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«Внеклассное мероприятие «Party Elections»»
«Party Elections»
Class: 5, 8,11
Learning objectives: 1. Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to describe a state:its geographical position, places to visit.
2.Use imagination and creative thinking to present the project: party campaign and school of future.
3. Ask and answer complex questions to get and provide information.
4.Develop and sustain a consistent argument when speaking.
Lesson objectives: Students can:-describe a geographical position and destinations of a state;
-reveal their talents, creative thinking through role-playing;
-explain and justify their point of view;
-respond with growing flexibility at both sentence and discourse level to unexpected comments and questions.
Sources: L.S. Baranovski- Hello, America!; English Speaking Countries- Australia and New Zealand); Павлоцкий В.М. “Портреты знаменитых людей (наука, политика, культура)”; Magazines “Speak Out”; Magazines “The First of September”; the Internet.
Resources: a laptop; a voting box; an interactive board; leaflets; posters; musical instruments; smiles.
Procedure of the lesson
The lesson starts with the student playing the piano.
Student: Good afternoon, dear teachers and students! Today you will become the spectators of a real political campaign. At the end you will vote for the party you like most.
Only the strongest, the most ambitious and motivated groups of young people sharing definite set of ideas have run up to the final. Let’s greet them: the Sunny Prospects Party from Florida! The Looking Back from New York! And the Oxygen Party from Los Angeles! And, of course, our independent experts. Let’s win the best!
The Oxygen Party from Los Angeles, you are welcome!
The group of high students speaks on (see App 1):
1. Homeland presentation: geographical position of the state, interesting facts about it and fascinating destinations.
2. Party’s campaign: motto, emblem and goals.
The group of elementary students speaks on school of future: its location, their daily routine, subjects they study and clubs they attend.
After that independent experts ask the party 2 questions concerning their campaign:
When will your programme give the results?
What global problems are you going to solve?
A short musical break: the student plays the violin.
Student:Now it’s turn for the Looking Back from New York!
The group of high students speaks on (see App 2):
1. Homeland presentation: geographical position of the state, interesting facts about it and fascinating destinations.
2. Party’s campaign: motto, emblem and goals.
The group of elementary students speaks on school of future: its location, their daily routine, subjects they study and clubs they attend.
After that independent experts ask the party 2 questions concerning their campaign:
1)Why have you named your party “Looking back”?
2)Where are you going to take money from?
A short musical break: the student plays the piano.
Student: And finally, the Sunny Prospects Party from Florida!
The group of high students speaks on (see App 3):
1. Homeland presentation: geographical position of the state, interesting facts about it and fascinating destinations.
2. Party’s campaign: motto, emblem and goals.
The group of elementary students speaks on school of future: its location, their daily routine, subjects they study and clubs they attend.
After that independent experts ask the party 2 questions concerning their campaign:
1) You may know that now in some states of America there is a trend to allow the legalization of some groups of drugs. That trend appeared even in Georgia. What do you think about it?
2) What social programmes do you have?
Student: Now my assistant will give you voting paper with the parties’ names and you choose the preferable one. After that our experts will count the number of votes. Each vote is necessary for us.
While the spectators vote, the teacher conducts a short geographical quiz with other students. Each student is given a smile for one right answer.
1.How many states are there in the USA?
a. 49 b. 50 c. 51 d. 48
2.What are the two major parties in the US?
a.The Republicans and the Democrats b. The Republicans and the Socialists.
c. The Democrats and the Socialists d.The Conservationists and the Democrats
3.What do Americans celebrate on July 4th?
a. Flag Day b.The Revolution c.The Discovery of America d.The Independence Day
4.Who was the first person to walk on the moon?
a. John Glenn b. Jim Lowell c. Neil Armstrong d. Henry Ford
5.What was the name of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to New England in 1620?
a. Pitta b. Sunflower c. Mayflower d.Titanic
7.Where's the White House located?
a. New York b. Washington, D.C. c. Houston d.Washington
8.What is the capital of the USA?
a. Chicago b. Los Angeles c. New York d. Washington DC
9.How many stripes are there on the US flag?
a.12 b. 13 c.14 d.15
10.How many stars are there on the US flag?
a.51 b. 41 c.49 d.50
11. Which state of the USA is called Sunshine State?
a. Arizona b. California c. Florida d.Kentucky
Experts: We have counted all your votings andthe winner is the ……………… party! You deserve the right to be the best party 2017.The winners are awarded with the diploma. Thank you all for your participation! Good bye!