Қызылорда облысы
Жаңақорған ауданы
№54 орта мектептің ағылшын тілі мұғалімі
The theme of the lessonUnit 2 Step1 Food and drink. 6 form
The aim of the lesson1. to enrich the pupils speech using active vocabulary
2. to develop the pupils skills in oral speech and reading
3. teach pupils how to identify countable and uncountable nouns and how to change singular countable nouns to plural nouns
Visual aids:pictures of food and drink, an interactiveboard,cards
Connection between to subjects: Kazakh, Russian
Methods of the lesson. Work in pairs, group and individual
The procedure of the lesson.
I organization moment.
T. Good morning children!
P. Good morning teacher!
T. I am glad to see you!
P. We are glad to see to you to!
T. How are you today?
P. We are fine and you?
T. I am ok. Thanks, sit down please!
Conversation with duty.
-Who is on duty today?
-Who is absent?
-What season is it now?
-What month is it now?
-What is the weather like today?
-What date is it today?
-What day is it today?
Warm up.
Now pupils look at the blackboard.
-What can you see in this picture?
-a banana, an apple etc.
Put these words into 3 groups give a name. fruits, vegetables and drinks. I want to divide you into 3 group
Let’s start our lesson with phonetic drill. Look at the blackboard There is a poem. I’ll read. Then you must repeat after me altogether.
Our school is very good
We have here tasty food
Pizza, bacon, salad ham
Porridge, sausage, soup and jam.
Milk and coffee, juice and tea
For my teachers, friends and me.
Introduction of the new lesson.
Grammar: The noun.
There are two types of nouns
Countable uncountable
A table milk
A boy butter
An orange snow
An apple water
A pen sal
pear [peiә] алмұрт
pineapple [painәpl] ананас
cucumber [kju:kәmbә] қияр
grapes [greip] жүзім
а tangerine [tәndзә'ri:n] мандрин
pizza [pitsa] пицца
porridge [poridз] ботқа
sausage [sosidз] шұжық
ham [hәm] шошқаның еті
Open your vocabulary and write down the vocabulary
Текcт. Электронды оқулық.
Осы тексті қалай түсінгенімізді білу үшін тест орындаймыз.
10-сұрақ берілген
5- сұрақ fruits 5 сұрақ -vegatables
Видео «Саяхат» туралы.
Let’s do exercises. Ex 4 pair work
Example: I like tea but I don’t like coffee
There is, there құрылымы.
Заттың, нәрсенің белгілі бір жерде тұрғанын, бар екенін білдіру үшін there is there are құрылымын пайдаланамыз.
Сөйлем there is there құрылымымен басталады. қазақ тілінде мекен пысықтауыштан бастап аударылады мысалы: There is a car in the garden There are apples in the plate. Болымсыз сөйлемде етістіктен кейін not сөзін қолданамыз.сұраулы сөйлемде is, are етістіктері there-ның алдына қойылады.
Present simple. There is / there are
Past simple. There was / there were
Ex.7. Look at the food in the fridges Write sentences in the present and past
Now children let’s guess the crossword about fruits and vegetables
Find the names of vegetables and fruits
Giving hometask open your diary and write down your hometask learn by heart new words grammar.
Today we had a very good lesson!
You all were very active today.
The lesson is over! Good bye children!