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План урока на тему "Which room do you like?"

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The  theme of the lesson:  Which room do you like?

The aim of the lesson:  to learn to speak about  rooms in a house,  explain   using the rooms;  develop the students' oral speech.

Expecting results: - enrich wordstock with new words

                            -  can speak the role  of the rooms

                           -  ask and answer  the questions

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«план урока на тему "Which room do you like?" »



The theme of the lesson

Which room do you like?

The aim of the lesson

To learn to speak about rooms in a house, explain using the rooms; develop the students’ oral speech

Expecting results

  • enrich word stock with new words

  • can speak the role of the rooms

  • ask and answer the questions

Visual aids

books for grade 5, interactive board, pictures, cards, computer, E – book, stickers

Methods of the lesson:

Question - answer, dialogue, individual work, group work, “catch a question”

Procedure of the lesson

Stages of the lesson

Teacher’s action

Student’s action


Duty’s report

Devision into groups by choosing cards

Answer the questions

Divide into groups.


Check up hometask (catch a question)

Ex 17


Let’s go to my house.

Let’s go today.

I’ll show you all the rooms

Where we work and play.

Read the home task, answer the questions

Students read the rhyme and find the theme of the lesson

Main part

read оқу

watch TV - теледидар қарау

listen to music – музыка тыңдау

play chess -шахмат ойнау

talk to -сөйлесу

wash up the dishes - ыдыс жуу

relax - демалу

learn English - ағылшын тілін үйрену

wardrobe - киім жинайтын шкаф


on – үстінде

in – ішінде

under – астында

in front of – алдында

behind – артында

between – ортасында

next to – қасында

over – үстімен, жоғары

near - жанында, қасында

in the middle – ортасында

(work with e – book)

Reading, speaking

1. There is no TV set in this room. There are no bookshelves in it. We can see a wardrobe there. There are two beds in the room. We sleep in this room.

2. The room is large. There is a table in the middle of the room. We can see two armchairs and a sofa in it. We have a TV set in the room.

3. The room is not large. There is a bookcase in the room. In the bookcase you can see Russian, Kazakh and English books. On the right there is a desk. On the desk you can see books, pens and pencils. I do my home task and listen to music in this room.


Group I

Make up positive sentences.

1. a fridge, in the, kitchen

2. a sofa, in the, living room

3. a bed, in the, bedroom

4. a picture, in the living room

Group II

Make up questions with there is/ there are

1. a blouse in the wardrobe?

2. a lamp, in the, bedroom?

3. a table, in the, living room?

4. plates, in the kitchen?

Group III

Make up negative sentences using there is / there are

1. a chair, in the, room.

2. Clothes, in the, wardrobe.

3. shoes, in the, box.

4. a book, on the, table

Students write new words in vocabulary

students describe the picture and read the sentences

explain how to use prepositions of place

Read the text in groups

guess what room is it?

Write sentences, work in group


Game “Moving house” (work with computer, interactive board)


Ex 11, 12 p 125



Students put pictures in correct place

Write home task

Leaders of each group evaluate the members of his / her group

write opinions about lesson on stickers

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

план урока на тему "Which room do you like?"

Автор: Менжулова Нургуль Кайсаевна

Дата: 09.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 170157

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