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The plan of the lesson: "Amazing creatures"

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Разработка урока для 5го класса на тему "Amazing creatures"

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«The plan of the lesson: "Amazing creatures"»

Lesson plan

LESSON: Unit 7: Fantasy World

School: № 16

Date: 02.03.2020.

Teacher name: Yeskaliyeva A.K.


Number present: 14

absent: 1

The theme:

Amazing creatures.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

5.L1understand a sequence of supported classroom instructions

5.R2 understand with little support specific information and detail in short simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics

5.W8 spell most high-frequency words accurately for a limited range of general topics.

5.S6 communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair, group and whole class exchanges

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • use speaking skills

  • identify at least 3 words from the list of animals’ body parts vocabulary

  • recognize all the words and match at least 3 of them

  • make 2 sentences what animals like

Most learners will be able to:

  • use speaking and listening skills

  • describe the pictures concerning to the theme

  • identify at least 6 words from the list of animals’ body parts vocabulary

  • recognize all the words and match at least 6 of them

  • make 5 sentences what animals like

Some learners will be able to:

  • use speaking and listening skills

  • describe the pictures concerning to the theme

  • identify at least 10 words from the list of animals’ body parts vocabulary

  • recognize all the words and match at least 10 of them

  • make 7 and more sentences what animals like

  • communicate a range of language from the lesson expressively during the presentation

  • understand most of the language used by the teacher at the lesson

Assessment criteria

  • identify animals and their body parts.

  • pronounce the words correctly

  • use topical vocabulary in the sentences

  • use adjectives to describe pictures with little support

  • make a project work

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge ,Understanding ,Application

Language objectives

New words: marsupial, liquid, eucalyptus, mammals, reptile, furry.

Value links

Attentive listening, Respect, Cooperation, Value of environment. To bring up being responsible for care of the animals and to protect them.

Cross curricular links

Biology Environment

ICT skills

Projector or Smart board for presenting a PPT

Previous learning

Learners learned about the animals and their body parts at the previous lesson so they should be familiar with some vocabulary on this topic.


Planned timings

Planned activities


Lesson I


5 min

5 min


– Good morning! Welcome to our lesson.

Checking up the homework.

Techer will gather learners’ copybooks to check their homework.

Dividing into 3 groups.

Teacher divides the class into 3 groups using the toys of animals.

There are three groups:

The 1st group: “Domestic animals”

The 2nd group: “Wild animals”

The 3rd group: “Birds”

Warm up

To show a short video.

The teacher offers learners to look at the pictures and asks the learners: “What can you see?”

Guess the theme

The teacher asks the learners what theme they are going to discuss today. What are they going to speak about?

Possible pupils ‘answers: about animals, about animal body parts.

“What do you think the theme of our lesson is?” “What are we going to speak about?”

Then tеасher lets the learners know the LOs of the lesson.

Today at the lesson we will:

  • learn some new words with some support

  • use speaking and listening skills

  • make a project work

  • describe the pictures concerning to the theme






5 min


Revision of the names of animals through the riddles.

Techer offers the learners to guess some riddles about animals.

Теасher checks their knowledge of how they know the nаmеs of sоmе аnimаls.


Wild animals

  1. Giraffe

  2. Bear

  3. Elephant

  4. Fox

  5. Parrot

Domestic animals

  1. Cow

  2. Pig

  3. Horse

  4. Cat

  5. Dog



10 min

10 min

Focus on Speaking

Pre-teaching task. (Word match method)

Revision of words (body parts of animals.)

Match the pictures with the words.

Learners make a project and describe the picture.

The 1st group “Domestic animals” – describe a cat

The 2nd group: “Wild animals” – describe a bear

The 3rd group “Birds” – describe a parrot


  • use the construction “has got”.

  • use body parts of animals

  • use the suitable adjectives to complete the descriptions.



Make up correct sentences.


The work was done accurately


All sentences are correct


Learners protect their work.








5 min


Make up a cinquain.


Thank you for your attention and

circle one of the things:

1.Моя работа на уроке:

I have worked at the lesson:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

2.Всё ли я понял на уроке:

I have understood the learning today:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

3.Урок был интересным:

The lesson was interesting:

  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

The plan of the lesson: "Amazing creatures"

Автор: Yeskaliyeva Anar Kairbayevna

Дата: 24.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 551202

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