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История пожарной техники с 19 века по 21 век

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 "История пожарной техники с 19 века по 21 век"

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«История пожарной техники с 19 века по 21 век»

State professional educational institution   Pereslavsky College named after A. Nevsky       Theme:   “Fire fighting equipment from antiquity to the present” Pereslavl-Zalessky 2020

State professional educational institution Pereslavsky College named after A. Nevsky Theme: “Fire fighting equipment from antiquity to the present”

Pereslavl-Zalessky 2020

XIX  century May 31, 1804 in Moscow created a professional fire department. It was highly prescribed

XIX century

May 31, 1804 in Moscow created a professional fire department. It was highly prescribed "for the dispatch of night watch and the maintenance of firefighters, to make up a special team of retired soldiers who are incapable of serving the troops ...". By 1812, there were 20 fire departments in the city, in each of which firemen were constantly on duty, as well as horse carts for fire pipes (as manual water pumps were called in those days) and barrels.

Under Tsar Nicholas I, the systematic organization of fire brigades in the Russian Empire began and the widespread construction of fire stations to accommodate fire brigades. During the 19th century, fire-fighting equipment factories were opened in St. Petersburg and Moscow, where fire pumps, folding ladders were produced, and the first fire truck was made. In Russia, one of the best designs of hydrants and standers was created, the first manual foam fire extinguisher was developed and tested. By 1917, Russia had developed a fairly developed system of interaction between government bodies, public organizations and the population, aimed at preventing fires and training in measures to combat fire.

Under Tsar Nicholas I, the systematic organization of fire brigades in the Russian Empire began and the widespread construction of fire stations to accommodate fire brigades. During the 19th century, fire-fighting equipment factories were opened in St. Petersburg and Moscow, where fire pumps, folding ladders were produced, and the first fire truck was made. In Russia, one of the best designs of hydrants and standers was created, the first manual foam fire extinguisher was developed and tested. By 1917, Russia had developed a fairly developed system of interaction between government bodies, public organizations and the population, aimed at preventing fires and training in measures to combat fire.

Hourse-mechanical stairs

Hourse-mechanical stairs

Pipe-barrel  step (hourse)

Pipe-barrel step (hourse)

First fire pomp

First fire pomp

USSR (XX century) The first completely Soviet fire truck was a car pump built in 1926 by the Leningrad Promet plant on the AMO F-15 chassis. It was equipped with a rotary pump with a capacity of 600 l / min, driven by an engine, a three-leg ladder, an attack ladder, pressure hoses, a trench tool and some other equipment.

USSR (XX century)

The first completely Soviet fire truck was a car pump built in 1926 by the Leningrad Promet plant on the AMO F-15 chassis. It was equipped with a rotary pump with a capacity of 600 l / min, driven by an engine, a three-leg ladder, an attack ladder, pressure hoses, a trench tool and some other equipment.

AMO F-15

AMO F-15

Even before the war, in 1936, the Moscow Fire Engine Plant began production of PMZ-2 tankers on the chassis of a ZIS-5 truck. Such a car transported up to 1,500 liters of water and a combat crew of six people, some of which went on a bench behind the cab. The machine proved its usefulness, so over time colleagues from other cities followed the example of the capital's fire fighters - if they could not get the factory tank, they were made in artisanal conditions.

Even before the war, in 1936, the Moscow Fire Engine Plant began production of PMZ-2 tankers on the chassis of a ZIS-5 truck. Such a car transported up to 1,500 liters of water and a combat crew of six people, some of which went on a bench behind the cab. The machine proved its usefulness, so over time colleagues from other cities followed the example of the capital's fire fighters - if they could not get the factory tank, they were made in artisanal conditions.



Russia (XXI  century) AC 3.2-40 / 4 on the KAMAZ 43253 chassis is intended for delivery of personnel, fire extinguishing means, fire-technical weapons and rescue tools to the place of fire.

Russia (XXI century)

AC 3.2-40 / 4 on the KAMAZ 43253 chassis is intended for delivery of personnel, fire extinguishing means, fire-technical weapons and rescue tools to the place of fire.

AC 3.2-40 / 4 on the KAMAZ 43253

AC 3.2-40 / 4 on the KAMAZ 43253

Thanks for watching!

Thanks for watching!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

История пожарной техники с 19 века по 21 век

Автор: Черненко Наталья Михайловна

Дата: 17.01.2020

Номер свидетельства: 536189

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