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Вечер, посвященный 400-летию со дня смерти У. Шекспира

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Вечер, посвященный 400-летию со дня смерти У. Шекспира

Цели и задачи:

  1. Знакомство учащихся с культурой и историческим наследием страны изучаемого языка.
  2. Развитие интереса к изучению русского и английского языков.
  3. Развитие читательских интересов учащихся.

Учитель:  2016 год  объявлен Годом российского кино и Годом Карамзина, а также Годом языка и литературы Великобритании в России. В течение этого года проходят образовательные курсы, кинопоказы и выставки, конкурсы переводчиков, тематические школьные олимпиады, мероприятия, запланированные совместно с Британским советом.

В 2016 году по всей России пройдут мероприятия, приуроченные к 400-й годовщине смерти Уильяма Шекспира. В рамках проекта TheatreHD - в кинотеатрах 50 городов страны пройдут трансляции самых ярких постановок британского Королевского Национального театра, шекспировского театра «Глобус» и центра «Барбикан». Третьяковская галерея в Москве и Национальная портретная галерея в Лондоне проведут перекрёстные выставки шедевров из своих коллекций.

Поэтому и мы сегодня проводим урок, посвященный 400-летию со дня смерти великого английского поэта и драматурга У.Шекспира, чтобы познакомиться с его творчеством и заглянуть в мир героев его произведений.

Ведущий 1  In the Festival season from April to September people flock to Stratford-upon-Avon and pack its theatre. Embassies and ministries are sent tickets and invitations to visit the theatre. Speeches are broadcast. At night comes the birthday play. On the 23rd of April – the Bardic Birthday – representatives of all nations walk from the theatre and stand under their national flag in Bridge Street. A procession goes to the Birthplace, then joins the boys at the Grammar School, and with the boys leading the way makes its way to the poet’s tomb in the Church. Everything in Stratford begins and ends with Shakespeare.

Ведущий 1 обращается к ведущему 2 с вопросом:

  • Why does the event take place in this town?

ВедущийBecause the greatest English poet and playwright William Shakespeare was born on or about April, 23, 1564, in Stratford-upon-Avon.

Ведущий 2 сообщает информацию о У. Шекспире, в ходе своего рассказа давая уточняющие ответы на вопросы  Ведущего 1.

Переводчик кратко передает содержание сообщений на русском языке.

  • Why did you say that Shakespeare was born on or about April, 23?

ВедущийBecause the only record of that time was of his baptism at the Holy Trinity Church on April the 26th.

His father, John  Shakespeare, was a glover and a dealer in wool and other farm products. He was a respected figure in Stratford.

In his childhood William went to the Stratford Grammar school where he was taught reading, writing and Latin.

In 1582, at the age of 18, Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway, a farmer’s daughter. In 1583 his first child, Susanna, was born. The twins Hamnet and Judith were born two years later, in 1585. Some time later Shakespeare left for London.

We know nothing about Shakespeare’s life for the next seven years.

In 1592 a playwright Robert Greene wrote a pamphlet on Shakespeare and we may conclude that by that year Shakespeare had become a dramatist.

  • When did Shakespeare write his first play?

Ведущий 2    It is said that he wrote his first play “Henry VI” at the age of 25, between 1589 and 1590.

Shakespeare  was also an actor at “The Theatre” of the theatre company of the Lord Chamberlain’s Servants, which later built the famous Globe Theatre. Shakespeare’s experience as an actor helped him in writing plays. His knowledge of the stage and his poetical genius made his plays the most remarkable ever written. Shakespeare wrote most of his plays for the Globe Theatre.

  • When was the Globe built?

Ведущий 2     It was built in 1599, in 1614 it was burnt to the ground but reopened in 1614. This was the theatre where Shakespeare and his fellow actors performed the majority of their plays.

  • How did it look like inside the Globe theatre?

Ведущий 2    The public theatres in Shakespeare’s time were different from the theatres of today. They were built of wood. The stage projected far out into the pit, where the spectators stood. Round the pit there were galleries, which were roofed. On the galleries rich people sat, noblemen were allowed to sit on the stage. If the spectators could not pay much for the tickets they stood in the pit.

Since the pit of the theatre was open to the sky, the performance depended on the weather.

Performances always began in daylight and lasted for three hours.

There was no scenery except few tables, chairs and so on. Sometimes an actor would come on the stage and say, “We must believe the stage to be a garden”, or “You shall have Asia on one side and Africa on the other”.

There were no actresses in the theatre, all women’s parts were played by boys or young men.

In 1612 Shakespeare left London and returned to his native town to spend the last years of his life there. 

William Shakespeare died on April, 23, 1616 at the age of 52. He was buried in the church of Stratford. A monument to the great playwright was built in Westminster Abbey.

  • You said that Shakespeare was a great poet. Did he write poems?

Ведущий 2     Shakespeare wrote 2 poems (“Venus and Adonis” and “Lucrece”) and154 sonnets.

Let’s listen to some of them!

Учащиеся читают сонет 35 (Об умении прощать),  сонет 146  (О внешней красоте), сонет 25  (О жизненных приоритетах) на английском и русском языке в переводе С. Маршака.

