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Healthy Way of life

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«Healthy Way of life»

Ж.Досмұхамедов атындағы педагогикалық колледжі Healthy Way of Life. Sport. Оқытушы: Амандыкова. Г.Н Орал 2016

Ж.Досмұхамедов атындағы педагогикалық колледжі

Healthy Way of Life. Sport.

Оқытушы: Амандыкова. Г.Н

Орал 2016

Тобы : 4 аКШИ

Пәні: Шетел тілі практикумы

Уақыты: 19.10.1 6

Сабақтың тақырыбы: Sport . Healthy Way of Life

Құзыреттілікке жеткізетін сабақтың мақсат-міндеттері:

А ) ақпараттық құзыреттілік : Тақырыпқа сәйкес материал жинақтау, құрылымдау, алгоритмдеу арқылы меңгерту, шет тілінде спорт түрлері және салауатты өмір салты туралы ақпараттар беру;

Ә) коммуникативтік құзыреттілік : “ Sport . Healthy Way of Life ” т ақырыбы бойынша ауызша және жазбаша қарым-қатынас жасауға үйрету,өз ойын нақты дәлелдеуге дағдыландыру;

Б) проблеманы шешу құзыреттілігі : Күтілетін нәтижеге бағытталған оқушылардың ақыл-ой әрекетін проблеманы шешу арқылы ұйымдастыру .

Сабақтың типі: жаңа тақырыпты енгізу сабағы

Сабақтың әдісі: сөздік, практикалық, ішінара зерттеу әдістері

Сабақта қолданылатын педагогикалық технологиялар: б ілім беруді ізгілендіру, түсіндірмелі ақыл-ой әрекетін сатылап қалыптастыру, АКТ, ұжымдық және топтық оқыту, сыни тұрғысынан ойлауды дамыту .

Пәнаралық байланыс: практикалық грамматика, практикалық фонетика

Оқыту құралдары: компьютер,проектор, үлестірмелі материалдар,

тақырыптық суреттер

Healthy Way of Life. Sport.

Healthy Way of Life. Sport.

Proverbs about health: 1. Early to bed,early to rise  makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise 2. He who has health has hope  He who has hope has everything 3. A sound mind is in a sound body 4. An apple a day keeps a doctor away 5. Lost time never found again 6. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile 7. Sport to the cat is death to the mouse  8. Health is above wealth

Proverbs about health:

1. Early to bed,early to rise

makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise

2. He who has health has hope

He who has hope has everything

3. A sound mind is in a sound body

4. An apple a day keeps a doctor away

5. Lost time never found again

6. After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile

7. Sport to the cat is death to the mouse

8. Health is above wealth

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people.Many people go in for sports. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding. A lot of people do morning exersices,train themselves in different clubs, take part in sport competitions

Sport is very important in our life. It is popular among young and old people.Many people go in for sports. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volleyball, football, bodybuilding. A lot of people do morning exersices,train themselves in different clubs, take part in sport competitions

Swimming  It needs much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. Football
  • Swimming

It needs much energy. It keeps a person in a good form.

  • Football

Football is an active game. The Victory of the team depends on the play of each player. This game develops the feeling of friendship .

Sky surfing Skydiving Ice diving Ice climbing Skiboarding Snowboarding Bungee jumping Base jumping Snow rafting White-water rafting Zorbing
  • Sky surfing
  • Skydiving
  • Ice diving
  • Ice climbing
  • Skiboarding
  • Snowboarding
  • Bungee jumping
  • Base jumping
  • Snow rafting
  • White-water rafting
  • Zorbing
Sport is a very popular activity all over the world .

Sport is a very popular activity all over the world .

First of all sport builds human’s character.

First of all sport builds human’s character.

Sport makes you disciplined

Sport makes you disciplined

Sport helps to work off your extra energy

Sport helps to work off your extra energy

Sport is a honour…

Sport is a honour…

Sport is beautiful…

Sport is beautiful…

Sport is exciting!

Sport is exciting!

BUT!!! Sport may be very dangerous!

BUT!!! Sport may be very dangerous!

