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Викторина "Presidents of the USA"

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«викторина "Presidents of the USA"»

Гудкова Елена Николаевна, учитель английского языка высшей категории ОСШОД№8 г. Уральска, Казахстан

30 questions about the Presidents of the U S A.

1. What monument in Washington, D. C., dedicated to an American president, is nicknamedThe Pencil?

( Washington Monument)

2. What is impeachment and name one president it threatened?

( A formal accusation against a public official Andrew Johnson or Richard Nixon).

3. What is the justification for the U S President being able to serve only two terms in office ?

( To prevent one person from accumulating too much power and creating a royal presidency.)

4. Who was the first president to serve only one term?

( John Adams)

5. Who was the first president elected as a member of the Republican Party?

( Abraham Lincoln)

6. Name the longest serving US president

( Franklin D. Roosevelt)

7. Which American President was the first to live in the White House?

( John Adams)

8. Which American general, who later became the 34thPresident, commanded all US forces during World War ?

( Dwight David Eisenhower)

9. Which American president attended the Potsdam Conference?

( Harry Truman)

10. Who was the American president during the Cuban missile crisis?

( John F. Kennedy)

11. Who was the first US president to visit the Peoples Republic of China?

( Richard Nixon)

12.How many presidents has the United States had?

( over 40)

13. Who was elected as the 22nd and the 24th president?

( Grover Cleveland)

14. When was the first president of the United States, George Washington, inaugurated?

( in 1789)

15. Where was the first president buried?

( in Virginia, Mount Vernon)

16. How many presidents were elected for two terms?


17.How many full terms did Franklin Roosevelt serve?

( three)

18. Franklin Roosevelt was elected to the fourth term in 1944. Who completed Roosevelts fourth term when he died in 1945?

( Harry Truman)

19. Whom was the shortest term served by?

( William Harrison)

20. How many presidents were killed while in office?

( four)

21. Who was a tailor before he became a president?

( Andrew Johnson)

22. Who was the youngest president to be elected to the office?

( John Kennedy)

23. What state is known as the Presidents State?

( Virginia)

24. What presidents are ranked by historians as great Presidents?

( George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt)

25. What presidents are ranked by historians as near great Presidents?

( John Adams, Andrew Jackson, James Knox Polk, Grover Cleveland, Theodore Roosevelt, Harry Truman)

26. What presidents are ranked by historians as failure?

( Ulysses Simpson Grant and Warren Harding)

27. What president was truly a President of the people?

( Andrew Jackson)

28. Near the end of whose term as President the government moved from Philadelphia to Washington, D. C.?

( John Adamss term)

29. What president was the first secretary of state, second vice- president and third President of the USA?

( Thomas Jefferson)

30. When is Presidents Day celebrated in the USA?

( third Monday in February)

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

викторина "Presidents of the USA"

Автор: Гудкова Елена Николаевна

Дата: 22.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 308860

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