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"Countries and continents. Geography. History. Sightseeings"

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1) Ukraine is a state in    

 a)south-eastern Europe          b)centre of Europe         c)north of Europe

2) Ukraine proclaimed its independence of

a) september 25,  2011         b) august 24,  1991        c) febryary 14,  1969

3) The territory of Ukraine is
a) 900.600 square kilometers            

b) 802.400 square kilometers         

c) 603.700 square kilometers

4) The longest distance from north to south is

a) 893 kilоmeters              b) 5.431 kilometers             c) 156 kilometers

5) The longest distance from east to west is

a)5.831 kilometers              b)768 kilometers                 c)1.316 kilometers

6) The  total  lenght  of  boundaries  is

a) 10.029 kilometers             b) 6.500 kilometers             c) 349 kilometers

7) The population of Ukraine is    48 million   

8) The territory of Ukraine consists of the Crimea and   

 a) 72 regions          b) 5 regions          c) 24 regions

9) The capital of Ukraine is                 

 a) Simferopol             b) London              c) Kyiv

10) The  main  territory  of  Ukraine is       

a) flat        b)mountain      c) hilly

11) There  are    a) 110          b) 458      c) 27    ethnic groups in Ukraine

12) Ukraine  boders  on Poland,  Slovakia  and Hungary  in  the  west

13) Ukraine  boders  on Romania  and  Moldova  in the  south-west

14) Ukraine  boders  on Belorus  in  the  north

15) Ukraine  boders  on  Russia  in  the east

16) The main river of Ukraine is the           

a) Thames                  b) Salgir               c) Dnipro

17) Dnipro divides Ukraine into  

a) right-bank & left-bank territories              

b) south-bank & north-bank territories

18) Ukraine is rich in mineral resources of         

 a) uranus               b) cobalt                 c) coal

19) a) The largest       b) the smallest        country in Europe is Ukraine

20) The geographical centre of Europe is in    

 a) France                 b) Italy                 c) Ukraine

21) The longest river in Ukraine is             

a) the Dnipro               b) the Salgir             c) the Vorskla

22) Ukraine has  

a) cold winters and warm summers   b) rainy winters and cool summers

23) The temperature ranges between      

a) +25o C  and  -8o C              b) +50o C  and  - 45o C

24) The   highest   peak    in Ukraine   is 

a)   Ayu-Dag                    b) Kara Dag                c) Hoverla

25) Ukraine has      a) 70%                   b) 1%                        

c) 5%   of  the  world’s  mineral  resources

26) Ukraine  has  more  than       

a) 5 lakes                    b) 3.000 lakes                         c) 15.000 lakes

27) a) 72%             b) 25%             c) 3%              

of   Ukraine’s  population  are  Ukrainians

28) The  national  flag  of  Ukraine first  appeared  in

a) 1848                        b) 1621                 c) 1991                     d) 2011

29) The  flag has two strips:

a) a blue and a yellow       c) a  blue  and  a  green      

b) a white and a red            d) a  yellow  and  a  red

30) The colours of  flag  symbolized :

a) the  sun  and the sea  b) the wheat and the sky c) the water and the sun

31) The flag of Ukraine became a symbol of:

a) the  all-Ukrainian unity   b) the unity of the USA  c) the unity of army

32) The Ukrainian anthem is a song called   

a) ”God save the Queen”      b) ”Ukraine has not yet perished”

33) The Ukrainian anthem was set to music in   

a) 1271            b) 1420                 c) 2011              d) 1863

34) The anthem lyrics were written by   

a)Alexander Pushkin     b)Pavlo Chubynskyi     c)Taras Shevchenko

35) The Ukrainian anthem was set to music by    

a) Chopin        b) Reznikh       c) Mykhailo Verbytskyi

36) Article     a)14    b)18   c)20    d)38   of the constitution of 1996 defends the anthem as the state anthem

37) The national emblem of Ukraine is       

a)a trident           b)an eagle           c)a star          d)a rose     

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«"Countries and continents. Geography. History. Sightseeings"»

Автор: Рябинина В.В. Quiz  “ Countries and continents. Geography. History. Sightseeings”

Автор: Рябинина В.В.


