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Industry in Uzbekistan

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«Industry in Uzbekistan»

EFL teacher of  Secondary School № 23,  NAMANGAN DISTRICT   RAKHIMOVA HURSANOY  .

EFL teacher of Secondary School № 23, NAMANGAN DISTRICT RAKHIMOVA HURSANOY .

Form-9 Unit-8 Lesson-4  Theme:  Industry in Uzbekistan

Form-9 Unit-8 Lesson-4


Industry in Uzbekistan



Practice Match the products and the manufacturing  industry which makes them.


Match the products and the manufacturing

industry which makes them.

  • Clothes a) agro-chemical industry
  • Cars b) machine engineering industry
  • Cotton picking machines c) textile industry
  • Airplanes d) car manufacturing
  • Fertilizer e) aircraft industry
Let’s check answers Clothes - textile industry Cars - car manufacturing Cotton picking machines - machine engineering  industry  4. Airplanes - aircraft industry 5. Fertilizer - agro-chemical industry

Let’s check answers

  • Clothes - textile industry
  • Cars - car manufacturing
  • Cotton picking machines - machine engineering


4. Airplanes - aircraft industry

5. Fertilizer - agro-chemical industry

Work in pairs. Look and answer the questions. 1. These are different sources of energy.  Can you add any more? 2. What is the most important source of  energy in your place? 3. What are the most important sources of  energy in Uzbekistan and in the world?

Work in pairs. Look and answer the questions.

1. These are different sources of energy.

Can you add any more?

2. What is the most important source of

energy in your place?

3. What are the most important sources of

energy in Uzbekistan and in the world?



  • Work in groups and use mind mapping on the given question.
  • What are the main kinds of industry?
  • What do Uzbek industries produce?
  • What does Uzbekistan import and export?
  • How do Uzbekistan’s products rate on the world market?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Industry in Uzbekistan


Дата: 21.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 547403

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