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Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное творчеству английского писателя Льюиса Кэррола "Follow the White Rabbit"

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«Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное творчеству английского писателя Льюиса Кэррола "Follow the White Rabbit"»

Муниципальное общеобразовательное бюджетное учреждение

средняя общеобразовательная школа с.Наумовка

муниципального района Стерлитамакский район

Республики Башкортостан

Разработка внеклассного мероприятия,

посвященного 185-летию со дня рождения английского писателя Льюиса Кэрролла

Follow the White Rabbit

Подготовила и провела:

учитель английского языка

Остапенко Т.С.


Цель: расширение представления обучающихся о жизни и творчестве Л. Кэрролла (на примере произведения «Алиса в Стране чудес»)


1) заинтересовать обучающихся творчеством Л. Кэрролла;

2) показать художественное своеобразие произведения Л. Кэрролла;

3) развивать активную деятельность, воображение, мышление обучающихся;

воспитывать любовь к слову, творчеству.

Методические рекомендации: обучающиеся должны быть знакомы с текстом произведения.

Оборудование: компьютер, проектор, презентация, раздаточный материал (факты из биографии Льюиса Кэрролла), чашки и блюдца, 2 колоды карт, сахар кубиками (или белые теннисные мячики), белые розы из бумаги на каждого участника, 1 красный маркер, маленькая фигурка мышонка.

Ход мероприятия:

Т.: Hello dear guests! I want you to look at the pictures on the board and say if you know any of these characters. (answers of the students). As you can see in the pictures, today we are going to travel to Wonderland with famous characters of Lewis Carroll. We all know these characters very well, but what we know about the author of the story “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. It’s interesting to find out information about this talented man. So, let our journey begins…

T.: We are going to have a competition with different interesting tasks. At the end of each task the team of the winners gets some clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography. In the end of our competition you will make up Lewis Carroll’s biography with the help of all these clues. The more clues you get, the better story you will make up. The team with the best story wins our competition.

Let’s divide into teams and choose the names for them.

I wish you good luck!

The first task for you is to match the descriptions with the characters from “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. (The team of the winners gets some clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography)

The Characters


... is a clever little girl who loves adventure. She likes to learn new things, and she enjoys meeting new people. Alice loves animals, and she loves her cat, Dinah, most of all. She hates rude people and she doesn't like people who shout. She is very kind and cares about other people.


... is a very nervous animal. He is always late, and he worries a lot, because he is scared of the Duchess and he doesn't want to get into trouble. He works for the King and Queen of Hearts. He is quite bossy to people who are smaller than him, but he is afraid of people who are bigger than him!


... is a very bossy woman who shouts a lot. She always tells people what to do. She can be friendly, but she can also get very angry. She is not very nice to her cook, but she likes Alice and wants to be her friend.


... is mad and very silly. He loves drinking tea and he likes to tell jokes. He talks a lot, but the things he says not very sensible! His best friend is the Hatter, and they spend all day drinking tea and arguing about silly things


... is just as mad as the March Hare. He sells hats, but he doesn't have a hat of his own, so he wears hats from his shop. He is lazy, so he doesn't work very hard. He sits and drinks tea with the March Hare all day, and he can be very rude to people.


... is a gentle man. He never shouts, and he doesn't get angry very often. He knows that the Queen gets angry a lot, and he tries to calm her down and stop her from shouting at people. He doesn't talk very much, but he is quite kind.


... is very bossy and shouts all the time. She gets very angry with people and wants to cut off their heads, but she never really hurts anyone. She changes her mind a lot, and can be happy one minute and angry the next, so she makes people feel very nervous. She likes to win, and she doesn't like rude people.


... is friendly and cheerful. He is always smiling because he is a happy cat. He likes Alice and tries to help her when she is lost. He wants to be her friend. He always stays calm, even when the Duchess or the Queen shouts at him.

The second task is called “Who said that?” You have to match famous quotes with the characters.

  1. Curiouser and curiouser! (Alice)

  2. Oh,dear! Oh, dear! I shall be late! (the White Rabbit)

  3. Never get angry. (Caterpillar)

  4. We’re all mad here, you know. (The Cheshire Cat)

  5. It’s always tea-party here, and you go on moving round the table. (Mad Hatter)

  6. Off with her head! (The Queen of Hearts)

(the team of the winners gets some clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography)

T.: And now let’s play games. All the characters of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” invite us to do it together.

(the team of the winners gets some clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography)

T.: Who did Alice meet at first? (students’ answers). Yes you are right. It was the White Rabbit. Let’s follow him.

Follow the White Rabbit (физминутка)

 (не оценивается)

 Form a line. The first person in line comes up with various dance moves as the rest of the group follows him or her. Leaders are switched. Also you should wear bunny ears.

