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Animals are in danger

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We musy protect our planet. People in the world search methods how to protect Earth and its habitats from eхstinction.   

The London Zoo is the oldest one in the world.

There are fourteen preserves in Great Britain. Without plants there would no life on Earth.

Let us have our planet to survive!

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«Animals are in danger »

Ecology of the Earth  The protection of nature means the protection of our Motherland

Ecology of the Earth

The protection of nature means the protection of our Motherland

Ecology – is a science about the relations of living organisms and their associations between itself and with an environment.

Ecology – is a science about the relations of living organisms and their associations between itself and with an environment.

People and plants Without plants there would be no life on Earth. In addition to providing food crops, they also release oxygen into the air for people to breathe.

People and plants

Without plants there would be no life on Earth.

In addition to providing food crops, they also release oxygen into the air for people to breathe.

People and animals Since the earliest times, people have hunted wild animals for their meet, skins and fur. Then people began to domesticate wild animals.

People and animals

Since the earliest times, people have hunted wild animals for their meet, skins and fur.

Then people began to domesticate wild animals.

The Earth is in danger! In our modern life there are a lot of factories which are very harmful for our planet.

The Earth is in danger!

In our modern life there are a lot of factories which are very harmful for our planet.

Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake on the Earth. Now it is in great danger, because of the factories which are near it. At some places the water in the lake is so dirty that it can kill animals and plants in Baikal and near it.

Lake Baikal is the deepest freshwater lake on the Earth. Now it is in great danger, because of the factories which are near it. At some places the water in the lake is so dirty that it can kill animals and plants in Baikal and near it.

We must protect our planet People all over the world search methods how to protect earth and its habitants from an extinction. But only if each of us will make pushes, we will be able to protect our planet.  Now there are many preserves for animals and plants which need for our help. People try to decrease the extrass of harmful matters in an atmosphere.

We must protect our planet

People all over the world search methods how to protect earth and its habitants from an extinction.

But only if each of us will make pushes, we will be able to protect our planet.

Now there are many preserves for animals and plants which need for our help. People try to decrease the extrass of harmful matters in an atmosphere.

There are several zoos in Great Britain  One of them is the London Zoo  The London Zoo is the oldest science zoo in the world.  It was founded in London in 1828 .  It is one of the biggest zoos in the United Kindom. There are 755 kinds of animals there from all over the world.

There are several zoos in Great Britain

One of them is the London Zoo

The London Zoo is the oldest science zoo in the world.

It was founded in London in 1828 .

It is one of the biggest zoos in the United Kindom.

There are 755 kinds of animals there from all over the world.

Durrell wildlife park  Durrell’s park of wild nature is a private zoo which contains and conducts rare kinds of animals. It was founded in 1959 by Gerald Malcolm Durrell . Now it belongs to Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust .

Durrell wildlife park

Durrell’s park of wild nature is a private zoo which contains and conducts rare kinds of animals. It was founded in 1959 by Gerald Malcolm Durrell .

Now it belongs to Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust .

Preserves in Great Britain There are 14 preserves in Great Britain Brecon Bikonz is situated on the south part of Wales since 1957 . It's area is 1347 km 2 . Lake District  was founded in 1951 .  It is the most visited preserve of Great Britain. It's area is 2292 km2.  Park  Yorkshere of Dales is situated on the north of England. It was created in 1954 .

Preserves in Great Britain

There are 14 preserves in Great Britain

Brecon Bikonz is situated on the south part of Wales since 1957 . It's area is 1347 km 2 .

Lake District was founded in 1951 . It is the most visited preserve of Great Britain. It's area is 2292 km2.

Park Yorkshere of Dales is situated on the north of England. It was created in 1954 .

Peak District  was organized in 1950 at the area of 140000 hectares. It situated in the central part of England. Gough Island  . It was created in 1995 to save rare kinds of birds which live there. New Forest  is  a national park in Great Britain. It is situated on the south of England since 2005.

Peak District was organized in 1950 at the area of 140000 hectares. It situated in the central part of England.

Gough Island . It was created in 1995 to save rare kinds of birds which live there.

New Forest is a national park in Great Britain. It is situated on the south of England since 2005.

How can we protect  our planet? Every person can help our planet to leave better!  -At first we must not abandon garbage in the streets. It isn’t difficult for each of us. -Then people must not cut the trees in such amount . -We must not keel rare animals and to pick rare plants.   There are many other  condition s but that is  the most important.

How can we protect our planet?

Every person can help our planet to leave better!

-At first we must not abandon garbage in the streets. It isn’t difficult for each of us.

-Then people must not cut the trees in such amount .

-We must not keel rare animals and to pick rare plants.

There are many other

condition s but that is

the most important.

Let's help our planet to survive!

Let's help our planet to survive!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

Animals are in danger

Автор: Кассай Валентина Федоровна

Дата: 28.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 123563

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