Данная работа посвящена эпонимии. Эпонимы являются специфичным пластом словарного запаса языка. Они отражают культуру народа, его историю, могут многое рассказать нам о национальном характере.Объектом исследования данной работы является научная литература о современном эпонимическом процессе.Цель исследования – способы перехода имен собственных в имена нарицательные
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«Эпонимы в современном английском языке»
Eponymy in the English language
New words come into English in many different ways
from other languages;
some are invented;
some come from proper names.
The object of the paper is the research of scientific literature on modern eponymous processes.
The aim of the paper is to explore the ways of transition of proper names into common nouns.
Practical importance: it can help English learners to find out more about the origin of English words and to enrich their lexicon.
The word “eponymy” came into English about 1860-1865 from the Greek “epōnymía”
Eponym is a person or thing, whether real or fictional, after which a particular place, tribe, discovery, or other item is named or thought to be named.
Ways of eponym formation
Simple eponyms
Possessive constructions
Abraham Lincoln’s Rumination
Compounds and attributive constructions
Alfredo sauce (named for Alfredo di Lelio, an Italian cook)
Casper(program Caspersky,)
Suffix -based derivatives
Leninism, Marxism
Donor areas for the creation of eponyms
First/middle names
Last names
Unreal, virtual, literary characters
Mythological and religious characters
Place names
Lifeless objects having proper names (chrematonyms)
Brand names
Classification of Eponyms
Horse racing
Food & drinks
Eponyms derived from characters in fiction, mythology
Human qualities
Named for Fitzroy James Henry Somerset, 1st Baron Raglan who was minus an arm. The special type of sleeve made his jacket fit better
Stetson- a cowboy hat
2.Food & drinks
Bloody Mary
(after the nickname of Mary I,Queen of England,notorious for persecution of Protestants. )
Caesar Salad
The phrase derives from the Italian-American restaurateur and chef Caesar Cardini. He is credited with having created the Caesar salad which became fashionable among Hollywood and other celebrities.
3. Human qualities
"fine-mannered libertine" [Century Dictionary],
from the name of the hero of Richardson's "Clarissa Harlowe" (1748).
(from Patrick Hooligan, a rowdy fictional Irishman who travelled to England and became a criminal.)
4.Eponyms in science
Diesel(from Rudolf Diesel )
Amp and Ampere
5.Eponyms derived from characters in fiction, mythology, or geographical locations
Panacea, hygeia — the Roman god of medicine
the word panacea came to mean a cure-all, a universal medicine or remedy.
Phaeton is an open four-wheeled carriage drawn by a pair of horses and designed to accommodate two persons plus a driver .
The name for these means of transportation was taken from the name Phaeton, the son of Helios, god of the sun.
6.Horse racing
Do you know any eponyms which came into Russian from other languages?
The name comes from John Sandwich who was known for his love of gambling. He spent 24 hours at the gaming table, eating only meat between slices of bread
After Charles C. Boycott, an English land agent in County Mayo, Ireland, ostracized in 1880 for refusing to reduce rents .
The wireless protocol named for Viking King, Harald Blatand (c. 910-987) whose name translates to bluetooth.
Eponymy is one of the productive ways of word formation in the English language .
Various types of proper names are able to turn into eponyms
• Structurally and semantically eponyms differ.
Donor areas for the creation of eponyms are various