Sport takes a lot of time and energy

Sport takes a lot of time and energy

Sport needs only work, work and hard work…

Sport needs only work, work and hard work…

As a result people have broken legs and arms…

As a result people have broken legs and arms…

Many sportspeople use drugs …

Many sportspeople use drugs …

Some groups of fans get drunk and fight with each other

Some groups of fans get drunk

and fight with each other

Sport makes you unhappy when you lose…

Sport makes you unhappy when you lose…

You have no friends, only rivals…

You have no friends, only rivals…

Tasks on Group Work   Many people like sport. But a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Are you good or against sport? Let’s divide in two groups. The 1st group will think and tell us about good sides of sport, another one – about bad sides of sport.   Are good sides or bad sides of Sport more?

Tasks on Group Work Many people like sport. But a great number of people don’t go in for sports. Are you good or against sport? Let’s divide in two groups. The 1st group will think and tell us about good sides of sport, another one – about bad sides of sport. Are good sides or bad sides of Sport more?

Advantages of Sport: it gives you possibility to become famous it gives a chance to see the whole world it helps to earn a lot of money. it gives a chance to find a lot of friends it is a possibility to show how strong you are Sport makes men out of boys Sport builds character. it teaches you to be disciplined it is healthy lifestyle Sport helps to increase self-esteem Sport develops the feeling of patriotism extreme sports help people escape from their problems.

Advantages of Sport:

  • it gives you possibility to become famous
  • it gives a chance to see the whole world
  • it helps to earn a lot of money.
  • it gives a chance to find a lot of friends
  • it is a possibility to show how strong you are
  • Sport makes men out of boys
  • Sport builds character.
  • it teaches you to be disciplined
  • it is healthy lifestyle
  • Sport helps to increase self-esteem
  • Sport develops the feeling of patriotism
  • extreme sports help people escape from their problems.

Disadvantages of Sport:

Disadvantages of Sport:

  • it is associated with tiredness
  • it is bad for health
  • it takes a lot of time
  • you make your relatives and friends be nervous about you
  • it makes you unhappy when you lose
  • sport often makes people selfish and too ambitious
  • if it is professional sport you must work hard
  • it’s silly to do dangerous sports and risk your life or your health. There are already too many dangers in life.
If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport  D i VIDE THE SPORT EVENTS INTO CATEGORIES

If you want to keep fit you must go in for one kind of sport



Make the phrase














Match names and descriptions POPULAR SPORTS 1 . It's the sport of riding a small sort of boat with a sail. a)parachuting b ) basketball 2. It is jumping from an airplane with a parachute. c)mountaineeri ng 3. Tne re are two teams . Each team tried to throw the ball into the other team’s basket and at the same time tried to keep his basket. d)windsurfing e) cricket Key: 1 - d) 2 - a ) 3 - b ) 4 - c ) 5 - e ) 4. It is the sport of climbing mountains 5. It is a very long and slow game. International matches can last for 5 days.

Match names and descriptions


1 . It's the sport of riding a small sort of boat with a sail.


b ) basketball

2. It is jumping from an airplane with a parachute.

c)mountaineeri ng

3. Tne re are two teams . Each team tried to throw the ball into the other team’s basket and at the same time tried to keep his basket.


e) cricket


1 - d)

2 - a )

3 - b )

4 - c )

5 - e )

4. It is the sport of climbing mountains

5. It is a very long and slow game. International matches can last for 5 days.

BALL GAMES SPORT DONE TO MUSIC INDIVIDUAL GAMES EXTREME SPORT D i VIDE THE SPORT EVENTS INTO CATEGORIES skating judo mountain biking swimming snowboarding  jumping windsurfing horse-riding skiing karate windsurfing diving SPORTS ice hockey fitness basketball football baseball baseball aerobics basketball football badmington rugby volleyball volleyball figure-skating








mountain biking











ice hockey














O ur physical training lessons  People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volley-ball, football, etc.   Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges .  Practically all kinds of sports are popular in our country, but boxing, wrestling and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity.  In winter our physical training lessons are held out-of-doors. We go skiing . When it is cold outside P.T. lessons are held indoors, in our college gymnasium.

O ur physical training lessons People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. It unites people of different classes and nationalities. Many people do sports on their personal initiative. They go in for skiing, skating, table tennis, swimming, volley-ball, football, etc. Sport is paid much attention to in our educational establishments. Physical culture is a compulsory subject at schools and colleges . Practically all kinds of sports are popular in our country, but boxing, wrestling and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity. In winter our physical training lessons are held out-of-doors. We go skiing . When it is cold outside P.T. lessons are held indoors, in our college gymnasium.

We play different team-games such as basket-ball or volleyball. Besides we have some training in gymnastics. Our college has a sports day once a year . On this day we have no lessons. We take part in all competitions.  This day is a great success every year. Even if the weather is not warm, we enjoy ourselves.

