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Per lesson plan. 10 grade.

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              Per Lesson Plan   



            The theme of the lesson:  Vocabulary work. Ex/s 18-21 pp 48-49

            The aims of the lesson: 

  1. Educational: to train pupils to give own examples with  nouns
  2. Developing: to develop oral and written speech habits
  3. Bringing up: to gain students’ interest in EFL

            Visual aids: text book, pictures, grammar table, cards

             The type of the lesson: Formation of new theme

             Methods of the lesson: Question-answer, new words and speaking

                       The procedure of the lesson

          I .The organization moment:

                a) Greetings.

                b) Checking up the attendance.

                c) Asking the day and date.

          II. Warm-up

          III. Checking up the homework:

               Students should retell the text p 46. T- S1,S2,S3 etc.

                Exercises 13,14

         IV. The explanation of the new theme:

                     Vocabulary Work.  Ex 18 p 48. Matching:

  1. enormous                       a)  an absence or need for smth              
  2. improve                          b)  to become shorter, smaller
  3. lack                                 c)  very large
  4. decrease                         d)   having mental or physical ability
  5. pack                                e)   a complete set of playing cards
  6. capable                           f)   to become better
  • Ex 19 . Change the words in italics using the words from the text.
  • Ex 20. Read the conversation & make own dialogues.   

                              T- S1, S2, S3. etc                                                              

V. The consolidation of the new theme:

    *  Ex 21. Talk to your partner.

   a. Is there a club for super brains in your city (town, village)?

   b. If there is one would you like to join? Why? Why not?

   c. Do you inherit our IQ or is it the result of our environment & upbringing?

   d. Have IQ & intelligence got anything to do with creativity and genius?

   e. Is being intelligent important or are there other important things?

   f. Are puzzles, intelligence tests a waste of time?

VI. Giving marks:    Your mark is   ………….

VII. Giving homework: 1. Ex/s 21 (own opinions)

                                       2. Vocabulary p 48 (learning by heart & making up examples)

                                       3. Grammar rules (learning by heart )

VIII. The end of the lesson:                                                                                                                                                                                                              

                          The lesson is over. You are free.                                                      

                      Good-bye, see you the next lesson


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«Per lesson plan. 10 grade. »


Per Lesson Plan



The theme of the lesson: Vocabulary work. Ex/s 18-21 pp 48-49

The aims of the lesson:

  1. Educational: to train pupils to give own examples with nouns

  2. Developing: to develop oral and written speech habits

  3. Bringing up: to gain students’ interest in EFL

Visual aids: text book, pictures, grammar table, cards

The type of the lesson: Formation of new theme

Methods of the lesson: Question-answer, new words and speaking

The procedure of the lesson

I .The organization moment:

a) Greetings.

b) Checking up the attendance.

c) Asking the day and date.

II. Warm-up

III. Checking up the homework:

Students should retell the text p 46. T- S1,S2,S3 etc.

Exercises 13,14

IV. The explanation of the new theme:

Vocabulary Work. Ex 18 p 48. Matching:

  1. enormous a) an absence or need for smth

  2. improve b) to become shorter, smaller

  3. lack c) very large

  4. decrease d) having mental or physical ability

  5. pack e) a complete set of playing cards

  6. capable f) to become better

  • Ex 19 . Change the words in italics using the words from the text.

  • Ex 20. Read the conversation & make own dialogues.

T- S1, S2, S3. etc

V. The consolidation of the new theme:

* Ex 21. Talk to your partner.

a. Is there a club for super brains in your city (town, village)?

b. If there is one would you like to join? Why? Why not?

c. Do you inherit our IQ or is it the result of our environment & upbringing?

d. Have IQ & intelligence got anything to do with creativity and genius?

e. Is being intelligent important or are there other important things?

f. Are puzzles, intelligence tests a waste of time?

VI. Giving marks: Your mark is ………….

VII. Giving homework: 1. Ex/s 21 (own opinions)

2. Vocabulary p 48 (learning by heart & making up examples)

3. Grammar rules (learning by heart )

VIII. The end of the lesson:

The lesson is over. You are free.

Good-bye, see you the next lesson

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Per lesson plan. 10 grade.

Автор: Калинбетова Ляззат Жаркеткеновна

Дата: 04.02.2015

Номер свидетельства: 167315

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