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Внеклассное мероприятие «Игра Edinburgh» для 9-11 классов.

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Игра была специально разработана для предметной недели английского языка. Она включает в себя задания разного уровня сложности на все виды речевой деятельности

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«Внеклассное мероприятие «Игра Edinburgh» для 9-11 классов.»

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку «Игра Edinburgh» для 9-11 классов.

Цель: формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся

1) Развитие языковых, индивидуальных и интеллектуальных способностей учащихся.
2) Воспитание толерантного отношения к иноязычной культуре
3) Активизировать и совершенствовать актуальный словарный запас обучающихся.

План мероприятия:
1. Просмотр видео. Выполнение задания по аудированию (дополни предложения).
2. Чтение c извлечением конкретной информации. Задание True/False
3. Мини-диалог «How can I get to…» с использованием карты
4. Написание открытки из Эдинбурга другу
5. Тест «Как хорошо ты знаешь Эдинбург?»

Предварительная подготовка: Учащиеся делятся на 3 команды, читают информацию о городе Эдинбург. Выбирается жюри для подсчета баллов у команд.

Оборудование: Компьютер, проектор, экран, распечатки с заданиями, грамоты

Ход мероприятия:

Учитель: Good afternoon dear friends! Today we get together to find out what is Edinburgh and which team knows this city better. You’re going to do several tasks today. The first one is to watch a video and complete the sentences.

Ссылка на видео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX2nq-tthxs

  1. Аудирование

Watch the video and fill in the gaps

  1. Edinburgh - _______________ stunning ____________ city.

  2. Edinburgh has evolved across a series of ______________ _______________ and southern valleys.

  3. The castle is unmistakable landmark of not only Edinburgh’s Old Town but one of the top _____________ _____________ in the world.

  4. In Victorian Times Edinburgh became known as old ricky thanks to the _________ _________________ of an industrial revolution

  5. In 1997 a referendum voted for the return of a parliament to Scotland but this time as a ______________ ______________________ .

  6. The population would grow so much that eventually a ground _____ _________ was proposed and developed.

  7. Edinburgh was named “the Athens of the North” thanks to the ________ _________________ of the New Town and prominence of Scotland intellectual lead mostly centered around the ________________ ___ ________________.

  8. And a huge selection of hotels, shops, restaurants and cafes offers something for ____________________ ______________________ .

Учитель: Give your answers to the jury and get ready for the next step.

  1. Текст

Учитель: You should read the text and define whether the statements are true or false.

Hannah from Edinburgh

Twelve-year-old Hannah is learning to play the chanter—the mouthpiece to the bagpipes, on which you practice fingering and blowing—before moving on to the full instrument. She hopes to join her school band this year. Speaking of school, she wears a uniform: a navy-and-red kilt with a navy blazer and, "unfortunately," she says, "a scrunchie in the same tartan as the kilt." Hannah's house is in the center of town, so she gets everywhere by walking. Living in a city that dates from the seventh century, says Hannah, is ideal: "For one thing, old buildings are much prettier than modern office blocks." Since the list of what to do in Edinburgh is longer than the Royal Mile, we asked Hannah to tell us what's not to be missed.

Some of the nicest things about Edinburgh are the parks and greenery. The best park is our famous Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, with lots of rare trees and plants. My favorite section is the tropical greenhouse called the Glasshouse Experience, which is really hot. It has a pond with giant lily pads that are big enough to sit on! For amazing views of the city, climb all the way up Arthur's Seat, a volcanic hill about 250 meters high, near Holyrood Palace. You should also climb up the Scott Monument on Princes Street. It's 287 steps to the top.

The place everyone wants to go is the new science center, called Our Dynamic Earth. It has lots of exhibits, including the Polar Region, where there's a huge block of real ice you can make handprints on—if you can stand the cold!

Another cool thing to do is go skiing on the artificial snow at Midlothian Ski Centre, just south of Edinburgh. I also love skating at Murrayfield Ice Rink, next to Murrayfield Stadium, where the Scottish rugby team plays.

The best place to shop is on Princes Street. If you're spending your own money, go to Miss Selfridge or Etam, and if you like bright colors, go to Logo. Or check out JJB Sports for rugby shirts.

There are some really good restaurants close to Princes Street. For dinner, one of my favorites is Browns. It's quite posh. I order Scottish salmon with salad and potatoes, and then sticky toffee pudding. Another good place is Dix-Neuf. Sometimes we go here just for dessert—I have hot chocolate and the delicious "banoffe" pie, which has a huge layer of cream and then a biscuit-and-banana base.

Try to come to Edinburgh in August, when the Edinburgh Military Tattoo is on the Castle Esplanade. The Tattoo are marching servicemen who play the bagpipes and drums. The show lasts almost two hours and takes place six nights a week for three weeks. It ends with fireworks, then the band marches out across the drawbridge while a lone piper plays a tune at the top of the castle. Also, dancers perform the Highland fling—with swords.

One last thing: you can't visit Edinburgh without walking the Royal Mile. This is the street linking Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace, where Queen Elizabeth stays when she's in town. Along the way you pass St. Giles' Cathedral, where my dad is a minister. The cathedral was built in 1120 and has a crown-shaped spire. It's the third-most-visited place in Britain—at least according to my dad.

