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Поурочное планирование по английскому языку на тему "Animals"

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Theme: Animals

Objectives:  Educational: to speak about the animals, to enrich pupils knowledge, vocabulary

 Developing: to develop pupil’s listening, speaking, writing and reading activities;

 Upbringing: to develop the interest to English language, to teach pupils to respect each other,  must be   kind to animals and take care of them.

Grammar: to be/have got –has got

Materials of the lesson: blackboard, chalk, books, copybooks, cards.

The type of the lesson: revisional lesson.

Procedure of the lesson:


    Good afternoon  boys and girls.

    It’s time to say “Hello” (Hello)   And start our lesson.

 I’m very glad to see too children! Sit down, please! Tell me please, how are you? What season is now? Do you like the weather today? Today we shall speak about animals. Do you know where our animals live?

2. Ph.drill.

Before we will try to know where different animals live - let’s revise the names of some animals. Our exercises for Mr Tongue. 

Look at the pictures and repeat after me!

a fox

a hen

an elephant

a bear

a lion

a wolf

a giraffe

a parrot

a monkey

a horse

a sheep

a tiger

a rabbit

a cow

a crocodile

3. Speaking.

 Отработка языкового материала и овладение всеми видами речевой деятельности

Now guess my riddles.


- This animal lives in the forest. It likes to eat carrots and it is afraid of a fox and a wolf. This animal runs very fast. (A hare.)

- This animal is very big. It is grey. It has a very long nose. It lives in India and Africa. It likes to eat leaves and grass. (An elephant.)

- This animal lives at home or in the street. It is a man is friend. It can run, but can is fly and climb. It is very clever and friendly. (A dog.)

- This animal lives in the river or near the water. It is green. It can jump and swim. (A frog.)

- This animal is red. It likes hens, cocks, hares and ducks. It lives in the forest. (A fox.)

- It is grey. It can run, jump and walk. It is very small. It likes bread and cheese. It lives in the house. (A mouse.)

This animal can be black, grey, white or red. It lives in the house. It can catch a grey mouse. It likes meat, fish and milk. It can run, jump, climb and walk. (A cat.)

- Gena is not a boy. He is big, long and green. He is very clever. It can swim. He has a friend Cheburashka. (A crocodile.)


4.  Grammar (explanation) To be/ have got- has got.

- cards –fill in to –am, is, are/ have-has

Practice (writing)

 It … a cat.

The cat … black tails.

It … five little kittens.

The kittens… very funny.

They … black and white.

5. Speaking.- Practice (writing)Cards

 Say where  animals live.  Используя схему ученики отвечают на вопросы “Где обитают животные?” и “Какие животные живут (в горах, в пустыне, в реке и т.д.). карточки с изображениями животных.

Teacher – Do you know where dolphins live?

 Student 1 – Dolphins live in the ocean.
Teacher – Do you know where elephants live?
Student 2 – Elephants live in Africa.

e. g. bears live  in the  forest

Water                 Jungle                     Forest           Farm

--               --                   --        ________

--               --                   --        ______________________

6. Reading.  Read the sentences and find the pictures to them. 

This animal is kind. It lives in the water. It can swim well.

This animal is funny. It climbs trees very well. It jumps from tree to tree.

It is a wild animal. It is grey.  It lives in the forest.

7. Ph.ex-es “Actor”

 Children, I know you like animals and like to watch them. Now you can tell us about your favorite wild or domestic animal. But you can  not use your tongue to do it. You will show us the animal using your body.

Ученики  по очереди должны изобразить какое-нибудь животное, изображая его повадки, походку или движения. Задача детей - «узнать» животное.  

8. Speaking. Развитие умений отвечать на вопросы и строить высказывание по заданной схеме

 .Look at the picture and answer the questions. 

 T. What animal is it?

P. It is a fox                                      .

T. Where does it live?

P. It lives in the forest.                                            

T. What color is it?

P. It is red.

T. What can it do?

P. It can catch hares.

 Write a passport for the fox.





Has got




Tell about the fox. Ученики строят монологическое высказывание, опираясь на схему.

9. Conclusion.


          Dear boys and girls!

     Animals can be your friends.

     Love them and take care of them.

10.Conclusion. project work.

11.РефлексияЕсли вам понравилось сегодня на уроке и если вы считаете, что урок был вам полезен, то возьмите оставайтесь на месте.

Если вам ничего не понравилось и если вы считаете, что урок не принес вам пользу, встаньте. Good luck!

поурочное планирование по английскому языку на тему "Animals" для 2класса.