Shakespeare also wrote 37 plays. Among Shakespeare’s plays there are historical dramas such as “Henry VI” and “Richard III”, comedies such as “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Much Ado About Nothing”, “Twelfth Night” and “The Merry Wives of Windsor”, great tragedies  such as “Hamlet”, “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Macbeth”, romantic dreams such as “The Winter’s Tale” and “The Tempest”.

  • When were Shakespeare’s plays published for the first time?

The first publication of Shakespeare’s plays, the First Folio, was complied by Shakespeare’s fellow actors John Hemminges and Henry Condell in 1623. It contains 36 plays. The play “Cardenio” was not included into this Folio so we cannot read this play today.


The problems raised in Shakespeare’s tragedies still produce a powerful impression on our emotions and on our intellect. Let’s take “Hamlet”.  Do you remember what it is about?

Несколько учащихся в костюмах героев пьесы называют себя, а затем пересказывают содержание пьесы каждый от лица своего героя.

Учащиеся 11 класса читают монолог Гамлета на английском и русском языке в переводе Б. Пастернака.

  • What is Shakespeare’s most famous play?

Nowadays it would be considered “Romeo and Juliet”. The tragedy “Romeo and Juliet” stands apart from the other tragedies. The play is full of love, youth and humanism. In spite of the fact that the hero and the heroine die, their ideal of free and happy love remains.

  • Was “Romeo and Juliet” based on a true story?

In fact “Romeo and Juliet” was based on the life of two real lovers who lived in Verona in 1303. There were both the Capulets and Montagues in Verona at that time.

It is believed that Shakespeare has discovered this tragic love story in the poem by Arthur Brooke in 1562.

Let's travel back  to the medieval Verona and watch the story about Romeo and Juliet.

Группа учащихся в масках представляет краткое содержание пьесы по очереди. По ходу представления демонстрируется фрагмент фильма «Ромео и Джульетта» Ф. Дзеффирелли, 1968 г., (сцена на празднике в доме Капулетти), а также инсценируется сцена на балконе.

  • What a  touching story and how deep the feelings of Romeo and Juliet are! I would like to read all Shakespeare’ plays!


And you won’t be disappointed! I know for sure that you will also practice your English! Do you know that Shakespeare is said to have had a vocabulary of some 29.066 words while about 2000 words are used by an average person in everyday conversation. More than that he invented new words, among them the word ‘assassination’.

  • As for me I’m not fond of reading. Isn’t it waste of time?

You are wrong I’m afraid. Shakespeare’s works are worth reading only because they can teach you how to feel, how to love and how to live. Just listen to some wise winged words you could find in his plays.

  Участникам урока раздаются памятки с крылатыми словами из произведений Шекспира.

?  Будь верен себе, и тогда столь же верно, как ночь сменяет день, последует за этим верность другим людям. (Полоний)

?  Будь со всеми обходителен, но никак не запанибрата. (Полоний)


?  В уме нечутком не место шуткам. (Гамлет)

?  Ведь знать хорошо человека — знать самого себя. (Гамлет)

?  И сама добродетель не избегает царапин клеветы. (Лаэрт)

?  Молодости свойственно грешить поспешностью. (Полоний)

?  Мы знаем, что мы такое, но не знаем, чем можем быть. (Офелия)

?  Не давай языка необдуманным мыслям и никакой необдуманной мысли не приводи в исполнение. (Полоний)

?  Что человек, когда он занят только сном и едой? Животное, не больше. (Гамлет)

Участникам вечера предлагается тест:

Shakespeare was born in London. (F)

He married at the age of eighteen. (T)

Shakespeare had no children. (F)

He wrote only poems and sonnets. (F)

Shakespeare didn’t write plays for the Globe Theatre. (F)

He was buried in Westminster Abbey. (F)

Hamlet was the only to survive in the tragedy. (F)

Shakespeare had a vocabulary of about 29000 words. (T)

People don’t read or stage Shakespeare’s plays nowadays. (F)

Ведущий 2:   Дорогие ребята! Мы надеемся, что вы заинтересовались творчеством Уильяма Шекспира и захотите познакомиться поближе с героями его пьес, а может, попытаетесь   прочитать эти бессмертные произведения и на английском языке. Ведь чтение – источник образования, а «Книги – корабли мысли, странствующие по волнам времени и бережно несущие свой драгоценный груз от поколения к поколению» (Френсис Бэкон).

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«Вечер, посвященный 400-летию со дня смерти У. Шекспира»



Anne hathaway

Anne hathaway

Shakespeare was born in London. He married at the age of eighteen. Shakespeare had no children. He wrote only poems and sonnets. Shakespeare didn’t write plays for the Globe Theatre. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. Hamlet was the only to survive in the tragedy. Shakespeare had a vocabulary of about 29000 words. People don’t read or stage Shakespeare’s plays nowadays.
  • Shakespeare was born in London.
  • He married at the age of eighteen.
  • Shakespeare had no children.
  • He wrote only poems and sonnets.
  • Shakespeare didn’t write plays for the Globe Theatre.
  • He was buried in Westminster Abbey.
  • Hamlet was the only to survive in the tragedy.
  • Shakespeare had a vocabulary of about 29000 words.
  • People don’t read or stage Shakespeare’s plays nowadays.










Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс

Вечер, посвященный 400-летию со дня смерти У. Шекспира

Автор: Белякова Ирина Алексеевна

Дата: 13.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 326364

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