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Domestic animals

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«Domestic animals»





Chust tumaniga qarashli

67-umumiy o’rta ta’lim maktabining

ingliz tili fani o’qituvchisi

Uchboyeva Yorqinoy Abdumalikovnaning

5 – sinflar uchun

Domestic animals

mavzusidagi bir soatlik



2019 – 2020 - o’quv yili

Grade: 5 Date: 18.02.2020

Lesson 2 Domestic animals

The aim of the lesson:

Educational: - to learn about domestic animals and their youngs;

- to learn about the pronouns in the object case;

- to learn to describe animals;

- to learn about more irregular plurals.

Developing: - to enable pupils to use the pronouns in the object case;

Socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of saying about domestic animals.

Competence: SC 2, FLCC and PC in talking about domestic animals.

Learning outcomes: By the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:

- talk about animals/ their young ;

- make plurals;

- use the pronouns in the object case.

Type of the lesson: non-standart, mixed.

Method of the lesson: group work, pair work

Equipment: Pupil’s book, Workbook, the DVD


Part of the lesson




Organizational Moment

-to greet pupils.

-to check up the register

5 min


Repeating last lesson

-to give pupils some questions about last lesson. –to ask words from previous lesson.

5 min


Explaining new theme

-to explain to pupils new vocabulary and theme

20 min


Consolidating new theme

- to consolidate new theme and new words of the theme.

10 min



- To mark pupils

3 min



-Giving homework

2 min

The Procedure of the lesson:

I. Organizing moment: Greeting.

- Checking the register

- Checking homework

II. Pre-Activity

Activity 1 listen and repeat. 5 min.

Objectives: to introduce the unit topic; to warm up

Play the DVD . Ask the pupils to listen to and repeat the song.

Look at Unit 9 Lesson 1 Activity 1 for the DVD script.

Activity 2 a Match the pictures and words. 7 min.

Objective : to present the new vocabulary STEP 1 : Ask the pupils to look at the pictures and words. Explain that they must find the meaning of the new words by themselves matching the words and pictures. You can also use the DVD for this purpose.

STEP 2: Elicit the meaning of the words. Ask other pupils to check own

answers. Answer key:1d, 2g, 3a, 4h, 5e, 6j, 7b, 8f, 9i, 10c

Activity 2b Listen and repeat. 3 min

Objective: to practise pronunciation

Ask the pupils to listen and repeat the words in Activity 2a after you or the DVD.

Activity 3a Read and find. 3 min

Objective: to practise reading/listening for detailed information

Ask the pupils to read/listen to the texts and find what animal they are.

Answer key: 1) goose; 2) donkey

Activity 3b Work in pairs. Say what animals you like/don’t like. Use ‘but’.

Objective: to talk about likes/dislikes making a contrast using ‘but’

STEP 1: Draw the pupils’ attention to the Remember Box. Ask what they

have noticed. Get the answer that the singular and plural of “sheep” is the

same, “geese” is the plural of “goose” and “calves” is the plural of “calf”.

STEP 2: The pupils repeat the words in the Remember Box after you.

STEP 3: The pupils make pairs and tell each other about the animals they like

and don’t like taking turns. Remind them to use “but” to join two opposite sentences.

Activity 4a Listen and repeat. 5 min

Objective: to present the personal pronouns in the object case

Ask the pupils to listen and repeat the personal pronouns in the object

case after the DVD. Explain their meaning and usage in their mother tongue.

See Pupil’s book for the DVD script.

Activity 4b Say what animals your family like/don’t like. 5 min

Objectives: to reinforce the personal pronouns in the object case; to

talk about likes/dislikes making a contrast using ‘but’

Ask some of the pupils to speak about their families. Ask them what animals

they like and do not like. They should use the words in Activity 4a.

e.g. Mum likes cows but I don’t like them.

I like sheep but my sister doesn’t like them .

Activity 5 Draw your animal(s) or the animals you like. Write about them.

Objective: to practise writing about animals 5 min

Ask the pupils to draw the animals they like and don’t like and write about

them. They have 30 seconds to draw. Their pictures do not need to be accurate.

5 min

e.g. This is my kid. I like it and it likes me.

These are my sister’s chicks. I don’t like

Them and they don’t like me


Activity 6 Sing the song ‘There is/are’. 5 min

Objective: to learn the song

Ask the pupils to listen to the song first, then ask them to sing it.

DVD script:

V.Homework 2 min

Ask the pupils to look at the homework. Check that everybody understands

what to do with the 3 tasks. If necessary, explain how to do the homework.

Answer key for Homework 1:

Dear Lucy

Thank you for your letter. I like it. We like animals. We have a big farm.

We have fifty animals on our farm. We have threecowsand three calves, two

goats and four kids, five sheepand two lambs. Madina and I have three hens

and four chicks, aduckand seven ducklings. Aziz and Davron have two

geese and eight goslings, a dogand three puppies. The dog’s name is

Olapar. My father has a horseand a foal.

Please write to me soon



Answer key for Homework 2a:

1) a horse; 2) a chick

VI. Evaluation. Giving marks

Deputat director on educational affairs: ______________________________

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Domestic animals


Дата: 21.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 547398

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    ["seo_title"] => string(27) "domestic-animals-and-babies"
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