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Игра "Кто хочет стать чемпионом?"

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Игра джепарди «Кто хочет стать чемпионом?»

Данная игра может быть использована в качестве материала для повторения по темам «Лондон», Путешествия Колумба», «Америка», «Россия», а также грамматического материала по темам «Прошедшее простое время», «Настоящее совершенное время» в конце учебного года в 4 классе по УМК «Английский язык», И.Н.Верещагина, О.В.Афанасьева


  • London
  • Columbus’ voyages
  • America
  • Russia
  • Grammar


  • Rose How did the Romans call London?
  • Bronze medal Why was the London bridge a special place?
  • Silver medal  Why did the Great London Fire happen?
  • Gold medal  Name the sights of London.  (Buckingham Palace, the houses of Parliament, Westminster Abby, Trafalgar Square, the Tower Bridge, St Paul’s Cathedral, the Tower of London)

Columbus’s voyages

  • Rose  Where was Christopher Columbus born?
  • Bronze medal  When did Columbus discover America?
  • Silver medal  How did Columbus discover America?
  • Gold medal  Columbus landed on mainland of North America many times, didn’t he?


  • Rose  How many colonies were there in America in 1776?
  • Bronze medal  When does the USA celebrate its birthday?
  • Silver medal  What is Washington D.C.?
  • Gold medal  What do you know about the Statue of Liberty?


  • Rose  What symbols of Russia do you know?
  • Bronze medal  Why did Russia win the victory in the war of 1812?
  • Silver medal  Moscow has been the capital of Russia since 1147, hasn’t it?
  • Gold medal  Why are the Russians proud of their Motherland?


  • Rose  Where is Bob? – I don’t know. He (to go) out and he’ll be back soon. (has gone)
  • Bronze medal  They are still building the house. They (not to finish) it. (have not finished)
  • Silver medal  I don’t know where Ann is. You (to see) her? (Have you seen her?)
  • Gold medal  When I (to get) home last night, I (to be) very tied and (to go) straight to bed. (got, was, went)
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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Игра "Кто хочет стать чемпионом?" »

London Russia Grammar Columbus’ voyages America




Columbus’ voyages


Rose How did the Romans call London?


How did the Romans call London?

Bronze medal Why was the London bridge a special place?

Bronze medal

Why was the London bridge a special place?

Silver medal Why did the Great London Fire happen?

Silver medal

Why did the Great London Fire happen?

Gold medal  Name the sights of London:

Gold medal

Name the sights of London:

Rose Where was Christopher Columbus born?


Where was Christopher Columbus born?

Bronze medal When did Columbus discover America?

Bronze medal

When did Columbus discover America?

Silver medal How did Columbus discover America?

Silver medal

How did Columbus discover America?

Gold medal Columbus landed on mainland of North America many times, didn’t he?

Gold medal

Columbus landed on mainland of North America many times, didn’t he?

Rose How many colonies were there in America in 1776?


How many colonies were there in America in 1776?

Bronze medal When does the USA celebrate its birthday?

Bronze medal

When does the USA celebrate its birthday?

Silver medal What is Washington D.C.?

Silver medal

What is Washington D.C.?

Gold medal What do you know about the Statue of Liberty?

Gold medal

What do you know about the Statue of Liberty?

Rose What symbols of Russia do you know?


What symbols of Russia do you know?

Bronze medal Why did Russia win the victory in the war of 1812?

Bronze medal

Why did Russia win the victory in the war of 1812?

Silver medal Moscow has been the capital of Russia since 1147, hasn’t it?

Silver medal

Moscow has been the capital of Russia since 1147, hasn’t it?

Gold medal Why are the Russians proud of their Motherland?

Gold medal

Why are the Russians proud of their Motherland?

Rose Where is Bob? – I don’t know. He (to go) out and he’ll be back soon.  has gone


Where is Bob? – I don’t know. He (to go) out and he’ll be back soon.

has gone

Bronze medal They are still building the house. They (not to finish) it.  have not finished

Bronze medal

They are still building the house.

They (not to finish) it.

have not finished

Have you seen her?  Silver medal I don’t know where Ann is. You (to see) her?

Have you seen her?

Silver medal

I don’t know where Ann is. You (to see) her?

Gold medal When I (to get) home last night, I (to be) very tied and (to go) straight to bed.  got  was  went

Gold medal

When I (to get) home last night, I (to be) very tied and (to go) straight to bed.




Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс

Игра "Кто хочет стать чемпионом?"

Автор: Белякова Ирина Алексеевна

Дата: 12.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 200418

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