Countries and continents. Geography. History. Sightseeings”

“ Countries and continents. Geography. History. Sightseeings”

Countries and continents. Geography. History. Sightseeings”

1 a)South-Eastern Europe b)Centre of Europe c)North of Europe


a)South-Eastern Europe

b)Centre of Europe

c)North of Europe

2  Ukraine proclaimed its independence on   a) September 25, 2011  b) February 14, 1969  c) August 24, 1991


Ukraine proclaimed its independence on

a) September 25, 2011

b) February 14, 1969

c) August 24, 1991

3  The territory of Ukraine is    a) 900.600 square kilometers  b) 802.400 square kilometers  c) 603.700 square kilometers


The territory of Ukraine is

a) 900.600 square kilometers

b) 802.400 square kilometers

c) 603.700 square kilometers

4   The longest distance from North to South is   a) 893 kilometers b) 5.431 kilometers c) 156 kilometers


The longest distance from North to South is

a) 893 kilometers

b) 5.431 kilometers

c) 156 kilometers

5   The longest distance from East to West is   a)5.831 kilometers b)768 kilometers c)1.316 kilometers


The longest distance from East to West is

a)5.831 kilometers

b)768 kilometers

c)1.316 kilometers

6  The total lenght of boundaries is   a) 10.029 kilometers b) 6.500 kilometers c) 349 kilometers


The total lenght of boundaries is

a) 10.029 kilometers

b) 6.500 kilometers

c) 349 kilometers

7  The population is…


The population is…

8    There are      Ethnic groups in Ukraine   a) 110 b) 458 c) 27


There are Ethnic groups in Ukraine

a) 110

b) 458

c) 27

9    The territory of Ukraine consists of The Crimea and   a) 72 regions b) 5 regions c) 24 regions


The territory of Ukraine consists of The Crimea and

a) 72 regions

b) 5 regions

c) 24 regions

10  The capital of Ukraine is   a) Simferopol b) London c) Kyiv


The capital of Ukraine is

a) Simferopol

b) London

c) Kyiv

11  The main territory of Ukraine is    a) flat b)  mountain c)  hilly


The main territory of Ukraine is

a) flat

b) mountain

c) hilly

In the West Ukraine borders on Poland, Slovakia and Hungary  12

In the West

Ukraine borders

on Poland,

Slovakia and



13  Ukraine borders on  a) Romania and Moldova in the South-West  b) Canada and Germany in the South-West  c) Japan and France in in the South-West


Ukraine borders on

a) Romania and Moldova in the South-West

b) Canada and Germany in the South-West

c) Japan and France in in the South-West

14 a)Belorus  b)USA  c)Australia        In the North  Ukraine borders on





In the North Ukraine borders on

15 In the East Ukraine borders on a) China b) Russia c) India


In the East Ukraine borders on

a) China

b) Russia

c) India

16  The main river of Ukraine is  the   a) Thames b) Salgir c) Dnipro


The main river of Ukraine is the

a) Thames

b) Salgir

c) Dnipro

Dnepr divides Ukraine into  a)Right-bank & Left-bank territories  b)South-bank & North-bank territories 17

