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" Kazakhstan"

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Theme:" Kazakhstan". I have chosen this theme because I have interested in it. I think that our kazakh land is so beautiful that I can not explain them with the word. Kazakhstan is beautiful with its mauntains,rivers,lakes,cities,  For example I have never been to Astana.So I get more information about Astana.

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«" Kazakhstan"»

Kazakhstan is a big country. Its total area is 1,049,200 sq miles.    Kazakhstan is a big country. Its total area is 1,049,200 sq miles.

Kazakhstan is a big country. Its total area is 1,049,200 sq miles.

Kazakhstan is a big country. Its total area is 1,049,200 sq miles.

A terrific view on Almaty

A terrific view on Almaty

Fairylike mountains, rivers and lakes surround the Southern Capital

Fairylike mountains, rivers and lakes surround the Southern Capital

Charyn Canyon is a fantastic tour destination

Charyn Canyon is a fantastic tour destination

It can compete with the World Famous Grand Canyon

It can compete with

the World Famous Grand Canyon

Great statues created by erosion charm your body and soul

Great statues created by erosion charm your body and soul

Kazakhstanian Lakes

Kazakhstanian Lakes

Khan Tengri Mountain (22,949 ft)

Khan Tengri Mountain (22,949 ft)

Landscapes vary greatly

Landscapes vary greatly

There  are a lot of steppes in Kazakhstan

There are a lot of steppes in Kazakhstan

There also are semi-deserts and deserts

There also are semi-deserts and deserts

Be careful! Camels on the road!

Be careful! Camels on the road!

The natural landscapes vary from the North to the South

The natural landscapes vary from the North to the South

Winter is a freezing cold time in the North of the country

Winter is a freezing cold time in the North of the country

A beautiful resort area near  Okjetpes mountain

A beautiful resort area near Okjetpes mountain

Bayanaul National Park  is one of the  most picturesque places in the country

Bayanaul National Park is one of the most picturesque places in the country

Medeu Sports Complex

Medeu Sports Complex

A  famous skating rink high in the mountains close to Almaty

A famous skating rink high in the mountains close to Almaty

Hotel Kazakhstan in Almaty

Hotel Kazakhstan in Almaty

Eifel Tower in the center of Almaty

Eifel Tower in the center of Almaty

Baiterek in Astana is a new symbol of the young state

Baiterek in Astana is a new symbol of the young state

Building a brand new city on the banks of the Ishim River

Building a brand new city on the banks of the Ishim River

Business towers and blocks of apartments rise quickly from the ground

Business towers and blocks of apartments rise quickly from the ground

Kazakhstan is striving for a better future  in all the life spheres

Kazakhstan is striving for a better future in all the life spheres

Religious Diversity in Kazakhstan

Religious Diversity in Kazakhstan

Both Mosques and Christian Churches are granted attention of the state

Both Mosques and Christian Churches are granted attention of the state

There is quite a number of Catholic Churches and Shelters

There is quite a number of Catholic Churches and Shelters

This group represent all Catholic priests serving in Kazakhstan

This group represent all Catholic priests serving in Kazakhstan

New synagogue in Astana, the only one built in recent memory in a predominantly Muslim nation. Kazakhstan is proud of its religious tolerance.

New synagogue in Astana, the only one built in recent memory in a predominantly Muslim nation. Kazakhstan is proud of its religious tolerance.

There are beautiful historic and historical buildings and places all over the country

There are beautiful historic and historical

buildings and places all over the country

Kozha Akhmet Y asayi Maus o leum

Kozha Akhmet Y asayi Maus o leum

The ruins of an ancient city Otrar

The ruins of an ancient city Otrar

World-wide-known petroglyphs are located in Kazakhstan

World-wide-known petroglyphs are located in Kazakhstan

The Southern Kazakhstan is well-known for apples which are grown there

The Southern Kazakhstan is well-known for apples which are grown there

National Kazakh Dastarkhan is  a tribute to the traditional hospitality

National Kazakh Dastarkhan is a tribute to the traditional hospitality

Banknotes of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Banknotes of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Kazakh national dress

Kazakh national dress

Constructing a Yurt

Constructing a Yurt

Traditional  Hunting

Traditional Hunting

Kazakh Game Kokpar

Kazakh Game Kokpar

Traditions bind the past with the present and future

Traditions bind the past with the present and future

Villages in Kazakhstan

Villages in Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan is rich in various resources. Especially agricultural.

Kazakhstan is rich in various resources. Especially agricultural.

Nursultan Nazarbayev is President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Nursultan Nazarbayev is President

of the Republic of Kazakhstan

April 2010

April 2010

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

" Kazakhstan"

Автор: Дарибаева Гулмира Юлдашбаевна

Дата: 14.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 305512

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    ["seo_title"] => string(12) "kazakhstan-1"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "166295"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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    ["date"] => string(10) "1422946922"
object(ArrayObject)#887 (1) {
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object(ArrayObject)#865 (1) {
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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
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object(ArrayObject)#865 (1) {
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    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
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