T.: On her way Alice meets a strange cat. What does he do all the time? (students’ answers). Yes, he grins. But, unfortunately, he has lost his smile. Can you help him to find it? Our game is called: “Make the Cheshire Cat smile”

Make the Cheshire Cat smile

Make the other players laugh – and whoever laughs first loses!

T.: So, we’ve found Cheshire cat’s smile. And now we have to return it to his face. Let’s play the game “Pin the Grin on the Cheshire Cat”

Pin the Grin on the Cheshire Cat

With your eyes closed you must pin the grin on the Cheshire Cat. The one who will pin his smile to the right place, wins.

(the team of the winners gets some clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography)

T.: After meeting Cheshire cat Alice decides to visit March Hare. March Hare and the Hatter are having a tea-party. Let’s join them. There are a lot of cups and plates on the table. It’s always tea-time here, and they go on moving round the table. Can you do the same? Our game is called “All change”

All Change (Musical Chairs)


 ( Classic Musical Chairs to the Un-birthday song from the Disney movie.)

Three participants from 2 teams. (the winner gets some clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography)

T.: When March Hare and the Hatter have a tea-party, the Dormouse usually sits between them, asleep. They like when the Dormouse tells stories. But now they can’t find him because of all cups and plates. Let’s try to find the Dormouse.

Where’s The Dormouse?

A lot of teacups are gathered together and put upside down on a table. Under one of them, there is a hidden Dormouse. Take turns and lift one cup per turn to see whether you can find the dormouse.

(It’s important to mix the cups up after each turn.) The team of the winners gets some clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography.

T.: We are at the tea-party. So let’s drink tea. We need some sugar to make tea sweet. Shall we play the game “One lump or two?”

One lump or two?

Object: Toss your sugar cubes into your teacup. The team with the best score wins the game and gets some clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography.

T.: After tea party Alice goes to a beautiful garden where she sees a rose-tree. There are white roses. But as we know, the Queen of Hearts likes red ones. I think we should help the gardeners to paint them.

Painting the Roses Red”

The children sat in the circle with their pictures and we handed out ONE red marker. The child with the marker had to color a bit of their flower (about 30 seconds to make it fair) then pass the marker.

 The person dressed up as the red queen hides around a corner then pops out and screams “Off with her/his head” at the child with the marker who leaves the game. 

The winner of the game is either the final child in or else the child who manages to color his/her entire rose first.

(the team of the winners gets some clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography)

House of cards

Our final Alice in Wonderland party game is connected with the Queen of Hearts! Each team gets a pack of cards. The timer is put for 5 minutes.  The team with a card castle with the most cards in it wins.

(the team of the winners gets some clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography)

T.: Well, we have completed our journey with Alice. And it’s time to wake up. It was just a dream. Do you remember what was your dream about?

Let’s try to do “Alice in Wonderland Final Quiz”. The more right answers you have, the more clues about Lewis Carroll’s biography you get.

Alice in Wonderland Final Quiz

1 Who wrote Alice's Adventures in Wonderland?

A Lewis Carroll

В Enid Blyton

С Jonathan Swift

2 What animal did Alice follow into a different world?

A a white mouse with blue eyes

В a white rabbit with pink eyes

С a big elephant with white eyes

3 What did the Duchess's baby turn into?

A a mouse

В a pig

С a cat

4 What did the Cheshire Cat do all the time?

A It cried.

В It smiled.

С It sneezed.

5 Whose house was the mad tea party at?

A the Hatter's

В the March Hare's

С the Dormouse's

6 Who told Alice not to talk?

A the Hatter

В the Mock Turtle

С the Queen

7 What did the soldiers do during the game of croquet?

A They sang a song.

В They lay down on their faces.

С They made croquet hoops with their bodies.

8 Who shouted "Off with his head!"?

A the Queen

В the White Rabbit

С the Cheshire Cat

9 What happened when the whole pack of cards flew into Alice's face?

A She woke up.

В She ran away,

С The rabbit rescued her.

10 Who did Alice tell about her curious dream?

A her cat

В her sister

С her mother

 T.: Let’s try to find out what we have learned about Lewis Carroll, the author of “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”

(Students make up the biography of Lewis Carroll with the help of all the clues they have collected. Then they read their stories. The team that collects more details about Lewis Carroll’s biography wins the whole competition. Both teams are awarded certificates)


1. Lewis Carroll “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”. Oxford University-press, 2000. The simplified edition retold by Jennifer Basset.

2. American Family Theater. Alice study guide.

Список интернетисточников

1. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http: //www//yvonnebyattsfamilyfun.wordpress.com Alice in Wonderland/ Mad Hatter’s Tea Party Ideas (дата обращения: 20.04.2017).

2. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http: //www// blog. party delights.co.uk. 12 Creative Alice in Wonderland Party Games (дата обращения: 20.04.2017).

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Остапенко Татьяна Сергеевна

Дата: 15.12.2021

Номер свидетельства: 594945

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