Dnepr divides Ukraine into

a)Right-bank & Left-bank territories

b)South-bank & North-bank territories


18 Ukraine is rich in mineral resources of a)  Uranus b) Cobalt c) Coal


Ukraine is rich in

mineral resources of

a) Uranus

b) Cobalt

c) Coal

19  a) The largest b) The smallest country in  Europe  is Ukraine


a) The largest

b) The smallest

country in Europe is Ukraine

20   The geographical centre of Europe is in Rakhiv in     a)France b) Italy c) Ukraine


The geographical centre of Europe is in Rakhiv in


b) Italy

c) Ukraine

21  The longest river in Ukraine is    a) the Dnipro b) the Salgir c) the Vorskla


The longest river in Ukraine is

a) the Dnipro

b) the Salgir

c) the Vorskla

22  Ukraine has          a) cold winters and warm summers b) rainy winters and cool summers


Ukraine has

a) cold winters and warm summers

b) rainy winters and cool summers

23  The temperature ranges between      +25 o C and -8 o C  b) +50 o C and - 45 o C


The temperature ranges between

  • +25 o C and -8 o C

b) +50 o C and - 45 o C

24 The highest peak in Ukraine is    Ayu-Dag 570m b) Kara Dag 577m   c) Hoverla 2061m


The highest peak in Ukraine is

  • Ayu-Dag 570m

b) Kara Dag 577m

c) Hoverla 2061m

25     Ukraine has   of the world’s mineral resources   a) 70% b) 1% c) 5%


Ukraine has of the world’s mineral resources

a) 70% b) 1% c) 5%

26 Ukraine has more than     5 lakes b) 3.000 lakes c) 15.000 lakes

26 Ukraine has more than

  • 5 lakes

b) 3.000 lakes

c) 15.000 lakes

27 a) 72% b) 25% c) 3%  of Ukraine’s population are Ukrainians


a) 72% b) 25% c) 3%

of Ukraine’s population are Ukrainians

28 The national flag of Ukraine first appeared in   1848 b) 1621 c) 1991 d) 2011


The national flag of Ukraine first appeared in

  • 1848 b) 1621

c) 1991 d) 2011

29 The flag has two strips:  a) Blue and yellow b) White and red c) Blue and green d) Yellow and red


The flag has two strips:

a) Blue and yellow

b) White and red

c) Blue and green

d) Yellow and red

30 The sea  and  the sun   b) The  wheat and  the sky    c) The sun  and the  water


  • The sea


the sun

b) The

wheat and

the sky

c) The sun

and the


31 The flag of Ukraine became  a symbol of:    a) The all-Ukrainian unity b) The unity of USA c) The unity of army


The flag of Ukraine became a symbol of:

a) The all-Ukrainian unity

b) The unity of USA

c) The unity of army

32  The Ukrainian anthem is a song called  a) ”God save the queen”   b) ”Ukraine has not yet  perished”   Ще не вмерла Україна, И слава, и воля! Ще намъ, браття-молодці, Усміхнеться доля! Згинуть наші вороги, Якъ роса на сонці; Запануємъ, браття й ми У своїй сторонці.


The Ukrainian anthem is a song called

a) ”God save the queen” b) ”Ukraine has not yet perished”

Ще не вмерла Україна,

И слава, и воля!

Ще намъ, браття-молодці,

Усміхнеться доля!

Згинуть наші вороги,

Якъ роса на сонці;

Запануємъ, браття й ми

У своїй сторонці.

33  The anthem lyrics were written by   a)Alexander Pushkin b)Pavlo Chubynskyi c)Taras Shevchenko


The anthem lyrics were written by

a)Alexander Pushkin

b)Pavlo Chubynskyi

c)Taras Shevchenko

34  The Ukrainian anthem was set to music in    1271  1420 C) 2011 D) 1863


The Ukrainian anthem was set to music in

  • 1271
  • 1420

C) 2011

D) 1863

35  The Ukrainian anthem was set to music by   a)Chopin b)Reznikh c)Mykhailo Verbytskyi


The Ukrainian anthem was set to music by



c)Mykhailo Verbytskyi

36  Article of the Constitution of 1996 defends the anthem as the state anthem   a)14 b) 18 c) 20 d) 38



of the Constitution

of 1996 defends

the anthem

as the state


a)14 b) 18 c) 20 d) 38

37    The National Emblem of Ukraine is      a) A trident b) An eagle c) A star d) A rose


The National Emblem of Ukraine is

a) A trident

b) An eagle

c) A star

d) A rose

Автор: Рябинина В.В.

Автор: Рябинина В.В.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

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Урок соответствует ФГОС

"Countries and continents. Geography. History. Sightseeings"

Автор: Рябинина Валентина Владимировна

Дата: 13.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 265621

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