  1. Hannah can play the bagpipes

  2. She doesn’t like her town because there are few modern buildings.

  3. You can see rare trees and plants in Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh.

  4. Midlothian Ski Centre offers you real snow to ski on.

  5. You can find really good restaurants on the Princes street.

  6. The Edinburgh Military Tattoo show lasts for a week.

  7. The Royal Mile is the place which everyone should visit.

  8. St. Giles’ Cathedral was built about 9 hundred years ago.

  1. Мини-диалоги

Учитель: Imagine you’re standing on Waverly station in Edinburgh and you want to get to the next places:
Group 1 – Holyrood palace

Group 2 – Edinburgh castle

Group 3 – Edinburgh University.
3 people from each group participate in dialogues. Speaker A asks the way to the place he needs. Speaker B apologizes and politely explains why he can’t help. Speaker C shows the way.

  1. Открытка другу

Учитель: Send a postcard to your friend where you share your impressions of Edinburgh. Write about the most amazing place of interest you have visited and what are you doing at the moment here. Remember the rules of writing a postcard.

  1. Тест

Учитель: Now, my friends, it’s high time to summary what you’ve learned about Edinburgh at home and on our lesson. Choose the correct answer.

  1. According to the Scottish Place Names dictionary, the name “Edinburgh” means

  1. ‘One Force’ B ‘Fort of the Rock Face'. C. ‘Land of Stone’

  1. The city is situated on … of Scotland.

  1. The East coast B. The West coast C. The South coast

  1. The modern name of the city was accepted in…

  1. The 16th century B. The 14th century C. the 15th century

  1. What is the highest temperature in Edinburgh?

  1. 28’C B. 31’C C. 34’C

  1. The most developed economic sectors are…

  1. Tourism, education and light industry. B. tourism, bank industry and education C. tourism, light industry and bank industry.

  1. What’s the main passenger transport in Scotland?

  1. Taxi B. Bus C. Trolleybus

  1. Which of these museums isn’t in Edinburgh?

  1. Mary King’s Close B. Scottish Football Museum C. Scotch Whisky Heritage Centre

  1. Edinburgh university was established in…

  1. 1506 B. 1583 C. 1561

  1. What part of the city was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List?

  1. Old Town and New Town B. Old Town, New Town and the northern part of West-end

  2. C. only Old Town

  1. Nowadays the Edinburgh castle is …

  1. The royal residence B. National Military Museum C. Fine Art Gallery

  1. What Russian city is the sister city of Edinburgh?

  1. Ekaterinburg B. St.-Petersburg C. Volgograd

  1. Who of these writers was born in Edinburgh?

  1. Walter Scott B. Henry Herford C. Robert Burns

  1. How much time does the flight from Moscow to Edinburgh take?

  1. 4 hours B. 5 hours C, 6 hours

  1. The name of the main Edinburgh railway station is …

  1. Waverley B. Lothian C. Moray

  1. The Royal Mile is situated in …

  1. Old Town B. New Town C. Canonmills

  1. The most famous shopping-alley of the city is…

  1. Princess Street B. Holyrood C. Highstreet

  1. The national drink of Scotland is…

  1. Whisky B. Beer C. Schnapps

  1. The national dish “haggis” is made of …

  1. Mutton bowels B. chicken giblets C pork

  1. The hotel Balmoral is famous with its …

  1. Gigantic clocks B. glass dome C. huge pillars’

  1. What monument you won’t see in Edinburgh?

  1. Commando Memorial B. Scotland monument C. Arthur’s seat

  1. Every child in Edinburgh knows that “Greyfriars Bobby” is…

  1. A dog monument B. colloquial name of policemen C. Scottish breed of cats.

  1. What sports are the most popular in Edinburgh?

  1. Cricket, golf, rugby B. Tennis, golf, cricket C. Cricket, golf, grass hockey

  1. Which of these theatres isn’t in Edinburgh?

  1. Covent Garden Royal theatre B. Bedlam theatre C. Scottish Storytelling Centre

  1. All these famous actors are from Scotland, but who was born in Edinburgh?

  1. Sean Connery B. David Tennant C. Gerard Butler

  1. Choose the correct transcription of the city name
    A. [‘edɪnbrə] B. [‘edɪnbɜ:] C. [‘edɪnbɜrg]

Учитель: This is the end of our game. In a few minutes the jury will announce the name of the winner.

I. Аудирование
1. Scotland’s … capital

2. volcanic platforms

3. visitor destination

4. heavy pollution

5. devolved government

6. New Town

7. grand architecture … university of Edinburgh

8. absolutely everyone

II. Чтение
1 F (she is learning), 2 F, 3 T, 4 F, 5 T, 6 F, 7 T, 8 T

V. Тест
1B 2А 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 8B 9B 10B 11B 12A 13А 14A 15A 16A 17A 18A 19A 20A 21A 22A 23A 24A 25A

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Внеклассное мероприятие «Игра Edinburgh» для 9-11 классов.

Автор: Голубева Екатерина Степановна

Дата: 17.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 401233

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