(W,I) While-listening Show a video “Making a wise career choice” Differentiation by tasks For all students -name the 5 major qualities from the video, what should you consider? -explain your interests for another group For most students -discuss in a group and explain your talents and values consider them to another group For some students -compare your career in mind, should you change anything, in order to get the best outcomes Descriptor -list the main skills from the video -share with their ideas Groups will assess each other by “comments” and “likes” (P, f) Post-listening Make up resume using the students skills What kind of careers are you interested in exploring? Why do you these careers interest you? What do you hope to learn about thee careers during the lesson? What questions do you have about careers that you hope to answer during this lesson? Descriptor -share with a chosen means of career Peer assessment according the sum of the liked answers “Body language” Discuss different types of body language and how do they are interpreted Standing with your hands on your hips-Aggressive Biting your nails- Nervous Resting your hand on your cheek-Thinking Descriptor -understanding the effects of body language -model communicating nonverbally (P) Pre-speaking Interviewing Now it’s turn to interview someone. Ask some questions assigned partner as if you are interviewing them for a job Analyzing and evaluating career skills Demonstrating critical thinking What motivates you? Do you prefer to work alone or as part of a team? Identify 3 jobs that interest you? Job1_________ Job2_________ Job3_________ 4. Give a reason of, why do you select each job? Job1_________ job2_________ job3_________ 5.Identify at least two characteristics of his position that appealed to you 6. What steps must you compete to be prepared for this position in the future? Descriptor -increase clear pronunciation Pear assessment students exchanges handshakes with the best resume they liked Differentiation by pace (G) While speaking All groups make up a project The topic of is “How should I scream my ideally cool career?” A motto for the 1st group:“My interests- are my power” A motto for the 2nd group:“My talent- is my provider” A motto for the 3rd group:“My skills and values - are my mastery treasure” Task1 (2min) find 15 items among a confused words Task 2(5min) research the definitions of each word Task 3 (5min) present yourself as a successful career holder in 2 sentences Descriptor -supports by keys -find the comprehends with a main ideal though the video -compare their points of view Group assess with different ways such as 1st – “firework” 2nd-“2stars,1wish” 3rd –“theater applause” “Guess an emotion” Receive two emotions and instruct them not to show anyone else -happy -bored -impatient -sleepy -confidence -mad (W) Post-speaking Analyzing your weaknesses Your first weaknesses? It could be a problem in your future career ,because How must you get rid of these weaknesses? Description -take a step towards a clean and frank discussion -break the barrier from inside |