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Вечер "Встречи с героями праздника Хэллоуин"

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Слайд 2

Story-teller: There was an old, old lady who lived all alone in the woods, and she wanted someone to come and visit her. While she waited, she spun cloth.

Then one dark, dark night when the old lade was sitting spinning, she heard a sound at the door and she said, “Come in”. Then squeak went the door and in came two big shoes and sat themselves down. She thought,

The old lady:

Oh, how strange to see those big shoes on the cold, cold floor

Story-teller: S oon she heard another sound outside and she said, “Come in”. Then squeak went the door, and in came two short, short kegs and sat themselves down on the big, big shoes on the cold, cold floor. She thought,

The old lady:

Oh, how strange to see those short, short legs in those big, big shoes on that cold, cold floor.

Story-teller:  Before very long she heard another sound outside and she said, “Come in”.

Then squeak went the door, and in came a fat, fat stomach and sat on those short, short legs. And she thought,

The old lady:

Oh, how strange to see that fat, fat stomach on the short, short legs on those big, big shoes on the cold, cold floor.

Story-teller:  And while she was looking she heard another knock and said, “Come on”. Then squeak went the door, and in flew two broad shoulders and sat themselves down on the fat, fat stomach. And the old woman thought,

The old lady:

Oh, how strange to see those broad, broad shoulders on the fat, fat stomach on the short, short legs.

Story-teller:  And in just a few minutes she heard another sound, so she said, “Come in”. In came two fat, fat arms  and fastened on those broad shoulders, so she thought,

The old lady:

Oh, how strange to see those fat, fat arms on the broad, broad shoulders on the fat, fat stomach on the short, short legs, on those big, big shoes on the cold, cold floor.

Story-teller:  And the old woman was beginning to be a little afraid, but when she heard another sound she said, “Come in”. and in rolled a round, round head and sat itself down on those broad, broad shoulders, and she thought,

The old lady:

Oh, how strange to see that round, round head  on the broad, broad shoulders on the fat, fat stomach on the short, short legs, on those big, big shoes on the cold, cold floor.

The old lady:  Where did you get such big, big feet?

Pumpkin Man:  Much wakling.

The old lady:  Where did you get short, short legs?

Pumpkin Man:  Much running.

The old lady:  Where did you get such broad, broad shoulders?

Pumpkin Man:  Carrying brooms.

The old lady:  Where did you get such long, long arms?

Pumpkin Man: Swinging an axe.

The old lady:  Where did you get such round, round head?

Pumpkin Man:  A pumpkin shell.

The old lady:  Well, what did you come for?

Pumpkin Man:  YOU! ….Don’t be afraid, old lady. Actually, I am here to celebrate Halloween with you! I think, there is somebody else in your woods, let’s visit them! Children, would you like to join us?

Слайд 3

(Children sing “Trick or treat”)

Trick or treat, trick or treat

Give us something good to eat

Give us candy, give us cake

Give us something sweet to take

Give us cookies, fruit and gum

Hurry up and give us some

You should better do it quick

Or we ‘ll surely play a trick

Слайд 4

(On the shore of the pond children see a crying mermaid).

Children:   Why are you crying, my dear mermaid?

Mermaid:   Save my girlfriends in buckets there is no water, they may die.

(Children need to bring water to fish in the ladle).

Children:   We saved your girlfriends, but where is our meal?

Mermaid:  Ha-ha! You are mistaken, my dear! Actually, I'm the main Witch of the forest! And if you want to leave here in good time, try to get out of this swamp!

Слайд 5

(Game - children need to "Pass the Marsh," triggering only saving bumps. One of them gets three bumps (pieces of cardboard), after a perfect pitch, he has to pass a bump ahead and take the next step and so on.).

Witch: Yeah, you got all the same. Well, here's my treat!

(Throws to the children  "worms" wrapped in several layers of paper. Music sounds, when the music stops, the one who has the  sending in his hands , takes off the first layer of paper, then the music is turned on, and the sending is passed around the circle again. The prize which is inside  goes to the person who took the last layer of paper).

Pumpkin Man:  Guys, you have to be careful, because on Halloween we can meet the most terrible evil spirits, ghosts, monsters, all evil creatures. See, there's some kind of a house, try to knock?

Слайд 6

(Children sing "Trick or Treat", and knock at the door).

Devil:  Who is knocking at the door?

(He opens the door).

Devil: Hello, dear guests! Okay, I'll give  you something to eat, if you amuse me. Do you know how to dance? And like this? (Offers children dancing with balls, sandwiched between their bellies, the most friendly couple gets a prize from the Devil).

Devil: ( refers to the other participants of the dance) I guess you also want to be treated? Then eat these apples!

Слайд 7

(Children try to eat apples, tied on a thread, hands-free).

Слайд 8

 (The sounds of thunder are heard, lightning is sparkling, Dracula appears).

Dracula: What’s happening here? What is this fun?

Children: Lord Dracula, we have a holiday today - Halloween! Do not be angry with us, and we can cheer you, too.

Dracula: To cheer up? Me? I have fun when people are scary! So now you have to go down the path of terror.

Слайд 9

(With eyes closed, participants must pass one by one on the terrible path made of the boxes with the unpleasant to the touch content (rustling bags, wet cloth, water bottle with warm water, and the like)

Dracula: Well, here's my treat! You have to drink the cup of evil.

(Dracula treats children  "blood" (tomato juice) and flies away.

Children notice that one of them has disappeared).

One of the children: Guys, Dracula has kidnapped our friend! How can we now save him?

Слайд 10

(Three ghosts appear singing a song).

Children: Oh, ghosts! Come on!

Ghosts: Do not be afraid, we are merry ghosts and we can help you! Vampires are afraid of garlic, light and cross. In this enchanted forest all these things can be found. Let's look for them together, and then we will take you to the castle of Dracula, we know where it is!

Слайд 11

(Children look for garlic, a lantern and a cross hidden in advance, and run to the castle of Dracula and rescue the kidnapped friend.).

Слайд 12

The kidnapped friend:  Thank you, friends, for what you were able to save me! Lord Dracula had nearly made me his servant! How much I was scared  to be in his gloomy castle!

Слайд 13

Pumpkin Man: Let's get out of this terrible forest! Look, there is some kind of house over there,  it looks friendly, perhaps hospitable hosts live there.

(Children sing "Trick or Treat" and knock at the door. The Witch opens!)

Witch:  I have got you! Do you think that it is easy to get rid of me? Not a bit of it! I won’t let you go just like that. Since today is a holiday, I want to have fun, I want you to arrange a disco. And to me it would be even more fun, if you freeze when I say stop!

Слайд 14

(Sounds of music, all the participants dance to entertain the Witch).

Witch:  Now, give me something good to eat, you have sure cooked something delicious, but otherwise you will not get out of the forest!

(Pumpkin Man takes the Witch by the arm and leads her to the table where participants of the holiday treat each other with pre-cooked terrible, but delicious dishes).

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Просмотр содержимого документа
«Вечер "Встречи с героями праздника Хэллоуин"»

Pass the Marsh

Pass the Marsh

Eat apples, will you?

Eat apples, will you?

Terrible path

Terrible path

Looking for garlic, a lantern and a cross

Looking for garlic, a lantern and a cross

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Вечер "Встречи с героями праздника Хэллоуин"

Автор: Белякова Ирина Алексеевна

Дата: 23.10.2016

Номер свидетельства: 351541

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