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Утренник на английском языке, посвящённый празднованию Рождества и Нового года

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Данная разработка посвящена празднованию Рождества и Нового года и может быть использована в рамках недели английского языка для обучающихся 5 класса. В ней содержатся стихи,рифмовки, инсценировки.Дети узнают, как отмечают эти праздники в англоговорящих странах.Эту разработку можно также  использовать на уроках английского языка в начальной школе.

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«утренник на английском языке, посвящённый празднованию Рождества и Нового года»



Good morning, girls! Good morning, boys! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine today.


Good morning, my dear guests and classmates! Hello our teachter! Let s beginn our English party.It is about friendship, winter, winter months, Chrismas and last about New Year!

2)Вступительное слово учителя:

Dear,children and guests! On the 25 th of December people celebrate Christmas-one of most beautiful holidays.

Christmas is a holiday, which is loved by children and adults. It is a holiday when everything is decorated with lights and toys, when we see Christmas trees everywhere, when people buy presents and cook special food, send cards and have parties. And we are going to celebrate this holiday now. Today you’ll listen to a lot of interesting about Christmas. We’ll sing songs and recite the poems, guess riddles and play. Let s beginn!

3)Краткая беседа о погоде по вопросам.

1) What is the season now? (It is winter.) 2) Is it cold or hot in winter? (It is cold in winter)

3) Do you like Winter?

4) We have some guests today.Let s invite them to our party.

Входит девочка в костюме зимы и 3 мальчика в костюмах зимних месяцев (декабрь,январь,февраль)

Winter: I am Winter.It is very cold. The ground is covered with snow.There is ice on the rivers.When I come all rivers and lakes are frozen.The sun rises later and sets earlier than in summer.


Winter is here

Spring is near

Grass is green

So nice and clean.

Winter, Spring,Summer fall

I like winter best of all.


Hello, dear friends.I am January.I am glad to see you.I am the second month of winter and the first month of the year.The weather is cold.There is snow on the ground.Boys and girls like to skate and ski.We celebrate New Years day in January.

This is the month

When children ski

And Grandfather Frost

Bring the New Year tree.


I am February.I am the third winter month.I am the shortes month of the year.I think you like me very much,because this month you can celebrate one of the nicest holidays-it is Valentine s day.

In winter time we go

Walking in the fieldes of snow

Where there is no grass at all

Where the top every wall

Every fence and every tree

Is as white as white can be.


I am December, the first winter month and the last month of the year.December comes whith white snow and cold winds begin to blow.

This is the month

When mornings are dark

And the birds do not sing

In the woods and the park.


Children like winter very much.Sometimes the weather is frosty and cold but pupils ski,skate, play snow balls and sledge.It is time sing a song *On a cold and frosty morning*

This is a way we ski and skate,

Ski and skate, ski and skate ,

This is the way we ski and skate

On a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way we dance on the ice

Dance on the ice,dance on the ice

This is the way we dance on the ice,

On a cold and frosty morning.

5)1-ый ведущий:

December is the last month of the year-the Christmas month.

Christmas time!

The bells are ringing!

we are dancing,

Laughing, singing!

We are singing

Loud and clear

Christmas! Christmas time is here!

Do you like Christmas?

2-ой ведущий:

Yes, I do.

My goodness, my goodness.

Its Christmas again.

The bells are all ringing.

I do not know when

I ve been so excited.

The tree is all fixed,

The candles are lighted,

The pudding is mixed.

The wreath is on the door

And the carols are sung,

The presents are wrapped

And the holly is hung

The turkey is sitting

All safe in its pan,

And I am behaving

As calm as I can.

1-ый ведущий

I like Christmas too.I like to decorate Christmas tree and give presents to my nearest and dearest.All the friends write resolutions at Christmas.They promise to be kind and polite next year.As for me,I promise to be nice to my brothers.

2-ой ведущий Our party is about Christmas.Let s see an interesting


6) Просмотр презентации.

1-ый ведущий

Let s decorate our Cristmas tree with coloured balls! Oh, dear!There are no balls on this box.


