, литературного и культурного характера,осваивают  лексику и выучивают наизусть экскурсию по Лондону.

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«Лондон (презентация)»

- is the capital of the United Kingdom »)

- is the capital of the United Kingdom »)

Great Britain ? ? Wales ? ?

Great Britain






double-decker bus

double-decker bus

London has got 162 interesting places. Here are some of them Interesting  places of London Big Ben

London has got 162 interesting places. Here are some of them

Interesting places of London

Big Ben

TRAFALGAR SQUARE The square was originally called Charing. Later it became known as Charing Cross, after a memorial cross on the square. The nearby underground station - is still named Charing Cross.


The square was originally called Charing. Later it became known as Charing Cross, after a memorial cross on the square. The nearby underground station - is still named Charing Cross.

TRAFALGAR SQUARE The new design for a large square was done by the architect Sir Charles Barry, who is best known for his Houses of Parliament.


The new design for a large square was done by the architect Sir Charles Barry, who is best known for his Houses of Parliament.

TRAFALGAR SQUARE In the center of the square there is the tall Nelson's Column.It was built to commemorate the victory of Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson over the French fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar on the 21st of October 1805. Nelson was fatally wounded during that famous battle off the Spanish coast


In the center of the square there is the tall Nelson's Column.It was built to commemorate the victory of Admiral Horatio Lord Nelson over the French fleet at the Battle of Trafalgar on the 21st of October 1805. Nelson was fatally wounded during that famous battle off the Spanish coast



BUCKINGHAM PALACE  Buckingham Palace is the Queen's official and main royal London home. It has been the official London residence of Britain's monarchy since 1837. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live there.


Buckingham Palace is the Queen's official and main royal London home. It has been the official London residence of Britain's monarchy since 1837. Queen Victoria was the first monarch to live there.

A flag on the Palace means that the Queen is at home. The Queen has other homes too including Windsor Castle and Balmoral in Scotland.

A flag on the Palace means that the Queen is at home.

The Queen has other homes too including Windsor Castle and

Balmoral in Scotland.

CHANGING OF THE GUARD Changing of the Guard is a colorful ceremony when a new guard exchanges duty with the old guard. It lasts 30 minutes.   The Guard at Buckingham Palace is called The Queen’s Guard and is devided into two divisions: the Buckingham Palace Division and the St. James’s Palace Division.


Changing of the Guard is a colorful ceremony when a new guard exchanges duty with the old guard. It lasts 30 minutes.

The Guard at Buckingham Palace is called The Queen’s Guard and is devided into two divisions: the Buckingham Palace Division and the St. James’s Palace Division.

BIG BEN  The Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster is named Saint Stephen's Tower. It is known as the Big Ben. The tower is one of London's most famous landmarks.


The Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster is named Saint Stephen's Tower. It is known as the Big Ben. The tower is one of London's most famous landmarks.

BIG BEN The clock inside the tower was the world's largest when it was put in the middle of the 19th century. The name Big Ben refers to the clock's hour bell, the largest of the clock's five bells.   The clock was the largest in the world and is still the largest in Great-Britain. The clock faces have a diameter of almost 25ft (7.5m).


The clock inside the tower was the world's largest when it was put in the middle of the 19th century. The name Big Ben refers to the clock's hour bell, the largest of the clock's five bells.

The clock was the largest in the world and is still the largest in Great-Britain. The clock faces have a diameter of almost 25ft (7.5m).

ST.PAUL’S CATHEDRAL St. Paul's Cathedral has had an eventful history. Five different churches were built at this site. The first church of the apostle Paul, dates back to 604 AD when King Ethelbert of Kent built a wooden church. At the end of the 7th century, the church was built in stone by Erkenwald, Bishop of London.


St. Paul's Cathedral has had an eventful history. Five different churches were built at this site. The first church of the apostle Paul, dates back to 604 AD when King Ethelbert of Kent built a wooden church. At the end of the 7th century, the church was built in stone by Erkenwald, Bishop of London.