We play different team-games such as basket-ball or volleyball. Besides we have some training in gymnastics. Our college has a sports day once a year . On this day we have no lessons. We take part in all competitions. This day is a great success every year. Even if the weather is not warm, we enjoy ourselves.

It is necessary to go in for sports, but you should to choose certain kinds. It’s silly to do dangerous sports and risk your life or your health. There are already too many dangers in life.
  • It is necessary to go in for sports, but you should to choose certain kinds. It’s silly to do dangerous sports and risk your life or your health. There are already too many dangers in life.
Health is defined as absence of disease and this working definition is accepted by most citizens and even doctors, whose task is to repair human biological machine when it breaks down.

Health is defined as absence of disease and this working definition is accepted by most citizens and even doctors, whose task is to repair human biological machine when it breaks down.

Live with pleasure! Enjoy your healthy way of life! Avoid stresses,  drugs, drinking and smoking Eat healthy food Important reasons of healthy life Personal care Be close to nature, walking in the air Do sport or regular physical exercises Sleep enough Don’t work on a computer and don’t watch TV too long

Live with pleasure! Enjoy your healthy way of life!

Avoid stresses, drugs,

drinking and smoking

Eat healthy food

Important reasons of healthy life

Personal care

Be close to nature,

walking in the air

Do sport or regular physical exercises

Sleep enough

Don’t work on a computer

and don’t watch TV too long

Everyone wants to have good health, a beautiful body, but not everyone can do it. There is a very important factor that can interfere in this task – these are bad habits. The main bad habits of people are drinking, smoking and drug addiction. In the presence of any of these habits one can say that a person is not an ideal health.  A common habit is alcohol. Alcohol will destroy the human body, disrupt his mental activities, physical and emotional state, will lead to rapid aging of the organism.

Everyone wants to have good health, a beautiful body, but not everyone can do it. There is a very important factor that can interfere in this task – these are bad habits. The main bad habits of people are drinking, smoking and drug addiction. In the presence of any of these habits one can say that a person is not an ideal health. A common habit is alcohol. Alcohol will destroy the human body, disrupt his mental activities, physical and emotional state, will lead to rapid aging of the organism.

Another problem of the society - smoking. But unlike alcohol, smoking causes major damage to the physical activity of human. Smoking contributes to the deterioration of breathlessness, weakness. Smoker has problems with hair, teeth and skin. All this passion can end the terrible cancer. Smoking is against to healthy lifestyles.  The most difficult problem of society is drug abuse. The person with addiction to drugs, have just flawed either physically or mentally. Drugs for a very short period of time can change a person beyond recognition for the worse. Most freaky life ends in death.
  • Another problem of the society - smoking. But unlike alcohol, smoking causes major damage to the physical activity of human. Smoking contributes to the deterioration of breathlessness, weakness. Smoker has problems with hair, teeth and skin. All this passion can end the terrible cancer. Smoking is against to healthy lifestyles. The most difficult problem of society is drug abuse. The person with addiction to drugs, have just flawed either physically or mentally. Drugs for a very short period of time can change a person beyond recognition for the worse. Most freaky life ends in death.
The cause of the bad habits lie in many causes. Today is an open propaganda of unhealthy lifestyles. Smoking, drinking beer and using drugs are now fashionable and honorable, but very few people aware of the dangers that will emerge after some time. Once people understand this, then do something too late, because to abandon these habits are extremely difficult. You should give yourself a word that you can keep yourself in good condition both physically and mentally.
  • The cause of the bad habits lie in many causes. Today is an open propaganda of unhealthy lifestyles. Smoking, drinking beer and using drugs are now fashionable and honorable, but very few people aware of the dangers that will emerge after some time. Once people understand this, then do something too late, because to abandon these habits are extremely difficult. You should give yourself a word that you can keep yourself in good condition both physically and mentally.
Unhealthy food Staying away from unhealthy foods is a must if you want to have better health. When you fill your stomach with unhealthy foods and junky foods, it deprives your body of the essential nutrients it needs for health and strength. Here is a list of some foods that aren’t good fuel for your body. Try to avoid these unhealthy foods whenever you can.

Unhealthy food

Staying away from unhealthy foods is a must if you want to have better health.

When you fill your stomach with unhealthy foods and junky foods, it deprives your body of the essential nutrients it needs for health and strength.

Here is a list of some foods that aren’t good fuel for your body. Try to avoid these unhealthy foods whenever you can.

