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Lesson plan of the teacher of English Abzhan Zhamilya, conducted in the 10th “?” grade
The theme of the lesson:
Should, Ought to, Had better
The aims and objectives of the lesson:
to introduce and consolidate the grammar theme, to consolidate the active words, to enrich pupils vocabulary
b) developing
to develop pupils’ skills of reading, listening, writing and speaking habits
c) cultural
to teach pupils to be polite, tidy and attentive
The type of the lesson:
mixed lesson
The kind of the lesson:
developing skills
The methods of the lesson:
explaining, speaking, writing, completing, comparing
Visual aids of the lesson:
Interdisciplinary relation:
The procedure of the lesson:
Teacher’s activity
Students’ activity
І. Organization moment
-greets with the pupils
-checks up the attendance of students
-pays students’ attention to the lesson
-greet with the teacher
-act on duty
-prepare for the lesson
II. Explaning the new theme
a)work on the new concept
b)tasks for the development of cognitive abilities
The teacher will explain to the pupils the new grammar theme
Modals of Advice
Should, Ought to, Had better
The word "advice" is a general term that is used in describing the modal verbs Should, Ought to, Had better. The verb Should, the main modal verb in this group, can express mild or insistent advice of all kinds, such as advice, recommendation, advisability, desirability, suggestion, obligation, duty, responsibility. The modal verb Ought to is a close synonym for Should, and Had better expresses advice with a warning of a possible unpleasant result if indicated advice is not followed
You should visit your grandparents more often.(this is my advice)
You ought to visit your grandparents..(this is your duty)
You had better visit your grandparents because they need your help.
You should take your umbrella.
You ought to take your umbrella.
You had better take your umbrella otherwise you will get wet.
The teacher will consolidate the active words with the pupils
to solve-шешу
to share-б?лісу
rename-жа?а ат беру
to rescue-са?тап ?алу
to welfare-жа?сарту
to feed-тама?тандыру
Drill exercises
-to translate sentences using the active words
If pupils make mistakes the teacher will correct
1.Сіздер мектепте экологиялы? ?о?ам ??рулары?ыз керек.
2.?здік о?ушыларды б?гін марапаттау керек,б?гін со??ы к?н.
3.Сіздер достары?ызды? жетістіктерін ма?тан етулері?із керек.
4.Олар ерте?,б?л ш??ыл м?селені шешулері керек,?йтпесе кеш болады.
5.Елбасы бізді? елімізге жа?а ат беру керектігін айтты.
6.Ол ?зіні? б?рын?ы сыныптастарына да к?мектесуі керек.
7.Олар ана жануарларды са?тап ?алулары керек, олар ?ауіпті жа?дайда.
8.Олар шет елден келген ?она?тарды? жа?дайларын жа?сартулары керек.
9.Ол б?л а?шаны достарымен б?лісуі керек.
10.Сен ?азір ана баланы тама?тандыруы? керек.
-to find modal verbs in the sentence
-to complete sentences
The pupils will listen to the teacher and copy the examples in their copybooks
The pupils will translate the words from Kazakh into English
to solve-шешу
to share-б?лісу
rename-жа?а ат беру
to rescue-са?тап ?алу
to welfare-жа?сарту
to feed-тама?тандыру
1.You should organize an ecological association in your school.
We had better award the best pupils today,it is the last day.
You ought to be proud of your friends’ achievements.
They had better solve this urgent problem tomorrow, otherwise it will be late.
The President said that we should rename our country.
He ought to help his former students.
They had better rescue those animals,they are in danger.
They had better welfare the foreign guests’ condition.
He ought to share this money with your friends.
10.You ought to feed that baby.
III. Consolidation of the new lesson
The teacher will give sentences for translation using the new grammar theme
Drill exercise
-to make up sentences
-to translate the words
-to fill in gaps
Pupils will complete the table
IV. Homework
To write an essay using the modal verbs.
V. Evaluation
The teacher will give marks
They’ll bring their diaries to the teacher to put their marks
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