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Christmas Traditions in Finland

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Презентация приготовлена для знакомства детей со страноведческой информацией в преддверии праздника. Материал можно применять в любом классе среднего звена в школе. Показ рассказывает об основных моментах дня в Финляндии, развивает образную память, способность анализировать и сравнивать информацию, воспитывает интерес к предмету.
Демонстрация дает широкое представление о рождестве в Финляндии, тема раскрыта полностью. Для создания атмосферы события использует много иллюстраций. Показ представляет собой увлекательное слайд-шоу. 

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«Christmas Traditions in Finland»

Christmas Traditions in Finland

Christmas Traditions in Finland

It’s a tradition in Finland to celebrate Christmas with a Christmas tree, presents, a dressed-up he-goat, a lot of eating.

It’s a tradition in Finland to celebrate

Christmas with a Christmas tree,

presents, a dressed-up he-goat, a lot of eating.

Many people decorate their homes at Christmas. Some people put electric lights outside their houses.

Many people decorate

their homes at Christmas.

Some people put electric

lights outside their houses.

Christmas tree is set up in every house. In Finland it is decorated with lights, angels and straw toys.

Christmas tree is set up in every house.

In Finland it is decorated with lights,

angels and straw toys.

It is a tradition to have 4 candles in the house. People believe that their light help them to forget the darkness of winter.

It is a tradition to have

4 candles in the house.

People believe that

their light help them

to forget the darkness of winter.

Father Christmas in Finland is called Joulupukki. He lives in Lapland. Joulupukki got his name from a dressed-up he-goat.

Father Christmas in Finland is called

Joulupukki. He lives in Lapland.

Joulupukki got his name from

a dressed-up he-goat.

Joulupukki lives with his wife Muori and his friends gnomes. Muori is an impersonation of winter.

Joulupukki lives with his wife Muori

and his friends gnomes.

Muori is an impersonation of winter.

Joulupukki brings his presents in a basket. He comes in and asks one question, “ Are there any good children here?” and the answer is always, “Yes, there are!”

Joulupukki brings his presents in a basket.

He comes in and asks one question,

Are there any good children here?”

and the answer is always, “Yes, there are!”

Christmas is a time for eating. Traditional Christmas dinner is ham, riсe-milk porridge, baked potato and carrots pudding and ginger biscuits.

Christmas is a time for eating.

Traditional Christmas dinner is

ham, riсe-milk porridge, baked potato and

carrots pudding and ginger biscuits.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Christmas Traditions in Finland

Автор: Бутрим Екатерина Николаевна

Дата: 16.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 254143

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