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Внеклассное мероприятие «Meet Missis Grammar!»

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Цели и задачи: организовать деятельность учащихся по повторению и обобщению пройденного материала; способствовать формированию грамматических навыков употребления Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple; организовать деятельность учащихся по проверке сформированности речевых умений

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«Внеклассное мероприятие «Meet Missis Grammar!»»

Внеклассное мероприятие «Meet Missis Grammar!»

(для учащихся 7 классов).

Цели и задачи: организовать деятельность учащихся по повторению и обобщению пройденного материала; способствовать формированию грамматических навыков употребления Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple; организовать деятельность учащихся по проверке сформированности речевых умений

Ход мероприятия:

На сцене появляется миссис Грамматика. (Участники команд сидят за столами).
Ведущий – Oh, hello, but who are you? Missis Grammar – I’m Missis Grammar,
I have got many rules. And everybody Must know me at schools!
I want to see how students from this school know me.
Ведущий: OK Missis Grammar you will judge our teams.
Конкурс 1. Команды выходят и представляют свои команды.
1. Повествовательное предложение:

We like English, we go to school.
We must learn many grammar rules.
They speak English
My friend has got a dog.
He is a pupil.
You can jump like a frog.
I’ve got a mother.
I am her son.
Grammar is easy.
We study it like fun.

2.Отрицательное предложение:

I have no brother.
He has not many friends.
They don’t like each other.
This isn’t my hand.
She doesn’t like meat.
My friend is not Pete.
My mom doesn’t skate.
Grammar is not easy.
But Grammar is great!

3. Вопросительное предложение:

Do you like English?
Can they speak and read?
Must we read the dialogue?
Does she play with Pete?
Are the brothers doctors?
Has she got a son?
Is Grammar so difficult?
Would you like to have some fun?

На сцене появляется неизвестный господин. Он в черном костюме. С вопросительным знаком в руке.
Ведущий – ой, ребята, посмотрите, какой- то новый господин пожаловал к нам. Сейчас я постараюсь узнать кто это.
Здравствуйте, уважаемый господин. Можем мы узнать, зачем вы к нам пожаловали?
(господин молчит) молчит, наверное не понимает меня. Попробую спросить на английском .
Hello! My name is …
Dear mister, who are you?
Mister question: I am clever Mister Question.
And I would like to ask you some questions.
Leader: You are welcome, mister Question. I will try to answer I listen to you very attentively.
Mister Question : What is your name?
Leader: My name is…
Mister Question : Do you like English?
Leader: Yes, I do. I like English very much.
Mister Question : What marks have you got at English dear girl?
Leader: No, no I’m not student. There are so many nice and clever boys and girls here. They would like to answer your questions. Some of them will try to do it now.
Leader: Dear captains of the teams, please come here.
(мистер вопрос задает капитанам команд вопросы, они отвечают без подготовки)
Team 1
1. What language would you like to speak well? ( I would like to speak Russian and English well.)
2. What country would you like to visit? (I would like to visit England.)
3. What pet would you like to have ?( I would like to have a dog.)
Team 2
1. Who plays computer games every day? (My friend plays computer games every day.)
2. Who speaks good English? (My teacher speaks good English.)
3. Who writes letters very often? ( My mother writes letters every day in the internet.)
Team 3
1. When do you like play computer games? (I like play computer games in the evening.)
2. What do you like to do in the evening? ( I like to read books.)
3. Where do you like to go in summer? ( I like to go to the village.)

