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Внеклассное мероприятие "Play and Learn"

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Данное мероприятие посвящено Дню Языков Народов Казахстана. Это внеклассное мероприятие привлекает ребят нестандартным подходом к изучению иностранного языка. В форме игры ребята проверяют свои практические навыки во владении лексикой.  

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«Внеклассное мероприятие "Play and Learn"»


внеклассного мероприятия - игры

по английскому языку

для учеников 9 классов

ко Дню Языков Народов Казахстана


Учитель английского языка:

Вениаминова Лея Малануровна

Тема: Владение лексическим минимумом

Цели и задачи: а) способствовать формированию интереса

учащихся к изучению английского языка;

б) способствовать развитию навыков

правильно ответить на вопрос, проявить смекалку при решении заданий;

в) владеть тремя языками и уметь применять свои знания при

работе с конкурсными заданиями,

умение работать в команде;

г) воспитывать уважение к истории и

культуре страны изучаемого языка,

интересоваться истоками создания культуры.

Ход мероприятия:

I. Начало мероприятия:

Ведущий учитель:

Good morning, dear boys and girls. Good morning, dear guests and respectful teachers. Good morning, dear fans and schoolchildren. Today our contest is devoted to your general skills in the knowledge of 3 languages: English, Russian, Kazakh. And we will check your knowledge in the history of the USA, Great Britain and Kazakhstan. Today we are having 3 teams of the 9th grade pupils. Every team has its own title and participants.


Let us introduce the titles of our game tours.

Tour 1: Polyglot

Tour 2: Test on 3 countries

Tour 3: Listen and translate

Tour 4: Find the correct word

Tour 5: Find a correct word

Tour 6: Find a word on the picture

Tour 6: Vocabulary check

Tour 7: Poetic page

Ведущий учитель: Let’s start the 1st tour. It is called “Polyglot”. It means that pupils of teams must listen to the text and give the translation of words into 2 languages besides English. Now listen.

Foreign languages are different in our world. And learning them is an important thing in our life. People should know foreign languages to be more successful, to get many friends all over the world, to travel about the world and to learn more about the world. We know some English speaking countries. They are: Great Britain, the USA, New Zealand, Australia, Canada. English is an official language in the United Nations Organization.

( all the words are on the blackboard)

Ученик: If you translated all the words correctly then you get a score for each word. Now let’s start the 2nd tour. The name of this tour is “Test on 3 countries”. The idea of this tour is that there are some questions about the countries and you must show your skills. Now let’s start our questionnaire.

Every right answer will give you a score.

1. Who discovered America?

2. Who was the 1st President of the USSR?

3. What is the symbol of the Kazakhstan?

4. What is the capital of the USA?

5. What is the capital of Russia?

6. What is the capital of Kazakhstan?

7. The American flag has…

8. The colour of Russian flag is…

9. What is the colour of Kazakhstan’s flag?

10. Where are the tallest skyscrapers in the world?

11. Where is the Statue of Liberty?

12. Where is Kremlin?

13. What is the famous sightseeing in Kazakhstan?

14. When do Americans celebrate Independence Day?

15.When do Russians celebrate Independence Day?

16.When do Kazakhstans celebrate Independence Day?

17. What is the national sport in the USA?

18. What is the national sport in Kazakhstan?

19. Who was the first man on the Moon?

20. Who flew to the space?

Ведущий учитель: Now we have come to the 4th tour which is called “Listen and translate”. The idea of the tour is that every word in the sentences you should translate into 2 languages: Russian and Kazakh. The cards with the words are given on the blackboard.

(live, study, school, know, important, language, capital)

We all live in Kazakhstan but all of you study English at school and you know that it is one of the most important languages in the world.

Do you know that…

The capital of the USA is…

The capital of Canada is…

The capital of New Zealand is…

The capital of Australia is…

The capital of Russia is…

The capital of Kazakhstan is…

The capital of Great Britain is…

The capital of Scotland is,,,

The capital of Wales is…

The capital of Northern Ireland is…

(there is an opportunity for teams to get more scores for the correct answer)

Ученик: OK. Thank you for this tour. And we have come to the following tour which is called “Find the correct word”. It’s the 4th tour. The principle of this tour is that you see the poster where there are several hidden words. The task of this tour is to find the suitable word to the appropriate theme.

a) food

b) fruit and vegetable

c) house

d) sports

e) school

f) clothes

g) animals

h) on the table

(when find a word children should translate it into 2 languages)

Every correct word from the poster gives the teams a score.

Ведущий учитель: One more tour is on. The 5th tour is called “Find a correct word” . You see a long list of words and pictures. Your task is to look attentively at the list. Then you should divide words and translate them into 2 languages. Then you should read all the words correctly. If you read them without any mistake you will get 2 scores for every word. Here are the words:


Ученик: Thank you, dear children for this task. It was done great. And you got some scores. Now I want to invite you to the next 6th tour of our game. It has the name “Vocabulary check”. You see some words on the cards. The task is: to give the antonyms to the words and also translate them into 2 languages. Here is the list of words:

Weak Tall Sad Young Ugly Wet

Dirty Dark Little Cold Bad Fat


(strong, short, happy, old, beautiful, dry, clean, light, big, hot, good, thin, fast)

And now you must read correctly all the words. Then you will get scores. Thank you for the work.

Ведущий учитель: And now we have come to the last tour of our contest. The 7th tour is devoted to the “Poetic page”. I will read the poem to you, dear children and you should understand it, translate it into Russian and Kazakh languages. Then one of the members of the team must read the poem to the other pupils. The winner is the best reader of the poem. Here is the poem:

If I know a lot of languages

I say to you I am a happy man

Because I’ve got a lot of good friends

That trust, believe and understand me

I live in a beautiful country

That has such a wonderful life

That cares, gives love and confides me

And I will say never to her “Good bye!”

Ученик: There is time for the teams to do the task and then to show their results. All the children and guests will listen to the young poets and their masterpieces. Thank you for your job, dear children. Now we will tell you the results of our contest.

(the teacher announces the results of the game and gives the presents to the participants of the game)

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Внеклассное мероприятие "Play and Learn"

Автор: Вениаминова Лея Малануровна

Дата: 19.01.2017

Номер свидетельства: 381317

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