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Choosing career

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Choosing a career is like any other activity; it is best to work to a plan. Too many people start looking for a specific job before thinking out their occupational aims. It is a good idea to begin by attempting to define in clear terms what your requirements are from a career. This involves taking a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses. You may think for example, that you would like a job which involves organizing people, but liking such a job is not a sufficient justification if experience you already may have suggests that this is not your strong point. On the other hand, you should remember that training will equip you to do new things. A further point to consider is how far you will be willing to do for a time things which you do not like knowing that they are necessary to achieve your longer term objectives. Having thought carefully about the sort of person you are, try to work out a realistic set of occupational requirements. In particular, you can answer to important questions. First: what sort of life do you want to lead? For example, do you want to live in the country or in the town? Is leisure time of great importance to you? Is the size of your salary important? Do you want to put down roots or travel widely? Second: what sort of work do you want to do? For example, do you like working alone or with others? Does teaching people appeal to you? Do you want to be an organizer of other people's activities? Do you want to develop new ideas and initiate changes.

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«Choosing career»

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Technological сard

І BLOCK «Aims and objectives»

Subject: Profession English




Lesson theme:

Choosing career

Type of lesson:

combined lesson

Form of lesson:

Traditional, individual, group activities

The aim of the lesson:

  • In this lesson, students learn how to make tenses and forms of the verb to have using the proposed construction

  • to use such communicative types of speech as description, communication, etc.

  • to understand by ear the speech of the teacher during the lesson

  • to read and understand the rules in order to find specific information.

Lesson objectives:


to remember some words about professions, to give information about professions;


to develop thinking, understanding, memory, oral speech, reading, writing, listening skills;

Bring up:

to bring up love and interest to the subject, respect to each other; to help students to choose their


Mastering the techniques of working with text relating to the technology of critical thinking, motivation for cognitive activity;

Development of skills of search reading;

Mastering the thematic vocabulary through the context.

Results of the lesson:


  • Students could make research work about the theme.


  • Exchange the opinion with each other, working in groups, could work in critical thinking, learn to speak own ideas in English.

  • During the experiment the experience can be linked and categorized into the topic of life;

Inter-subject communication:


ІІ BLOCK «Lesson equipment»


cards, booklets, interactive board, pictures, slides

Technical equipment

Computer, active board

Information resource

Basic literature

Yu.Golizinski “Grammar. Exercises”

Additional literature

1. Tim Falla, Paul A Davies “Solutions”

2. Straightforward

Basic terms and concepts

Verb, past, future, present, continuous, usage, rules, simple

Techniques and methods of lesson:

Advanced training, critical thinking technology, question and answer method, reporting method, information collected from media, interactive methods: explanation,thinking, comparisons, analysis, information transfer, vocabulary;

Educational and methodical complex

Teaching-methodological complex for English language.

ІІІ BLOCK «Lesson plan»


Methods of teaching

Outline of Lesson Plan

І. Organizational stage

Positive atmosphere

Phonetic drill.

Look at the blackboard. You see the poem “Think of the Future”.

What is the future for me?

Funny it’s going to be.

What’s the future for you?

Your hopes and dreams will come true.

What’s the future for us?

Without pollution – green grass.

Robots, computers, commuting to the Moon…

Think of the future,

Don’t be a fool!

ІІ. Testing the knowledge skills

Oral frontal

Today we read about the verb to be. Do you know anything about the verb to have? What is a difference between tenses?

ІІІ.Auditing the knowledge skills

Method of using the ICT

Every participant must say the names and say characteristics beginning at first letter in your names. For example: My name is Aizhan, I am an amusing teacher.

ІV.Practice of the knowledge skills

Presenting new lexical

It follows that each of us should know what kinds of professions we have in this big world. For this purpose our pupils have prepared some interesting information about professions.

P (1): Finishing school is the beginning of an independent life for millions of school – leavers. Many roads are open before us: technical schools, colleges and universities. Centuries ago there were only a few jobs: people were farmers, bakers, butchers or carpenters. Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs and new ones are constantly appearing.

V. Consolidation of the knowledge skills

Vocabulary consolidation

Modular Technology

group technology

Look at the blackboard. You can see new words. At first, tell me what professions you know. I’ll read them, then you’ll repeat after me. You must write down these words into your vocabulary note – books.

a lawyer -------- a dancer --------- a housewife

an engineer ------ a singer ---------- a dentist

a secretary -------- a teacher ---------- an operator

a bank manager -------- a doctor ---------- a driver

Our lesson today is unusual – we are going to talk about your professions. It’s time for you to travel in the world of different jobs and to find out which of them will be on top in the nearest future, if the knowledge of English helps you to succeed.



- So, today we’ve talked about the verb to be. What was the problem? How was it solved?

VІ. Assessment of the knowledge skills


evaluation method

After mastering the material, students defense the posters.

VІ. Homework, indication of student's independent work

Do the exercise Yu.Golizinski “Grammar. Exercises” Ex.7-10 p.54-55

a) Phonetic drill.

Look at the blackboard. You see the poem “Think of the Future”.

What is the future for me?

Funny it’s going to be.

What’s the future for you?

Your hopes and dreams will come true.

What’s the future for us?

Without pollution – green grass.

Robots, computers, commuting to the Moon…

Think of the future,

Don’t be a fool!


Greeting – acquainted

Every participant must say the names and say characteristics beginning at first letter in your names. For example: My name is Aizhan, I am an amusing teacher.

