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Effective Teaching and Learning

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«Effective Teaching and Learning»

   Effective teaching and learning through the updated Curriculum .

Effective teaching and learning through the updated Curriculum .

What are the characteristics of effective teaching and learning?

What are the characteristics of effective teaching and learning?

Making connections between key documents: subject programmes, course plans and assessment guidance   Learning objectives Subject programme Suggested activities based on learning objectives Course Plans Supports decisions regarding Formative Assessment of learning objectives Guidance for Formative Assessment

Making connections between key documents: subject programmes, course plans and assessment guidance

Learning objectives

Subject programme

Suggested activities based on learning objectives

Course Plans

Supports decisions regarding Formative Assessment of learning objectives

Guidance for Formative Assessment

 Spiral curriculum Topics are revisited, sometimes within and across terms  Topics should be taught in greater depth each time  Level of difficulty should increase

Spiral curriculum

Topics are revisited, sometimes within and across terms

Topics should be taught in greater depth each time

Level of difficulty should increase

Main Steps in Updated Curriculum 1. Active learning 2. Collaborative learning 3. Differentiation 4. Cross-curricular links 5. Responding to learners’ needs 6. Learning conversations 7. Using e-learning and new technologies 8. Modelling

Main Steps in Updated Curriculum

1. Active learning

2. Collaborative learning

3. Differentiation

4. Cross-curricular links

5. Responding to learners’ needs

6. Learning conversations

7. Using e-learning and new technologies

8. Modelling

1 Active learning Learning from own experiences: Allows learners to experiment, construct meaning and develop understanding Relates new knowledge to existing knowledge Making mistakes makes us check and refine our understanding Results in deeper learning Changes attitudes Picture F

1 Active learning

Learning from own experiences:

  • Allows learners to experiment, construct meaning and develop understanding
  • Relates new knowledge to existing knowledge
  • Making mistakes makes us check and refine our understanding
  • Results in deeper learning
  • Changes attitudes

Picture F

2 Collaborative learning Structured group work: Improves interpersonal and communication skills Improves acquisition of information and higher-level thinking skills Promotes positive interdependence – ‘we succeed together’ Improves interpersonal and communication skills Improves acquisition of information and higher-level thinking skills Promotes positive interdependence – ‘we succeed together’ Can break down barriers between learners Picture B

2 Collaborative learning

Structured group work:

  • Improves interpersonal and communication skills Improves acquisition of information and higher-level thinking skills Promotes positive interdependence – ‘we succeed together’
  • Improves interpersonal and communication skills
  • Improves acquisition of information and higher-level thinking skills
  • Promotes positive interdependence – ‘we succeed together’
  • Can break down barriers between learners

Picture B

3 Differentiation Meeting the individual learning needs of each learner: Increases progression of understanding and skills Improves confidence and motivation Stimulates creativity by helping learners to understand ideas better Benefits all learners Can raise expectations for all learners Picture H

3 Differentiation

Meeting the individual learning needs of each learner:

  • Increases progression of understanding and skills
  • Improves confidence and motivation
  • Stimulates creativity by helping learners to understand ideas better
  • Benefits all learners
  • Can raise expectations for all learners

Picture H

4 Cross-curricular links Creating links between subjects: Adds breadth and balance to the curriculum Allows deeper learning Provides a broader range of skills Can help with progression of understanding and skills Can help to put learning into a more meaningful context Can make learning more motivating Adds breadth and balance to the curriculum Allows deeper learning Provides a broader range of skills Can help with progression of understanding and skills Can help to put learning into a more meaningful context Can make learning more motivating Picture C

4 Cross-curricular links

Creating links between subjects:

  • Adds breadth and balance to the curriculum Allows deeper learning Provides a broader range of skills Can help with progression of understanding and skills Can help to put learning into a more meaningful context Can make learning more motivating
  • Adds breadth and balance to the curriculum
  • Allows deeper learning
  • Provides a broader range of skills
  • Can help with progression of understanding and skills
  • Can help to put learning into a more meaningful context
  • Can make learning more motivating

Picture C

5 Responding to learners’ needs Checking learning and giving feedback to inform learning: Improves motivation and self-esteem Gives direction to teaching Provides opportunities for learners to improve their work Helps learners to understand how to learn more effectively Picture A

5 Responding to learners’ needs

Checking learning and giving feedback to inform learning:

  • Improves motivation and self-esteem
  • Gives direction to teaching
  • Provides opportunities for learners to improve their work
  • Helps learners to understand how to learn more effectively

Picture A

6 Learning conversations Learners talking about a task: Gives learners more ownership Encourages transfer of knowledge and skills between learners  Encourages deeper understanding Provides opportunities for learners to reflect on their progress and decide what to do next Challenges and motivates learner Picture D

6 Learning conversations

Learners talking about a task:

  • Gives learners more ownership
  • Encourages transfer of knowledge and skills between learners
  • Encourages deeper understanding
  • Provides opportunities for learners to reflect on their progress and decide what to do next
  • Challenges and motivates learner

Picture D

7 Using e-learning and new technology Using technology: Offers exciting tools for active learning Can be motivating Can be used to research, communicate, collaborate and create Can give learners more ownership of a task by allowing them to search for information and find their own tools Allows opportunities for learning outside the classroom Picture G

7 Using e-learning and new technology

Using technology:

  • Offers exciting tools for active learning
  • Can be motivating
  • Can be used to research, communicate, collaborate and create
  • Can give learners more ownership of a task by allowing them to search for information and find their own tools
  • Allows opportunities for learning outside the classroom

Picture G

8 Modelling An expert giving an example whilst explaining their accompanying thought processes: Exposes learners to subject content and expert thinking simultaneously Breaks a task into steps, allowing learners to become increasingly independent Stimulates reflection on the processes Picture E

8 Modelling

An expert giving an example whilst explaining their accompanying thought processes:

  • Exposes learners to subject content and expert thinking simultaneously
  • Breaks a task into steps, allowing learners to become increasingly independent
  • Stimulates reflection on the processes

Picture E

What is active learning? Different teaching strategies = an environment for learners to develop knowledge, skills and understanding   I listen   but   I forget!   I see   and   I believe    I do   then   I understand!

What is active learning?

Different teaching strategies = an environment for learners to develop knowledge, skills and understanding

I listen but I forget!

I see and I believe

I do then I understand!

Receive information Apply learning Using your senses to learn Ears Eyes X Voice X Touch X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

Receive information

Apply learning

Using your senses to learn






















Extensive research has found that the strategies found to have the biggest impact on learner achievement are: Active learning Feedback Reinforcement Quality of teaching

Extensive research has found that the strategies

found to have

the biggest impact on learner achievement are:

  • Active learning
  • Feedback
  • Reinforcement
  • Quality of teaching
 An active teacher: Active learning principles   To support learning: Promote curiosity Ask questions Experiment Suggest Invent Teach to learning styles

An active teacher: Active learning principles

To support learning:

  • Promote curiosity
  • Ask questions
  • Experiment
  • Suggest
  • Invent
  • Teach to learning styles
Effective teaching and learning is … Learning by doing  Having FUN learning !

Effective teaching and learning is …

  • Learning by doing

  • Having FUN learning !
Thanks for attention!

Thanks for attention!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Effective Teaching and Learning

Автор: Бикенина Гузалия Асхатовна

Дата: 03.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 342195

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