Progress check
Part I
Задание I. Послушай четыре рассказа юных путешественников. Установи соответствие между рассказом каждого говорящего и названием его увлечения. В задании дано одно лишнее название. Ты услышишь каждый рассказ дважды. Занеси свои ответы в таблицу.
Learning a language
Doing sport
Speaker 1 | Speaker 2 | Speaker 3 | Speaker 4 |
| | | |
Задание 2. Послушай разговор Эндрю и Джессики. Отметь картинки, которые соответствуют рассказу Джессики. Ты услышишь разговор дважды.
A. In Wales, Jessica liked ... most of all.

В. In Scotland, Jessica and her friends...
С. Jessica thought that Northern Ireland is a nice place for people who like.
D. In the evening in England, Jessica and her friends…
Прочитай текст и выполни задания 3, 4, 5.
Great Britain
May, 17th
Dear Katie,
I am writing to you from an ancient castle on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean. This castle is in the west of Great Britain, in a place, which is called “Cornwall”. It is different from the other parts of England. You won’t find any national parks or royal palaces here.
Cornwall has been always famous for its fish. Yesterday, I visited an old fishing village called “Mousehole”, which has got its own legend. Once upon a time, there was a terrible storm in the ocean which lasted for many days and just wouldn’t stop. Huge waves destroyed the village and its boats. Local people were dying from the cold and hunger.
But one smart cat changed everything. An old fisherman tried to catch some fish for the village and the cat went with his old master. When they got into his boat the cat started purring' to the ocean. The ocean liked it very much and the storm stopped. The old fisherman and the cat caught lots of fish so they saved the people of the village. The people were happy and made a tasty pie with a whole fish. It is called “Stargazy Pie”.
Cornwall is a great place for tourists; it is rich in sandy beaches, the ocean is quite warm and the rocks are beautiful. There is a lot of sea food in the restaurants and you can explore hidden paths, ride a bike, or go surfing.
like this place very much, but I miss you, too. How are you? I’ve bought a lot of souvenirs for you: nice seashells and a starfish. And, of course, a toy legendary Mousehole cat. I think this place is a real wonder. You should come and see it yourself.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Best wishes, Barney 1 started purring — стал мурлыкать
Задание 3. Выбери правильный ответ на вопрос. Обведи соответствующую букву.
What is this letter about?
A royal castle on the coast.
An old English fishing village.
A place in the west of Britain.
A special whole fish pie.
Задание 4. Закончи предложения, выбрав правильный вариант из предложенных. Обведи соответствующую букву.
According to the legend the storm was stopped thanks to (благодаря)
an old fisherman.
a special fish pie.
a brave mouse.
a cunning cat.
According to the legend, when the heroes returned to the village, people
caught lots of mice for the cat.
made a special fish pie.
built a fish restaurant.
made plenty of toy cats.
Cornwall is worth visiting because there are many
parks and palaces.
old fishing villages.
ancient castles.
beautiful beaches.
Задание 5. Прочитай предложения. Отметь предложения, которые соответствуют тексту,— Т (true), и предложения, которые не соответствуют тексту,— F (false).
In his letter, Barney told his friend a legend about a cat.
Cornwall is rich in green parks and royal palaces.
Tourists come to Cornwall to swim and sunbathe.
Barney has brought a legendary fish pie for his friend.
Задание 6. Прочитай отрывок из письма. Напиши ответ своему другу по переписке. Ответь на его вопросы.
...My family isn’t big. There are four of us: my mum, my dad, my younger sister, Linda, and I. I get on well with my parents, but I often argue with my sister. I have to share a room with her. Linda is only six and she likes to take my things. It makes me crazy, but my mum always defends her. Do you get on well with the members of your family? Have you got any problems? How do you spend your free time?
Please, write me soon.
All the best, Ann
Part II
Задание 7. Выбери одну карточку. Дай устный ответ.
Card 1
Talk about the country of the United Kingdom you would most like to visit. Say:
where it is situated
what its symbols are
what it is famous for
Card 3
Talk about your favourite writer. Say
what country he / she is / was from
which books of his / hers you have read
why you like his / her books
Card 2
Talk about your free time. Say:
whether you have got much free time
how you usually spend your free time
what other activities you would like to try
Задание 8. Разыграй диалог со своим одноклассником. ( стр.127 Dialogue1 или Dialogue 2)