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«Поурочное планирование по английскому языку на тему "Animals"»

Животные Задачи урока

1.Повторить и закрепить лексику по теме «Животные»

2. Систематизировать грамматический материал « Степени сравнения прилагательных»

3. Прививать детям любовь к животным.

Procedure of the lesson.


Teacher: Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down, please.

Let`s start our English lesson today. Answer my questions, please.

1. What day is it today?

2. What date is it today?

3. Is it winter or spring?

4. Which are spring months?

5. Which is your favorite season?

Let`s speak about today`s weather. Is it rainy?

(sunny, windy, frosty, foggy, etc.)

What is the weather like today?

Рассказ ученика о погоде.


Teacher: Today at the lesson we shall speak about animals and describe them. So the theme of our lesson is “Animals in our Life”

  1. But first of all let`s practice the English sounds. Open your books on page 87, exercise number 24.Listen, repeat and read. Read the first (second, third); line, please.

  2. Let`s learn tongue twister. Try to pronounce the sounds [s] [ ] correctly. Listen to announcer and repeat after him. Try to tell a tongue twister.

She sells seashell on the seashore.

3.To revise words


1) Let`s review the names of the animals. Look at the screen and read the words after me.

2).Name the domestic animals, please.

3).Name wild animals, please.

4) And now children think a little and name:

A) animals that live in hot countries

b) animals that eat grass ,leaves of the trees vegetables and fruit.

c) animals that are bigger than a tiger

d) the most beautiful animals.

4.To revise grammar material.

Teacher: To compare the animals we must use the degrees of comparison. Let`s review the rules And now it is a task for you. Open your exercise –books, write down the date and write the degrees of comparison of the following adjectives:

Useful clever

Big funny

Beautiful strong

Tall fast

Read the adjectives, translate them.

Do the task, please.

Look at the screen and check up what you have written.

If you have mistakes, correct them.

Read the adjectives.

5. Compare

Teacher: Let`s compare the animals.

A camel is…

A giraffe is…

A lion is..

A penguin is..


Teacher: Let`s read the text about the little lion. The main characters of this story are: mother lion, little lion, the bee, a parrot, an owl and a lion. Let`s read the text and we know who is the cleverest animal.

1). Let`s read the text all together.

2) And now it is the time to role plays the dialogues.

Answer my questions, please.

1. What does mother lion say to the little lion?

2. Why does she say so?

3. Who is the cleverest animal in this story?

4. What does Mr. Owl say to the little lion? Translate the sentences, please.


Teacher: The next task is for you. Answer my questions, please.

1. Who is the cleverest animal?

2. Who is the biggest animal in the sea?

3. Who is the fastest animal on the land?

4. Who is the biggest animal on the land?

8.Answer my questions, please.

1. Are the elephants the biggest animals?

2. What is the weight of the elephant?

3. What do the elephants eat?

4. Can the elephants swim?

5. How many years do the elephants live?

6. What else can you add about the elephants?

Tell a few words about them.

9. Phis.min.

And now it`s time to have a rest.

Stand up! Clap, clap.

Arms up! Clap, clap.

Step, step! Clap, clap.

Arms down. Sit down.

10. Riddles.

And some riddles for you. Try to guess.What animal is it?

1. It likes honey and fish. (a bear)

2. It is a very big cat. (a tiger)

3. It is very big. It is grey. It has a very long nose.( an elephant)

4. A very funny animal which moves very quickly. It can hang by its tails.( a monkey)

5. It can swim in the water and walk on the land. It has a very big mouth and big teeth.

6. It looks like a horse with black and white stripes.( a zebra)

11. Where do the animals live?

Help the animals to find their homes.

Crocodiles in the mountains

Eagles in the oceans

Whales in the rivers

Camels live in the forest

Hens in the zoo

Monkeys in the country

Foxes In the desert

12. What do the animals give us? Choose the correct word.

Sheep milk

Cows eggs

Bees wool

Rabbits honey

Hens meat

13. Stories about animals.

Teacher: I know children that all of you have many pets at home. please tell us about them. And you can show your pictures. We know many poems about animals.Let1s recite them.

14. CRossword

We have some minutes left. Do the crossword puzzle. Find the names of the animals and write them.

Collect the word and read it, please.

15.Rulea about animals.

Teacher: Thank you very much for your answers. You know a lot about animals. So my dear friends you must take care of them and not only about pets but all birds and animals. It is necessary for you to remember some rules about your pets.

16. Conclusion.

Teacher: Today at the lesson you have spoken a lot about animals. Thank you for a good work. Your marks are…

Your home task is ex.12, p.33 in workbook. The lesson is over. Good-bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 2 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Поурочное планирование по английскому языку на тему "Animals"

Автор: Тартанова Людмила Витальевна

Дата: 20.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 296247

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