Yes, there are no balls there.I have taken them.

2-ой ведущий

And who are you?


I am Snow Queen.I don t like holidays.I don t like fun.I like only snow.

Звучит песня.

Oh,this Christmas nonsense!

When will it stop?

You will go shopping

And shop till you drop!

You look for some presents,

But what can you buy?

You write letters to Santa,

But he will never reply.

You must go to parties,

When you can watch TV.

You go out in cold weather,

And get a Christmas tree.

So,thank you,but never!

No Christmas for me!

1-ый ведущий

Dear Snow Queen!We want to have a Christmas party.We want to see Santa Claus!We have worked well and got good marks at school.We help our parents and try to be polite.

Give please our coloured balls back!

Snow Queen

Let s see! If you do my tasks,maybe I ll give your coloured balls back.Maybe you will have your Christmas party.

1) So, the first question. He is an old man.But children like him because he always brings them a lot of gifts in his bag on Christmas Day.(Santa Claus)

2) The second question. It is green and braun. People put presents under it and open them on Christmas day.( Christmas tree)

3) The third question. It is colourful paper tube.It makes “crack” and we can have a lot of fun with confetti.(a cracker)

4)And now my last question.You can see this at night high in the sky. (a star)

Well done!I see you like Christmas and know a lot about winter holidays.Take this ball for your Christmas tree.

Snow Queen:

1)And now recite a poem about Cristmas.

(Стихи читают уч-ся начальных классов)

2)And now let s sing a Christmas song. (Jingle bells)

(Песню исполняют уч-ся 6 класса)

Snow Queen Ребята, а вы знаете,как американские и английские дети поздравляют друг друга с Рождеством? -Звучат соответствующие фразы на английском языке.

Ребята,а вы знаете,что первые рождественские открытки придумал Генри Коун.Каждый год он посылал на Рождество своим друзьям короткие записки,желая им счастливого праздника.Но в 1843 году у него не было на это времени,и он попросил художника Джона Хорени изготовить открытку с напечатанным поздравлением.Это стало традицией.

And now congratulate Snow Queen with Christmas!

(Дети поздравляют Снежную Королеву с Рождеством)

Merry Christmas! Happy Christmas! Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Snow Queen: Very good! I am so pleased and I ll give you these sweets and some balls for your Christmas tree! Here are they.

I am hot and I want to bring some snow.

1-й ведущий: Sorry,dear Queen.It is impossible.This snow will melt here!

Слово преподавателю.

The trees are heavy

With gleaming snow,

The drifts are deep.

And world is white,

No breath of wind

Is there to blow,

Hushed beauty reigns…

It is Christmas Night.

Над миром царит тишина-наступает время,когда все ждут прихода Санта Клауса…Давайте прислушаемся…Может быть,это Санта Клаус идёт к нам в гости?

На сцене появляется Санта Клаус с мешком подарков.

Hello,my dear children!I know you are waiting for Christmas because it brings you a lot of fun!

Snow Queen A lot of fun? But who can make this fun?

Snowman,Snowman are you the one

Who makes Christmas so much fun?


Oh,no no no.It is not me

Who makes Christmas so merry!

I sing and play each snowy day

But with the sun, I melt away.

Snow Queen (Обращается к Санта Клаусу)

Santa,Santa are you the one

Who makes Christmas so much fun?

Santa Claus

Oh,no,no,no.It is not me

Who makes Christmas so merry!

I do bring gifts to girls and boys

But Christmas is much more than toys!

Christmas is peace,laughter and fun

And sharing love with everyone!

Презентация о Санта Клаусе.Просмотр видео ролика.

Слово учителю.

Our party is over.I wish you a Mery Christmas and a happy New Year!

Все участники выходят, поздравляют с Рождеством и поют песню «We wish you a merry Christmas!»

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

утренник на английском языке, посвящённый празднованию Рождества и Нового года

Автор: Лебедева Светлана Павловна

Дата: 03.11.2015

Номер свидетельства: 247508

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