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Food, Fun & Celebrations in UK

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Презентация  Food, Fun & Celebrations in UK для 8-9 класса, содержит краткую информацию  о географическом расположении страны, фотографии главных достопримечательностей Великобритании, традиционных праздниках,  национальных блюдах и их рецепты. Подробно  сказано о традиционном празднике "День Матери"как принято его праздновать и какое национальное блюдо  готовят в этот день (маффины и их рецепт).

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«Food, Fun & Celebrations in UK»

Short facts  about England: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland    ○ London is the capital and the largest city of the UK ○ The total area of the UK is 243,610 km2 ○ England's population density is 117 people per sq km ○ Population is 62,041,708 people

Short facts about England:

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland  

London is the capital and the largest city of the UK

The total area of the UK is 243,610 km2

England's population density is 117 people per sq km

Population is 62,041,708 people

Sights What you can see in the United Kingdom


What you can see in the United Kingdom

National British Dishes:    Leek and potato soup  chocolate fudge cake lemon butter biscuits banana and honey bread vegetable jalfrezi crispy duck in pancakes  British people has 3 main meals a day:   

National British Dishes:  

  • Leek and potato soup

chocolate fudge cake

  • lemon butter biscuits
  • banana and honey bread
  • vegetable jalfrezi
  • crispy duck in pancakes

British people has 3 main meals a day:  

  • Breakfast - between 7:00 and 9:00,
  • Lunch - between 12:00 and 1:30 p.m.
  • Dinner (sometimes called Supper) - The main meal. Eaten anytime between 6:30 and 8:00 p.m. (Evening meal)
National holidays:     Holidays and Notable Special Days in Great Britain  Many festivals and holidays in Britain are centuries old. Every town and village in Britain has its own traditions, some involving months of careful planning and preparations of costumes and choreography. 1/03 St David's Day (Wales National Day) 17/03 St. Patrick's Day (Ireland's Special Day) 23/03 St George's Day (England's National Day) 30/11 St Andrew's Day (Scotland's National Day)

National holidays:  

Holidays and Notable Special Days in Great Britain

Many festivals and holidays in Britain are centuries old. Every town and village in Britain has its own traditions, some involving months of careful planning and preparations of costumes and choreography.

1/03 St David's Day

(Wales National Day)

17/03 St. Patrick's Day

(Ireland's Special Day)

23/03 St George's Day

(England's National Day)

30/11 St Andrew's Day

(Scotland's National Day)

Mother's Day in UK  Mothers Day in UK is celebrated with great excitement and verve but it does not fall on the same date as in US. In UK, Mother's Day celebrations takes place on the fourth Sunday in the month of Lent.  So, the date for mothers Day changes every year. This year mothers day would be on 3 April. Mothers Day came to be celebrated in UK in 17th century as Mothering Sunday, much before the custom began in US. On this day children give flowers and bouquets to their mother to express their love for them.

Mother's Day in UK

Mothers Day in UK is celebrated with great excitement and verve but it does not fall on the same date as in US. In UK, Mother's Day celebrations takes place on the fourth Sunday in the month of Lent. So, the date for mothers Day changes every year. This year mothers day would be on 3 April.

Mothers Day came to be celebrated in UK in 17th century as Mothering Sunday, much before the custom began in US. On this day children give flowers and bouquets to their mother to express their love for them.

Our  recipe!    Ingredients:     Sweet muffin for lovely mother!    1/4 cup Vegetable oil 1 3/4 cups Sugar 2 Eggs 1/2 cup Sour Milk  Combine flour, cocoa, salt, baking powder, baking soda, and ground flax. In a large bowl cream margarine, vegetable oil, and sugar together; add eggs and sour milk. Combine flour mixture with liquids. Stir until ingredients are just mixed. Add zucchini. Place paper muffin cups into muffin tins. Fill cups 1/2 to 2/3 full of batter. Sprinkle tops with flaxseed meal. Bake at 350 for 18 min.

Our recipe!  


Sweet muffin for lovely mother!  

  • 1/4 cup Vegetable oil
  • 1 3/4 cups Sugar
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1/2 cup Sour Milk

Combine flour, cocoa, salt, baking powder, baking soda, and ground flax. In a large bowl cream margarine, vegetable oil, and sugar together; add eggs and sour milk. Combine flour mixture with liquids. Stir until ingredients are just mixed. Add zucchini. Place paper muffin cups into muffin tins. Fill cups 1/2 to 2/3 full of batter. Sprinkle tops with flaxseed meal. Bake at 350 for 18 min.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Food, Fun & Celebrations in UK

Автор: Егжанова Ольга Викторовна

Дата: 09.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 250517

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