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Listening “Natural disasters”. Speaking on topic.

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7.S7  use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited  range of general  topics, and some curricular topics

7.S8  recount some extended stories and events on a  limited range of general and curricular topics

7.L5understandmostspecificinformationanddetailofsupported, extendedtalkon a rangegeneralandcurriculartopics

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«Listening “Natural disasters”. Speaking on topic.»

7.3B Natural Disasters (Content with language)

School: 58 school-gymnasium

Date: 26.02.2018

Teacher’s name: Malika Sultanova

Grade 7 «г»

Number present: 14

Number absent:0

Theme of the lesson:

Listening “Natural disasters”.

Speaking on topic.

Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to

7.S7 use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular topics

7.S8 recount some extended stories and events on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.L5understandmostspecificinformationanddetailofsupported, extendedtalkon a rangegeneralandcurriculartopics

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • Listen to the passage and write down key words;

  • Listen to the passage and fill in the table;

Most learners will be able to:

  • Provide unprepared speech to answer a variety of questions at sentence level and in conversations with some flexibility;

Some learners will be able to:

  • Discuss a problem in groups and suggest a solution for a problem;


Use present simple tense when giving the instructions

Value links

Responsibility, Global Citizenship

Crosscurricular links


Previous learning

Reading about natural disasters

Useof ICT

Projector or Smart board for showing a presentation

Intercultural awareness

Know about different natural disasters and their impact

Kazakh culture

Natural disasters in Kazakhstan

Pastoral Care

Student centered teaching: respect, support and scaffolding;

To create a friendly atmosphere for collaborative work.

Promote a sense of self-esteem and self-respect and respect for others among all the learners.

Health and Safety

Everyday classroom precautions will ensure that safety measures are provided to prevent the exposure of electrical power cords.

Planned timings

Planned activities


10 minutes


On the board teacher writes up the wordsNatural Disasters and ask learners if they can name any.

  • Then, teacher writes up the following jumbled word: ifre (fire) and ask the students if they can un-jumble the letters tomake a word.

  • Hand out the worksheet and askthe learners to un-jumble the fourwords.

  • Teacher putslearners in pairs and getsthem to checktogether and ask themto discuss what they know about eachof the natural disasters.

  • Teacher monitors and helps where necessary.

  • Finally, teacher checks the answers as a classand see what information the learners tell about each of the naturaldisasters.

  • Task: (I) Reorder the letters tofind these natural disasters.

1. dolof 2. chirunare

3. grouthd 4.Quatehaker


1. flood3. drought

2.hurricane 4. earthquake

  • (W) What do you know about each one?

  • Learners are informed about the lesson objectives


PPP slide 3

Main part

10 min.

15 min.

The main part of the lesson

  • Listening Task 1

Teacher suggests listening activity to the learners. While listening

1 Teacher divides class into two groups A& B.

2 Teacher takes group A to one classroom &group B to a different classroom (orif working with another teacher/classthen swap half your class with eachother).

3 Teacher hand out the worksheet and tellgroup A to complete the box abouthurricanes and group B to complete the box about floods.

4 Teacher encourage learners to work inpairs within their groups.

5 Teacher monitor and help where necessary.

6 Next, teacher explains that they will listen to arecording about hurricanes or floods(depending on which group they arein) and they should tick one of theirwords they hear.

7 Teacher plays the recordings once and then getthe learners to compare the wordsthey heard.

Task: Student A

Listen to track 1. You will hear about hurricanes. Write down 4 words you think you will hear.

Student B

Listen to track 2. You will hear about floods. Write down 4 words you think youwill hear.

Answersmay vary: Tropical storms, strong winds, typhoons, river, lake, ocean etc.

Listening Task 2

1 Teacher hands out the worksheets and asks thelearners to read the questions.

2 Teacher puts the students in pairs (they shouldstill be in their groups A & B) and tellthem to discuss each question.

3 Teacher plays the recordings (so that groupA listen to the recording abouthurricanes and group B the one about floods) and get the learners tocomplete their column of the chart.

4 Teacher putslearners in pairs and get them tocompare their answers.

5 Teacher plays the recording again if necessary.

6 Next, teacher brings the two groups togetherand pair up the students so that onelearner A is working with one learnerB.

7 Teacher tells the learners to tell their partnerthe answers to the questions for thenatural disaster they listened to andto complete the other column in thechart.

