Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку по теме"Christmas".
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку по теме"Christmas".
Данный вид работы позволяет соединить урочную и внеурочную деятельность в единое целое, сделав их логичным, динамичным и последовательным продолжением друг друга.
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«Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку по теме"Christmas".»
Одна из важнейших задач при обучении иноязычной коммуникации — преодоление психологического барьера и комплекса внутренней зажатости, создание таких условий, чтобы ребёнок захотел говорить не для получения хорошей отметки, а просто потому, что для него коммуникация стала потребностью.
Данный вид работы позволяет соединить урочную и внеурочную деятельность в единое целое, сделав их логичным, динамичным и последовательным продолжением друг друга. Участие в театрализованных постановках способствует формированию у учащихся положительных качеств, общечеловеческих ценностных ориентации, таких как воля, трудолюбие, целеустремлённость, коллективизм, готовность к общению, культура общения в разных видах взаимодействия в коллективе, критичное отношение к себе, уверенность в себе, инициативность.
Предлагаем вашему вниманию сценарий проведения внеклассного мероприятия «Рождество» для учащихся VII классов.
Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для VII класса
Цель: развивать у школьников способности использовать иностранный язык как инструмент общения в диалоге социокультур и цивилизаций современного мира.
Воспитательная цель: прививать интерес к английской литературе; стимулировать интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка.
Развивающая цель: развивать интегративные коммуникативные умения общаться на иностранном языке, умения устного общения, умения участвовать в постановке спектаклей, умения учебного сотрудничества при выполнении коллективных познавательно-поисковых проектов.
Narrator: A long time ago in a town called Nazareth there lived a young woman called Mary and a young carpenter called Joseph. They loved each other very much and Mary was expecting a baby.
Enter Mary and Joseph. Mary sits on the stool.
Joseph: Wait for me here, please, I'll be back soon.
Narrator: One day angels appeared to Mary.
Enter Angels, standing in front of Mary.
Angel 1: Mary, you are the chosen one.
Angel 2: Soon you will have a baby boy.
Angel 1: He will be very special.
Angel 2: Не will be the Son of God and you
must call him Jesus.
Exit Angels and Mary.
Narrator: Soon after the angel's visit, Herod, the ruler of the land, gives an order.
Enter Messenger.
Messenger: By order of the emperor, everyone must return to the place they were born to pay a special tax.
Exit Messenger.
Narrator: Joseph and Mary knew they had to go and they prepared for the journey.
Enter Joseph and Mary preparing things.
Narrator: It took many days to reach Bethlehem.
Mary: I'm so tired.
Joseph: We need somewhere to stay.
Mary: But the town is crowded.
Joseph: Every inn we went to was full.
Enter Inn keeper.
Inn keeper: I have no room at the inn but you
can stay in the stable where I keep my animals. It is dry and warm.
Mary, Joseph: Thank you.
Narrator: During the night Mary gave birth to Jesus. She wrapped him in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger full of hay.
Enter Shepherds.
Narrator: Nearby on a hillside overlooking the town some shepherds were watching over their sheep.
Shepherds' dance.
As they did so a very bright light came into the sky.
Enter Angels.
Narrator: The light was angels sent by God.
Angel 1: Do not be afraid I have good news.
Angel 2: The Son of God has been born.
Angel 1: You will find him in a stable in Bethlehem.
Shepherd 1: I'm so excited.
Shepherd 2: Let's go to Bethlehem to find the Son of God.
Shepherds exit stage, walk around, and come to Mary and Joseph.
Shepherd 1: This must be the Son of God.
Shepherd 2: The angels told us he will be the savior of the world.
Mary: I know. Thank you for the news.
Joseph: You are welcome. Come and join us.
Narrator: A long way away in the East three wise men who studied the stars saw a new very bright star shining in the sky.
Wise man 1: Look, there's a new star. What does it mean?
Wise man 2: This means a great ruler has been born.
Wise man 3: Let's go and find the baby.
Wise man 2: I think that the baby King would be in the palace.
Wise man 1: Let's go to see King Herod.
Wise Men enter the palace and bow.
Wise men: We have come to see the new King.
Herod: New King? You tell me there's a new King? What do you mean? This is terrible news. I am the King! There is no new king here. Please go and find him and then return to tell me where he is so that I may also honor him and bring him gifts.
Wise Men bow and exit.
Narrator: The wise men followed the star to the stable in Bethlehem. They found Jesus lying in a manger. They gave him gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Final song "Mary's Boy Child"
Mary's Boy Child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas day
And men will live for evermore, because of Christmas day.
Long time ago in Bethlehem, so the Holy Bible said,
Mary's Boy Child, Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas day.
Hark, now hear the angels sing, a King was born today,
And men will live for evermore, because of Christmas day.
Mary's Boy Child Jesus Christ, was born on Christmas day.
While shepherds watch their flocks by night,
They see a bright new shining star,
They hear a choir sing a song, the music seemed to come from afar.
Hark, now hear the angels sing, a King was born today,
And men will live for evermore, because of Christmas day.