ST.PAUL’S CATHEDRAL In 962 and again in 1087, the cathedral was destroyed by fire, but each time it was rebuilt. By that time, it had become one of the largest cathedrals in Europe. The dome is 111 meters (366 ft) high and 66,000 ton in weight . Eight arches support the dome. On top of the dome is a large lantern . The architect of the present cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren.


In 962 and again in 1087, the cathedral was destroyed by fire, but each time it was rebuilt. By that time, it had become one of the largest cathedrals in Europe. The dome is 111 meters (366 ft) high and 66,000 ton in weight . Eight arches support the dome. On top of the dome is a large lantern . The architect of the present cathedral is Sir Christopher Wren.

The Houses of Parliament

The Houses of Parliament

PICCADILLY CIRCUS The name 'Piccadilly' originates from a 17th century frilled collar named piccalilli. Roger Baker, a tailor who became rich making piccadils lived in the area. The word 'Circus' refers to the round square.


The name 'Piccadilly' originates from a 17th century frilled collar named piccalilli. Roger Baker, a tailor who became rich making piccadils lived in the area. The word 'Circus' refers to the round square.

PICCADILLY CIRCUS In 1880-ies the square became a busy traffic junction. This made Piccadilly Circus attractive for advertisers, who installed London's first illuminated billboards here in 1895.  For some time the square was surrounded by billboards, creating London's version of Times Square, but currently only one building still carries large displays.


In 1880-ies the square became a busy traffic junction. This made Piccadilly Circus attractive for advertisers, who installed London's first illuminated billboards here in 1895.

For some time the square was surrounded by billboards, creating London's version of Times Square, but currently only one building still carries large displays.

THE TOWER OF LONDON The Tower of London was originally built by William the Conqueror in 1066. It is a very big castle. It is the oldest place in London. It was a castle, a zoo, a prison and a museum.


The Tower of London was originally built by William the Conqueror in 1066.

It is a very big castle. It is the oldest place in London. It was a castle, a zoo, a prison and a museum.

THE TOWER OF LONDON The Tower of London is closely associated with many important events in English history.  Many notable people lost their head here.  The most famous things in the Tower of London are the Crown Jewels. They have the biggest diamond in the world – the «Star of Africa».


The Tower of London is closely associated with many important events in English history.

Many notable people lost their head here.

The most famous things

in the Tower of London

are the Crown Jewels.

They have the biggest

diamond in the world –

the «Star of Africa».

Parks of London

Parks of London

Hyde Park

Hyde Park

It is famous for its outdoor activities

It is famous for its outdoor activities

St. James's Park

St. James's Park

It is very beautiful with its green trees and colourful flowers and the view of Buckingham Palace

It is very beautiful with its green trees and colourful flowers and the view of Buckingham Palace

Kensington Gardens

Kensington Gardens

In the Garden you can see the statue of famous fairytale hero.

In the Garden you can see the statue of famous fairytale hero.

Regent's Park

Regent's Park

There you will find a rose garden, several children’s playgrounds,  a lake and a theatre.

There you will find a rose garden, several children’s playgrounds, a lake and a theatre.

THE TOWER BRIDGE The Tower bridge was designed by Horace Jones and built in 1894. Nearly 450 workers were involved in the construction of the 265 meter long bridge. At the time many people disliked its Victorian Gothic design, but over time the bridge became one of London's most famous symbols.


The Tower bridge was designed by Horace Jones and built in 1894. Nearly 450 workers were involved in the construction of the 265 meter long bridge. At the time many people disliked its Victorian Gothic design, but over time the bridge became one of London's most famous symbols.

THE TOWER BRIDGE Taking photographs of the Tower bridge is a favorite London tourist activity, but you can also go inside the bridge, where you'll have a magnificent view over London from the walkway between the two bridge towers. The 2012 Olympic rings are pictured on Tower Bridge in central London.


  • Taking photographs of the Tower bridge is a favorite London tourist activity, but you can also go inside the bridge, where you'll have a magnificent view over London from the walkway between the two bridge towers. The 2012 Olympic rings are pictured on Tower Bridge in central London.

London Eye It can help you to see all London

London Eye

It can help you to see all London

Thank you for the lesson

Thank you for the lesson

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Лондон (презентация)

Автор: Савченко Елена Викторовна

Дата: 21.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 308184

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