ARE YOU GOING TO LIVE TO 100?  1) How often do you eat fruit and vegetables? a) Every day; b) Never; c) Two or three times a week.  2) How many do you eat in a day?  a) More than two; b) One or two; c) None.  3) When you have a problem, do you a) forget about it? b) talk to a parent, a teacher or a friend about it? c) wait, and then talk to a friend later?  4) Do you play a sport or go to a dance class a) once a week or more? b) two or three times a month? c) Once a month?  5) When you have free time, do you a) watch TV? b) go to the swimming-pool with friends? c) take serious exercises?  6) Do you live? a) in the town? b) in the country?  7) Do you sleep a) more than eight hours a night? b) less than eight hours a night?  8) Your friends live on the third floor of a block of flats. Do you a) walk up the stairs when you visit them; b) take the lift when you visit them?  9) When you are in a hurry, do you a) still remember to eat good meals? b) miss a meal, but eat a packet of chips or chocolate?  10) Are you going to smoke when you are an adult? a) Yes; b) No.


1) How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?

a) Every day; b) Never; c) Two or three times a week.

2) How many do you eat in a day? a) More than two; b) One or two; c) None.

3) When you have a problem, do you

a) forget about it?

b) talk to a parent, a teacher or a friend about it?

c) wait, and then talk to a friend later?

4) Do you play a sport or go to a dance class

a) once a week or more? b) two or three times a month? c) Once a month?

5) When you have free time, do you

a) watch TV? b) go to the swimming-pool with friends? c) take serious exercises?

6) Do you live?

a) in the town? b) in the country?

7) Do you sleep

a) more than eight hours a night? b) less than eight hours a night?

8) Your friends live on the third floor of a block of flats. Do you

a) walk up the stairs when you visit them; b) take the lift when you visit them?

9) When you are in a hurry, do you

a) still remember to eat good meals? b) miss a meal, but eat a packet of chips or chocolate?

10) Are you going to smoke when you are an adult? a) Yes; b) No.

Now, add up your points and study the analysis. If you follow the given advice, you'll be to get healthy.  a 1. b 3 2. 3. c 0 0 4. 1 1 1 3 3 3 5. 0 2 2 6. 1 2 1 7. 3 3 1 8. 9. 3 1 3 10. 0 0 3  5—12 points: You are not going to live to 100 without food and exercise. You must eat more fruit and  vegetables. You must also take more exercise. It's fun to be fit! 13—24 points: Not bad ... do the same things, but do them more often. Try to eat more fresh vegetables and swim once a week all the year round. 25—30 points: You do all the right things. You're going to live to 100.

Now, add up your points and study the analysis. If you follow the given advice, you'll be to get healthy.






































5—12 points: You are not going to live to 100 without food and exercise. You must eat more fruit and vegetables. You must also take more exercise. It's fun to be fit!

13—24 points: Not bad ... do the same things, but do them more often. Try to eat more fresh vegetables and swim once a week all the year round.

25—30 points: You do all the right things. You're going to live to 100.

1. What is a common habit?  2. Every pupil must do morning …  3. Vitamines contain in fruits and …  4. What may pupil of 5 th form do at 20.00- 7.00?  5. What to develop force, endurance, accuracy and dexterity ?  6 . The main bad … are drinking, smoking and drug addiction . 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. What is a common habit?

2. Every pupil must do morning …

3. Vitamines contain in fruits and …

4. What may pupil of 5 th form do at 20.00- 7.00?

5. What to develop force, endurance, accuracy and dexterity ?

6 . The main bad are drinking, smoking and drug addiction .







1. What should people do to keep healthy?  a) watch TV too long  b) use  drugs, drinking and smoking  c) eat healthy food 2. What is the most difficult problem of society?  a) drug abuse  b) healthy food  c) morning exercises 3. Well-balanced diet is the key to  a) good health  b) bad health  c) problem of the society 4.  Unhealthy food are:  a) fruits, milk, meet  b) donuts, ice cream, sausages  c) vegetables, hot dogs, bread 5.  When does pupil of 2nd form should have dinner?  a) at 15.00-15.30  b) at 14.00-14.30  c) at 13.00-13.30 6.  What does prevent organism from various diseases?  a) work on a computer  b) physical culture  c) stresses 7.  Healthy food are:  a) fruits, milk, vegetables  b) hot dogs, ice cream, sausages  c) soda pop, potato chips, french fries 8. … is absence of disease:  a) Stresses  b) Health  c) Unhealth

