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The Holiday of the English Alphabet

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Это план внеклассного мероприятия на тему "The Hoilday of the English Alphabet".  Это мероприятия можно провести для прощания с алфавитом английского языка. Мероприятия сопровождается детскими маленькими стишками и песенками. Дети могут петь как хором таки индивидуально. Дети сами представляют свою букву подробно. Можно использовать иллюстрированые буквы английского языка для оформления мероприятия.

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«The Holiday of the English Alphabet »

The theme of the out-of-class activity: The Holiday of the English alphabet

The aim of the out-of-class activity : to check their knowledge from special course, to encourage their grammatical and lexical knowledge, to develop their speaking, memory, mentality.

The motion of the out-of-class activity T (Teacher); С (Child); Ch (Children)

Т.: Today we’ll be telling you funny stories. All in English, but at first, ! Let’s

do one important thing: go over the English alphabet! “The Alphabet Song”.

А, В, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, О, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z

Happy, happy we shall be I When we learn our BC’s.

Т.: We know very many letters. How many? Do you know?

Ch.: Yes!

Т.: Look at these cards at hers and his. How many?

Ch.: There are twenty-six.

T: What’s the first one?

Mukhammad: Methe letter A.

Guess a riddle. What is this? Very red and very sweet. And so very good to eat Ch.: It’s an apple.

C: Right. A is for Apples. They are on a tree. They are for Ada, they are for me.

Т.: Who’s the second one?

Raikhan: Methe letter B. I’ll sing you a little song. It’s about a girl’s friend called Bonnie.

Try to help me if you can!


My Bonnie is over the ocean,

My Bonnie is over the sea,

My Bonnie is over the ocean,

My Bonnie, my Bonnie, my Bonnie,

О bring back my Bonnie to me.


Bring back, bring back,

Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me.

Bring back, bring back,

O, bring back my Bonnie to me.

C: Thank you. В is for Ball. We like to play with it. Nell likes the ball, and she runs away with it.

Т.: Who’s the third one?

Madi Aida: Me —the letter C. I’ll continue the game. С is for Cat. Our car is grey. It likes to run, and it likes to play. And now guess a riddle: who can say? I can tell you all the day Time to sleep and time to play.

Ch.: It’s the clock.

C: You are right again.

T.: Who is living in this clock?

Ch.: It’s a cuckoo-bird.

T.: Who’s the fourth one?

Ramazan: It’s methe letter D. I know many words with it. D is for Dog. It is le street. It likes to run and play with Pete.

T.: Thank you, dear! Who’s next?

Dayana: It’s methe letter E. E is for Eight and for Eleven, but not for one, three or seven. I’ll recite a rhyme about the boy called Evan.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,

Who will help me look for Evan?

He’s not here, he’s not there.

I have hunted everywhere.

C: Flowers here, flowers there,

Flowers growing everywhere.

T.: Who are you?

Nurgul: I am the letter F. F is for Five, and also for Four. Four little kittens are on the floor.

T: Good! And now, who’s next?

Asiman: Next is the letter G, everyone, look at me. G is for Girl. This girl is six. She likes to play with little chicks. And listen please:

This is your garden And I agree it’s fine.

You love your garden And I love mine.

Diana: Now, the letter LI. H is for Hat. Ann has a hat. This is her hat, thil but not that.

C 2: May I? H is for He also. He likes to read.

T.: Very good. Well, tell me, little kid, what do you like to eat?

Olzhas: Well, I like to eat what is good and sweet.

It ’s an ice-cream.

I is for . I am a boy. What have I? I have a toy.

T: Good, I think all of you like toys and ice-cream.

But now here’s the letter J.

Aidyn: J is for Jam. It is on a plate. “Let’s take a little, ” says little Kate.

T: What else would you like to say?

Aidyn:: 1 want to say,

My jeans are blue,

My pistol ’.v just a toy,

And I’m such a fine boy,

I look like a cowboy.

Nuray: Now, the letter K. K is for Kettle. And you know that funny song:

Ch.: Polly, put the Kettle on, (3 times)

We ’11 all have tea.

Polly, take it off again, (3 times)

They’ve all gone away.

Aiya: Look, I see a big yellow lion,

You see a big yellow lion,

What a lion, what a lion!

A lion starts with the letter L.

And L is for Lena. Lena is nice. She likes cat, and her cat likes mice.

T: That’s right, little one. And now — the letter M.

Aidana: M is for Mother. I love my mother very much.

Kamila: N is for Nelly and also for Nick. They are in the garden and where is their chick?

Samal: I’ll recite you a rhyme.

Please give me an orange,

Because I don’t like to eat This hot and nasty porridge.

T: You see, “orange” starts with the letter O.

Aslan: P is for Pens. Flave you a pen? “Yes, I have two, ” says little Ann. And puppy ” starts with P.

Puppy, puppy, come to me,

Let us play under that tree.

T: And now the letter Q. Please, read us a rhyme about the quail and itself.

Dana: I’ve got a tame quail,

My quail has a small tail.

My tame quail has a short beak.

My tame quail is very nice and quick.

Q is for Questions: Who? What?,and Why? Who has a kitten? And Sam answers: “I”

T: And “rain” begins with the letter R.

Dauren:“The Rain Is Raining All Around”.

Who can do this one

The rain is raining all around,

It falls on Held and tree,

It rains on the umbrellas here,

And on the ships at sea.

R is for Roses. They are white and red. “Give me this rose, please, " says little Fred.

Sungat: Skate and ski together On a winter day,

Boys and girlsbe happy!

You are so gay!

It was the letter S, boys and girls. Remember: S is for Sam. Sam has a stick. “Give me your stick, ” says little Nick.

T.: What’s next? Who knows?

Kamila Kaskirbayeva: I know. It’s the letter T.

The words like toys, toothbrush and tram,

My teacher, teacher and tree

Are good and interesting for me!

T is for Tom. Tom takes a tram. He takes a tram, and he goes to Sam

Temirbek: Usually the letter U is found in the middle. Of wordscube, bus and cup or something else, like “muddle”. But U is for Under, but not for On. Nick is under, and who is on?

Ernur: V is in five and also in seven, It is in twelve, and in eleven. “Vegetables”starts with V.

I like the summer season,

When vegetables grow fast And here is the reason:

The sun is out at last.

Balim: W is for Where? Who? and Whaft Who is in the garden and who is not?

Balim: My watch is running night and day,

But it will never run away.

Watch” begins with W.


I have a very good crayon box.

And very many crayons.

I draw a taxi and a fox In bright green, red and yellow.

T.: That was the letter X. Remember: Xyou can see in boX and in six, tut not in booKS, or looKS, or chiCKS. And here is Y.

Aida Talgat: Y is a Yard for puppies to play. They like to play on a summer day. And also In winter you and me,

All children like to ski In the evening you and me,

We like to have hot tea.

We like as well to look at the New Year tree

And sing: “The More We Are Together The merrier we ’11 be!”

T.: The last letter is the letter Z

Adil: Z is for Zebra. It lives in the Zoo. It likes bread and sugar, and candy, too, C: (to a child): Very bad!


T: Right you are. Thank you for your good knowledge of English. We've just gone through the English alphabet. Let’s sing “The Alphabet Song" together again

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

The Holiday of the English Alphabet

Автор: Белгибаева Индира Жумашевна

Дата: 03.01.2015

Номер свидетельства: 149762

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