New words:

T: Look at the blackboard. You can see new words. At first, tell me what professions you know. I’ll read them, then you’ll repeat after me. You must write down these words into your vocabulary note – books.

a lawyer -------- a dancer --------- a housewife

an engineer ------ a singer ---------- a dentist

a secretary -------- a teacher ---------- an operator

a bank manager -------- a doctor ---------- a driver

Our lesson today is unusual – we are going to talk about your professions. It’s time for you to travel in the world of different jobs and to find out which of them will be on top in the nearest future, if the knowledge of English helps you to succeed.

Profession – a job that needs a special education and training.

Job – the regular paid work that you do for an employer.

Occupation – a job or profession.

Work – to do the job that you are paid for.

It follows that each of us should know what kinds of professions we have in this big world. For this purpose our pupils have prepared some interesting information about professions.

P (1): Finishing school is the beginning of an independent life for millions of school – leavers. Many roads are open before us: technical schools, colleges and universities. Centuries ago there were only a few jobs: people were farmers, bakers, butchers or carpenters. Today there are thousands of different kinds of jobs and new ones are constantly appearing.

P (2): Nowadays there is the division into 5 kinds of professions. The subject of the first is “person or man”. That why it is called “Man - man”. These are: doctors, teachers, sellers, tutors, nurses and etc.

P (3): The second kind is “Man - Technology”. The subject of the first is “person or man”. That why it is called “Man - man”. These are: doctors, teachers, sellers, tutors, nurses and etc.

P (4): The third kind of professions is “Man – The Sign system”. It includes professions which are closely connected with texts, numbers, formulas, tables and drawings. These are: translators, librarians, programmers, book – keeper and etc.

P (5): The fourth kind of professions is “Man – The Artistic image”. It consists of professions which are connected with the creation and modeling of different beautiful things. These are: artists(painters), journalists, composers, actors, designers, singers, dancers and etc.

P (6): The fifth kind of professions is “Man - Nature”. It consists of professions which are connected with studying of the alive and the lifeless nature. These are: geologists, agronomists, animal technicians, veterinary surgeons and etc.

Now, friends, you know that choosing a profession is a topical problem., it’s one of the most important decisions you will make in your life. Find the right career and you will be happy and successful. Find the wrong career and you may be unhappy and unsuccessful.

The game “Understand me”. One pupil comes up to the table and takes out one card. There is a profession in the card, you must explain it with gestures and you must say what profession it is.

The next game is “Polyglot”. I’II read the riddles and you must guess them and give Kazakh, Russian and English translation of the answers.

Gymnastics for eyes.

Are you tired? Let’s do gymnastics for eyes.

Your next task is “The best translator”. You must translate these words.

Мысық, house, сүт, egg, дәрігер, money, мұғалім, girl, машина, newspaper, алма, 1945, аға, water.

Now you next task is “Leader”. In this task was given quickness reaction and smart.

You must write an appropriate name of professions in a English language.

Ән, кітап, сөздік, дәрі, шаш, тіс, ұшақ…

The Psychological test

1. New Year’s night is the best time:

a) to sleep;

b) to watch TV with your family or friends;

c) to be with your friends.

2. One of 3 gifts which you would like to get:

a) a fishing – rod or a set for your needlework;

b) skates or skies;

c) a tourist pass or a ticket on an interesting performance;

3. To travel is the best with:

a) no any friends or your family (alone);

b) your family or friends;

c) unknown group of people in order to find new friends.

4. If you were in a desert Island or a wild forest you:

a) would fill free;

b) would find the way out of this situation or do smith;

c) would fill melancholic and fearful.

5. In your spare time, you like;

a) reading, visiting a library, a zoo, a forest, dreaming, fishing and etc.

b) drawing, reading, going for sports or music, sewing or knitting, watching TV, talking with friends on telephone and etc;

c) going in for sports, dancing, playing in the ensemble, singing in the chorus, taking part in the performance and etc.

Answers: a – 1 point; b – 2 points; c – 3 points.

5 – 8 points - You should choose a profession which isn’t connected with communicating with people. Because you like only the calmness and dislike noisy unknown groups or people. You are reserved and shy and meetings with unfamiliar people aren’t for you. Your professions are: a programmer, a locksmith, a turner, a book – keeper, a veterinary, surgeon and etc.

8 - 12 points – You are lucky! You can feel yourself very well in any situation. In other words you are not afraid to be alone or communicate with different people. That’s why you may choose any job what you want.

12 - 15 points – There is a little doubt that you should communicate with people. You are a very talented smart person and opened for everything new in our world. You should be: a commercial director, a manager, a seller, a teacher, a doctor, an actor, a singer, a trainer and etc.

Dialogue between Aidana and Asem about their future professions.

Dialogue between Maral, Gauhar and Amanbek.


T: Dear, pupils, our lesson is almost over. What did you do during our lesson?

P: We spoke about professions, kinds of professions.

T: Which part of the lesson did you like best of all?

P: I like …. I enjoyed it.

Giving marks.

between 50 and 40 points – 5 (excellent)

between 40 and 30 points – 4 (good)

between 30 and 15 points – 3 (satisfactory)

Берілген бағалау парақшасы бойынша оқушыларға смайликтер беріп бағалау.

You are very active today. I’m sure that our lesson was interesting and useful for you... That’s all for today. The lesson is over! Thank you for your attention. See you later!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Планирование

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Choosing career

Автор: Kakenova Aidana Bekbolatovna

Дата: 06.05.2019

Номер свидетельства: 509228

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