8 Monitor and help where necessary.

9 Finally, check the answers as a class.

Task: Listen again and answer the questions.

Questions Student A - Hurricanes Student B – Floods

What are they?

Why do they happen?

Where do they happen?

How do they affect people?

What can people do?


Follow up task:

Match the words to the correct definition.

Blow down (v)

Condense (v)

Dam (n)

Disaster (n)

Disrupt (v)

Drown (v)

Evaporate (v)

Reduce (v)

Shock (n)

Warning (n)

  1. A statement telling people of a possible problem or danger

  2. A very bad event that causes lots of damage or kills a lot of people

  3. A wall built across a river to stop the water

  4. Something bad that happens unexpectedly and surprises you

  5. The process when a gas changes into a liquid

  6. The process when a liquid (e.g. water) changes into a gas

  7. To go under water and die

  8. To interrupt or prevent something from continuing

  9. To make something smaller or less in size

  10. When a strong wind makes something fall over


Blow down (v) - j Condense (v) - e

Dam (n) - c Disaster (n) - b

Disrupt (v) - h Drown (v) - g

Evaporate (v) - f Reduce (v) - i

Shock (n) - d Warning (n) – a

  • Speaking about natural disasters


Task for less able learners

(G) Teacher suggests developing speaking on topic Natural disasters: “How to Survive a Hurricane?”In a group make a cluster based on previouslistening task. Using new words, prepare the information clearly to other groups. Check that you have met all the assessment criteria.

Prepare a cluster on an A3 paper (using different colours and fonts).


Task for more able learners:

Teacher suggests developing speaking on topic Natural disasters: “How to Survive a Flood?”In a group make a brochure based on previouslistening task. Using new words, prepare the information clearly to other groups. Check that you have met all the assessment criteria.

Prepare your brochure on an A3 paper (using different colours and fonts).





Worksheet with the tasks

5 min.


Students answer the questions:

How many types of natural disaster can you name? Which is the worst?

What natural disasters are common in your country?

Have you ever been through a natural disaster? Tell your group about your experience if it isn’t too traumatic.

Think of three natural disasters. What can you do to stay safe during and after those natural disasters?




Feedback: Teacher asks students what task was difficult to them and which pair worked well.

Appendix 1

Listening task

Reorder the letters to fi nd these natural disasters.

1 dolof 2 chirunare

3 grouthd 3 quatehaker

What do you know about each one?


Follow up task:

Match the words to the correct definition.


Blow down (v)


Condense (v)


Dam (n)


Disaster (n)


Disrupt (v)


Drown (v)


Evaporate (v)


Reduce (v)


Shock (n)


Warning (n)

A statement telling people of a possible problem or danger

A very bad event that causes lots of damage or kills a lot of people

A wall built across a river to stop the water

Something bad that happens unexpectedly and surprises you

The process when a gas changes into a liquid

The process when a liquid (e.g. water) changes into a gas

To go under water and die

To interrupt or prevent something from continuing

To make something smaller or less in size

When a strong wind makes something fall over

Appendix 2

Formative Assessment

Speaking (for less able learners)


Hobbies and Leisure

Learning Objectives

7.L1 Understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.L4 Understand with little support some of the implied meaning in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

Level of thinking skills



Assessment criteria

  • use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about Natural disasters

How to Survive a Hurricane?”

In a group make a cluster based on previouslistening task. Using new words, prepare the information clearly to other groups. Check that you have met all the assessment criteria.

Prepare a cluster on an A3 paper (using different colours and fonts).



A learner

  • Tells his/her part of presentation, not reading

  • Uses at least 4 new words

  • Tells at least 5 sentences

Appendix 3

Formative Assessment

Speaking (for more able learners)


Hobbies and Leisure

Learning Objectives

7.L1 Understand with little support the main points in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics

7.L4 Understand with little support some of the implied meaning in extended talk on a limited range of general and curricular topics.

Level of thinking skills



Assessment criteria

  • use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to talk about Natural disasters

How to Survive a Flood?”

In a group make a brochure based on previouslistening task. Using new words, prepare the information clearly to other groups. Check that you have met all the assessment criteria.

Prepare your brochure on an A3 paper (using different colours and fonts).



A learner

  • Tells his/her part of presentation, not reading

  • Uses at least 7 new words

  • Tells at least 8 sentences

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Listening “Natural disasters”. Speaking on topic.


Дата: 12.03.2018

Номер свидетельства: 461470

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