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Внеклассное мероприятие по теме "Лимерик-поэтическое произведение!" по английскому языку для учащихся 6 классов

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Предлагаемое мероприятие проводится в 6 классе.Цель: познакомить учащихся с английским лимериком и научить отличать его от других стихотворений.Данное мероприятие формирует фонетические и лексические навыки, развивает языковую догадку, знакомит учащихся со структурой лимерика, прививает интерес к культуре Англии, развивает у учащихся умение сравнивать, развивает монологическую речь.

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«Внеклассное мероприятие по теме "Лимерик-поэтическое произведение!" по английскому языку для учащихся 6 классов »



Юсуфкулова Э. Р.

Предлагаемое мероприятие проводится в 6 классе.

Цель: познакомить учащихся с английским лимериком и научить отличать его от других стихотворений.


  1. формировать фонетические и лексические навыки;

  2. развивать языковую догадку;

  3. познакомить учащихся со структурой лимерика;

  4. прививать интерес к культуре Англии;

  5. воспитывать чувство взаимопомощи и внимания друг к другу;

  6. развивать у учащихся умение сравнивать;

  7. развивать монологическую речь у учащихся.


    • карточки двух вариантов с tongue twisters для формирования команд

    • карточки с рифмующимися словами (2 экз.)

    • стихи с пропущенным словом (2 экз.)

    • картинки к лимерикам (2 экз. по 6 шт.)

    • «испорченный лимерик» (2 экз.)

    • жетоны (выдаются за правильный ответ)

Ход мероприятия.

I. Организационный момент.


Rain in summer.

How beautiful is the rain!

After the dust and heat,

In the broad and fiery street,

In the narrow lane,

How beautiful is the rain!

How it clatters alone the roofs

Like the tramp of hoofs!

How it gushes and struggles out

From the throat of the overflowing spout!

Across the window – pane!

It pours and pours;

And swift and wide,

With a muddy tide,

Like a river down the gutter roars

The rain, the welcome rain!

Good morning dear friends. What do you think about the theme of our meeting? Today the theme of our competition is the Limerick. What is a limerick? Do you know? Is it interesting for you to get to know about it? A limerick is a small poem. English children like reciting it very much but we don’t have limericks in Russian language. Today we will have a limerick-competition and do different tasks in groups to learn something about limericks. But first of all let’s practice our phonetics because we are going to work with poems.

II. Фонетическая зарядка (T – Cl)

Soup and water

Son and daughter

Hot and cold

Young and old

Eat and drink

Pen and ink

Late and soon

Sun and moon

Black and white

Day and night

Fur and feather

Wind and weather

What a lot of words

Go about together!

T: Now divide into two teams. Come to this table, take a tongue twister under the letter A or B. (учащиеся делятся на 2 команды и встают в разные стороны класса) practice it for one minute in your groups and say it all together.

(Учащиеся выбирают скороговорку a или b и занимают места за своими столами, согласно выбранным вариантам, тренируют скороговорку и произносят её хором, представляя свою команду.)

  1. Which is switch? Which switch is which? – 1-я команда

  2. He was sad that day he said: I am awfully upset. – 2-я команда

III. Задание 1: Find the rhyming words.

T: I’ll give you cards with words in two columns. Find the rhyming words and match them.

Team1 Team2









































T: And now let’s check this task, read the pairs of words one by one.

Задание 2: Find the rhyming word.

T: You should choose one word which rhymes with the limerick. If you know the answer, raise your hand.

My Teddy's fur is soft and brown

His legs are short and fat,

He walks with me all around the town

And wears a …..( nose, hat, tree)

My Teddy keeps me warm in bed

I like his furry toes,

I like his darling little head,

His pretty little ….(go, no, nose)

F is for fish

Swimming in the sea

I wish for a goldfish

To come back to…..(her, them, me)

Q is for queen

Whom I’ve never seen

She is like a star

So high and …(low, far, red)

T: Well done! You are the winners in this task.

Задание 3: Listen to the story and be ready to retell it with the help of the model which is on your table.

What is a Limerick?

Edward Lear, 19th century

Edward Lear was a famous English poet. He made limericks popular in the 19th century. A limerick is a short funny poem. It has five lines. A limerick is not just a short poem. It has five lines. A limerick is a short funny poem. The form of a limerick is always the same. The first line rhymes with the second one. The third rhymes with the fourth one. The first and the second lines rhyme with the fifth line. Lines three and four are shorter than the other lines. A limerick usually begins with ”There was a…”.


Edward Lear




1st line


2nd line

3rd line rhyme


4th line

5th line

Текст читается два раза, ученики пересказывают.

Задание 4: Listen to two poems and choose one which is the limerick.


There was a little girl, and she had a little curl

Just down the middle of her forehead;

When she was good, she was very, very good,

And when she was bad, she was horrid.


There was an old lady who said

When she found a thief under her bed,

“Get up from the floor:

You are too near the door,

You may catch a cold in your head.”

( Второе стихотворение согласно строению является лимериком).

T: Good for you!

З адание 5: Match the limericks with the pictures.


There was an old man with a beard,

Who said, “It is just as I feared! –

Two Owls and Hen,

Four Larks and a Wren,

Have all built their nests in my beard!”(6)

There was an Old Person of Five,

Who was greatly disgusted with life;

They sang him a ballad,

And fed him a salad,

Which cured that Old Person of Five.(2)

There was an Old Man of the North,

Who fell in a basin of broth;

But a quick – witted cook

Fished him out with a hook,

Which saved that Old Man of the North.(4)

There was a Young Lady whose nose

Was so long that it reached to her toes;

So she hired an Old Lady

Whose conduct was steady,

To carry that wonderful nose.(5)

There once was a man from Harare,

Who bought a brand new Ferrari.

Now the buck and the gnu

And the elephant too

Hide away when he goes on safari.(3)

There was an Old Man, who when little,

Fell casually into a kettle;

But growing too stout,

He could never get out,

So he passed all his life in that kettle.(1)

Задание 6: «A mixed limerick» Put the lines of the limerick in the correct order.


At breakfast he said:

Who spoke with a terrible stutter

There was a man of Calcutta

And b-b-b-butter!”

“Give me b-b-b-bread

(правильный вариант)

There was a man of Calcutta

Who spoke with a terrible stutter

At breakfast he said,

Give me b-b-b-bread

And b-b-b-butter!”


“I save gallons of ink

He said with a wink

By simply not dotting my i’s”

There was a clever old miser who tries

Every method to e-co-no-mize

(правильный вариант)

There was a clever old miser who tries

Every method to e-co-no-mize

He said with a wink

I save gallons of ink

By simply not dotting my i’s”

T: OK! Now let’s count cards. (дети считают фишки, команда набравшая большее количество побеждает). Thank for your work today, you were attentive. And finally I want to ask you some questions. What have you learnt? What is a limerick? (ученики отвечают на вопросы, учитель поправляет, дополняет).

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Юсуфкулова Эмилия Раильевна

Дата: 06.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 127201

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