1. What should people do to keep healthy?

a) watch TV too long

b) use drugs, drinking and smoking

c) eat healthy food

2. What is the most difficult problem of society?

a) drug abuse

b) healthy food

c) morning exercises

3. Well-balanced diet is the key to

a) good health

b) bad health

c) problem of the society

4. Unhealthy food are:

a) fruits, milk, meet

b) donuts, ice cream, sausages

c) vegetables, hot dogs, bread

5. When does pupil of 2nd form should have dinner?

a) at 15.00-15.30

b) at 14.00-14.30

c) at 13.00-13.30

6. What does prevent organism from various diseases?

a) work on a computer

b) physical culture

c) stresses

7. Healthy food are:

a) fruits, milk, vegetables

b) hot dogs, ice cream, sausages

c) soda pop, potato chips, french fries

8. … is absence of disease:

a) Stresses

b) Health

c) Unhealth

Answers 1. Alcohol. 2. Exercises. 3. Vegetables. 4. Sleep. 5. Sport. 6. Habits. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. b 7. a 8. b


1. Alcohol.

2. Exercises.

3. Vegetables.

4. Sleep.

5. Sport.

6. Habits.

1. c

2. a

3. a

4. b

5. c

6. b

7. a

8. b

Work on pairs Choose one kind of Sport and make a dialogue   Use these facts : name, history, equipment, manner of play, tournaments, and greatest sportsmen.

Work on pairs

  • Choose one kind of Sport and make a dialogue

Use these facts : name, history, equipment, manner of play, tournaments, and greatest sportsmen.

Once there was a wise old man. He could answer any question in the world. Everybody knew about him. One day two boys said, “We’re going to fool that old man. We’ll catch a bird, go to the old man and say, “We are holding something in our hands. Is it alive or is it dead?” If he says, “Dead”, we’ll let the bird fly, and if he says, “Alive”, we’ll kill it.  They caught a bird and they carried it to the old man and they said, “We are holding something in our hands. Is it alive or is it dead?” And the wise old man looked at the young people and smiled. “It’s in your hands”, he said. And at the end of our lesson I want to tell you it’s in your hands to choose or not healthy way of life. But lost time never found again.

Once there was a wise old man. He could answer any question in the world. Everybody knew about him. One day two boys said, “We’re going to fool that old man. We’ll catch a bird, go to the old man and say, “We are holding something in our hands. Is it alive or is it dead?” If he says, “Dead”, we’ll let the bird fly, and if he says, “Alive”, we’ll kill it.

They caught a bird and they carried it to the old man and they said, “We are holding something in our hands. Is it alive or is it dead?” And the wise old man looked at the young people and smiled. “It’s in your hands”, he said.

And at the end of our lesson I want to tell you it’s in your hands to choose or not healthy way of life. But lost time never found again.

Your home task will be to do a project “ My Favourite Sport”. Describe your favourite sport: name, history, equipment, manner of play, tournaments, and greatest sportsmen. I thank everybody for the lesson. You were very active. I hope this lesson was interesting for you and you have known much new and useful information. Your speaking about sport was brilliant. Thank you. This lesson is over. Good bye!

Your home task will be to do a project

“ My Favourite Sport”.

Describe your favourite sport: name, history, equipment, manner of play, tournaments, and greatest sportsmen.

I thank everybody for the lesson. You were very active. I hope this lesson was interesting for you and you have known much new and useful information. Your speaking about sport was brilliant.

Thank you. This lesson is over. Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Healthy Way of life

Автор: Амандыкова Гульнар Набигалиевна

Дата: 12.11.2016

Номер свидетельства: 357998

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  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
    ["title"] => string(126) "План-конспект урока по английскому языку по теме "Healthy way of life" (6 класс)"
    ["seo_title"] => string(80) "plan_konspiekt_uroka_po_anghliiskomu_iazyku_po_tiemie_healthy_way_of_life_6_klas"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "448469"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(12) "planirovanie"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1515421806"
object(ArrayObject)#853 (1) {
  ["storage":"ArrayObject":private] => array(6) {
    ["title"] => string(14) "Healthy foods "
    ["seo_title"] => string(13) "healthy-foods"
    ["file_id"] => string(6) "110407"
    ["category_seo"] => string(15) "angliiskiyYazik"
    ["subcategory_seo"] => string(5) "uroki"
    ["date"] => string(10) "1406012094"

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