Mister Question: Good job captains. I have many tasks for you. Next.
Конкурс 3
( Каждая команда получает набор карточек с предложениями, в которых перепутаны слова местами)
Team 1
1. have/ for/ yesterday/ what/ breakfast /did / your / you?(What did you have for breakfast yesterday?)
Team 2
1. summer / where/ last/ you / go / did? ( Where did you go last summer?)
Team 3
1. his / books/ did / put/yesterday / where / he? ( Where did he put his books yesterday?)
(Задания выполняются одновременно на доске. Если предложение составлено правильно, то оцениваем карточкой с зеленым вопросительным знаком, если нет – карточку с красным вопросительным знаком)
Конкурс 4 (На листе картона 3 кармана с названиями времен английского глагола, Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple. И один карман с предложениями в этих временах, соответственно. Для каждой команды отдельный лист. По очереди участники команд выходят к доске и раскладывают предложения по карманам, кто быстрее и правильней выполнит задание получает балл. Следит за конкурсом Мистер вопрос)
Team 1
1. I go to school every day.
2. They went to the swimming pool yesterday.
3. My mother is reading a newspaper now.
4. I often wash dishes.
Team 2
1. They usually drink juice.
2. I posted my letter yesterday.
3. He isn’t playing football now.
4. e are reading a book now.
Team 3
1.She plays the guitar every day.
2.We didn’t play chess yesterday.
3.They are talking now.
4.He went to the cinema yesterday.
Минутка отдыха ( Проводит ведущая участвуют команды и болельщики.)

Can you run? So, let’s run.
Can you jump? So, let’s jump.
Can you fly high in the sky?
Left and right, Left and right.
Can you clap, clap your hands?
So, clap, clap and dance, dance!
Can you bounce like a ball?
Thank you, children!
And that’s all!

Конкурс 5 «Исправь ошибку»
1.Ann and Mike is pupils.
2.We English are.
3.I have 5 book.
4.They is sisters.
5.What is your names?
6.I see one dogs.
( Пока команды работают с заданием, Мистер Вопрос проводит игру с болельщиками)
Конкурс 6 «Кроссворд»
(Участникам предлагается кроссворд, кто быстрее найдет 10 слов, тот получает баллы.)
Конкурс 7 «Отгадай загадку».

Дается по две загадки каждой команде.
1) I am red and I have a fine tail, I live in the forest, I like meat. (a fox)
2) I am green I can swim. I cannot jump. I like meat and fish. (a crocodile)
3) I can run. I can climb. I can catch (перевод) a mouse. (a cat).
4) I live in the river. I am not fish. I am green. What am I? (a frog).
Жюри подводит итоги!
Missis Grammar: Dear children! I see that you know about me many things? Thanks for your knowledge? I am very glad to see your results.

Put the words in the correct order and make up the sentences:

  1. Not, cooking, breakfast, is, she.

  2. Lived, he, Moscow, in, last, year.

  3. Son, goes, to, school, every, day, his.

  4. I, read, shall, next, week, book, this.

  5. Will, get, up, she, tomorrow, at, 8 o clock.

  6. Does, not, live, he, London, in.

  7. Playing, the, piano, is, she, now.

  8. Never, taken, has, he, part, conference, in, international, the.

  9. make, teenagers, usually, the, in, bonfires, camp.

  10. They, just, have, back, come, England, from.

  11. Seen, have, my, friends, not, yet, film, this.

  12. making, I, like, friends, new.

  13. will, visit, John, places, historical, next, summer.

  14. Grandpa, my, up, gave, last, year, smoking.

  15. is, Kate, going, buy, to, souvenirs, nice.

  16. share, I, room, little, brother, with, my, the.

  17. present, classmate, my, given, has, her, to, granny, recently.

  18. ever, have, you, of, heard, Princess Diana?

  19. rich, in, London, museums, is, famous.

Exercise 3.

Find out the mistakes in the sentences and correct them:

  1. Give me your mothers hat, please.

  2. Does you usually win in school competition?

  3. This museum are famous for big wax figures.

  4. I have not never been to Italy.

  5. My best friend have not seen the comedy yet.

  6. My family live in a nice detached house last year.

  7. Do you have a good weekend yesterday?

  8. At this moment Ann am swimming in the lake with clear water.

  9. The father already bought the flowers to mum`s birthday.

  10. I gone sightseeing in Saint Petersburg last summer.

  11. Simona often travel around the world with her family.

  12. The children celebrate Halloween next month.

  13. Who does like studying French in our group?

  14. Sometimes I am going shopping with my sister.

  15. Has you already finished the letter?- Yes, I did.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Внеклассное мероприятие «Meet Missis Grammar!»

Автор: Мусрединова Диляра Муннеровна

Дата: 04.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 420371

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