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"Кировский и его достопримечательности"

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«"Кировский и его достопримечательности"»

Kirovsky and its places of interest

Kirovsky and its places of interest

Match the proverbs

Match the proverbs

  • East or West, home is best.
  • There is no place like home.
  • My house is my castle.
  • Every bird likes its own nest.
  • Мой дом — моя крепость.
  • Всякая птица своё гнездо любит.
  • Нет ничего лучше родного дома.
  • В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.
The history of Kirovsky goes back to 1891. The settlers from the Ukraine liked the place near the river and built their first houses there. Then it was a small village with narrow streets and wooden houses. People called the village Romanovka and later Uspenka.

The history of Kirovsky goes back to 1891. The settlers from the Ukraine liked the place near the river and built their first houses there. Then it was a small village with narrow streets and wooden houses. People called the village Romanovka and later Uspenka.

In 1939 the village was renamed Kirovka after S.M. Kirov.

In 1939 the village was renamed Kirovka after S.M. Kirov.

Since that time the village has changed greatly and turned into a small town. Now its name is Kirovsky. It is an administrative centre of Kirovsky District.

Since that time the village has changed greatly and turned into a small town. Now its name is Kirovsky. It is an administrative centre of Kirovsky District.

Put these sentences in the correct order Read and translate them:  In 1939 the village was renamed Kirovka after S.M.Kirov. The settlers from the Ukraine liked the place near the river and built first houses there. Now its name is Kirovsky. The history of Kirovsky goes back to 1891. People called the village Romanovka and later Uspenka.

Put these sentences in the correct order

Read and translate them:

  • In 1939 the village was renamed Kirovka after S.M.Kirov.
  • The settlers from the Ukraine liked the place near the river and built first houses there.
  • Now its name is Kirovsky.
  • The history of Kirovsky goes back to 1891.
  • People called the village Romanovka and later Uspenka.

Lenin Street The main street of our town is Lenin Street. Beautiful fir trees are on its sides. There are some monuments in Lenin Street.

Lenin Street

The main street of our town is Lenin Street. Beautiful fir trees are on its sides. There are some monuments in Lenin Street.

The Monument to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War The monument was opened in May, 1970. On Victory Day people of our town gather here to honour the memory of those who perished during the Great Patriotic War.

The Monument to the Heroes of the Great Patriotic War

The monument was opened in May, 1970. On Victory Day people of our town gather here to honour the memory of those who perished during the Great Patriotic War.

The Tank-Memorial to Mikheev Brothers The names of 9 Brothers from Podgornoye became famous all over the country. During the Great Patriotic War the brothers fought in tanks-34 and shot down about 200 enemy tanks and weapons. This monument was opened in May,2005.

The Tank-Memorial to Mikheev Brothers

The names of 9 Brothers from Podgornoye became famous all over the country. During the Great Patriotic War the brothers fought in tanks-34 and shot down about 200 enemy tanks and weapons. This monument was opened in May,2005.

The Monument to Partisans of the Civil War This monument is set up in memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for Soviet power in Primorye during the Civil War in 1918-1922. The monument was opened in 1960.

The Monument to Partisans of the Civil War

This monument is set up in memory of those who gave their lives in the struggle for Soviet power in Primorye during the Civil War in 1918-1922. The monument was opened in 1960.

The Monument to V.I.Lenin This monument is also situated in Lenin Street. It was set in 1959.

The Monument to V.I.Lenin

This monument is also situated in Lenin Street. It was set in 1959.

The Monument to S.M.Kirov In the centre of Kirovsky we can see a nice square with a monument to S.M.Kirov. The monument was set up in 1978.

The Monument to S.M.Kirov

In the centre of Kirovsky we can see a nice square with a monument to S.M.Kirov. The monument was set up in 1978.

The Public Museum after V.M. Malayev. The museum was opened in May, 1985. It contains exhibits telling about the history of our town. The museum is surrounded by beautiful fir trees planted by war veterans. On the 9th of May the museum bell rings the number of years gone by since the Victory Day.

The Public Museum after V.M. Malayev.

The museum was opened in May, 1985. It contains exhibits telling about the history of our town. The museum is surrounded by beautiful fir trees planted by war veterans. On the 9th of May the museum bell rings the number of years gone by since the Victory Day.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Кировский и его достопримечательности"

Автор: Хенина Елена Викторовна

Дата: 05.02.2020

Номер свидетельства: 538453

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