Middle 10 minutes
| DEMONSTRATION 1.Teacher presents, using visuals, vocabulary relating to different types of food animals eat grass, fish, bananas, milk, leaves, birds, bugs etc. .  2. Learners are given worksheets with numbers 1 to 10 written on and options y (for yes), n (for no). Teacher reads out ten questions, e.g. 1.Do cats like milk? 2.Do cows eat eggs? 3. mouse- cheese 4. Dogs- salad 5. Fish- pasta 6.monkey-bananas 7. Horse –steak 8. Tiger- chips 9. Crocodile- cake 10. chickens-rice Learners answer Yes they do./ No they don’t  PLAYING Feeding animals game: Target language: banana, carrot, grass, honey, milk, seeds, water; bear, birds, cat, dog, monkey, rabbit, sheep; chair, floor, table, window; what, why, where; on, under, on the left, on the right Materials: plates/bowls with food Prepare several bowls of food and place them around the classroom. Pretend you are an old person (you can dress up to look like one, or carry a walking stick); the children are different animals: “I’m a grandma/grandpa and you are animals” (divide the children into groups – a group of bears, birds, cats etc). Tell the students that it is winter, there is a lot of snow and the birds are hungry, so you have something for them. “It’s winter, there is a lot of snow everywhere and animals are hungry. I have got something nice to eat for you.” Gather the first group of animals: “Come here my little (bears), please”, and the bears ask: “Why, why, why?” The dialogue goes as follows: G (grandma): “I have got something nice for you to eat.“ B (bears): “What, what, what?“ G: “Honey. Yummy, it’s sweet.“ B: “Where, where, where?“ G: “Under the chair.“ The bears go to find the honey and say: ”Honey, honey, honey.” Follow this pattern with the other animals

PHYSICAL TRAINING Clap your hands when you hear the name of drinks, stamp your feet when you hear the name of fruit, nod your head when you hear the name of vegetable. a banana, a carrot, tea, milk, an apple, an orange, a potato, water, lemonade, fruit, coke, vegetable, juice. |
Feeding animals game http://www.english-time.eu/for-teachers/activity/119-feeding-animals/ |