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“The Bremen Musician”

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Массовая работа является доминирующей во внеклассной деятельности школьников по иностранному языку благодаря познавательному, практическому и воспитательному значению. Проведение массовых мероприятий в содержательной и интересной форме создает благоприятные условия для развития лингвистической и социокультурной компетенции, формирование личностных качеств учащихся.

Содержание и методика проведения внеклассной работы должны соответствовать возрастным и индивидуальным особенностям детей. Учитель английского языка может предоставить каждому из них возможность проявить себя.

 Предлагаю провести мьюзикл  на тему “The Bremen Musician” . Такая форма работы , объединяющая в себе музыкальную - театрализованную работу, позволяет учителю активно влиять на процесс музыкально-эстетического воспитания школьников.  Способствует поддержанию интереса к изучению английского языка, развитию творческих способностей учащихся, и развитие навыков групповой работы.

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«“The Bremen Musician” »

Theme of the party: “The Bremen Musician”

Objectives: to learn English language through role-playing; to learn to be cooperative and communicative; to give them aesthetic education.

Characters: Author, Ass, Dog, Cat, Cock, and their owners, Trumpeter, three robbers, two guards, King, Princess, servant, and four Princes.

The party:

Good evening dear friends! Today we want to present a musical – show called:“The Bremen Musicians”

So … How it has been started? Look at the screen, please!

(на экране отрывок из мультфильма «Бременские музыканты» на английском языке)


(выбегает осел:)

Ass: Oh! Poor me! What shall I do? I am old and weak. Where shall I go?

Well. I can go to Bremen town and there I will become a town musician.

Ass:Why are you breathing so hard? What happened to you?

Dog:Oh, Ass, I am so tired because I was running very hard.

Ass:Why were you running?

Dog:You see, Ass, I lived with a hunter for many years. I ran in the fields and forests and helped him. But now I grew old and my master wants to kill me. Oh, poor me! I ran away and don’t know what to do.

Ass:Don’t worry, come with me. I am going to Bremen town. We’ll be musicians there. You will sing and play drums and I will play the guitar.

Dog:Oh, great, let’s go!

1 Author:And so they went together.


Cat’s owner: Bad cat! Why don’t you catch mice anymore? I needn’t such cat in my house. I will drown you in the river.

Cat: Oh, no!

Ass:Why do you look so sad?

Dog:What happened to you?

Cat:Oh, poor me, you see, Dog and Ass, for many years I lived with my mistress and caught mice and rats. But now I grew old, my teeth became weak and my mistress wants to drown me in the river. So I ran away from the house but I don’t know what to do? Who can help me? Oh, poor me.

Ass:Don’t cry, come with us. We are going to Bremen town.

Dog:Your voice is nice. You will sing and play the violin, Ass will play the guitar and I will play the drums.

Cat: Oh, great, I will go with you. Thank you, my friends.


Cock’s owner: Tomorrow many guests will come. I need some food. Good cock, nice, fat cock. The soup will be tasty.

Ass:What happened to you, cock?

Dog: Why are you crying so bitterly?

Ass: Who offended you?

Cock: Oh, Dog. Oh, Ass. How can I stop crying. Tomorrow many guests will come to my master’s house. They want to kill me and make soup. What can I do?

Ass:Come with us. We are going to Bremen town and will become town musicians.

Dog:I will play the drums, Cat will sing and play the violin, Ass will play the guitar.

Cat:Your voice is nice. You will sing and play the balalaika.

Cock: OK, friends, I will be happy to go with you.

Ass:Hello, guy, what are you doing in the forest?

Trumpeter:Hello, friends. I am going to Bremen town. I want to organize a group. You see, I have some instruments but no musicians.

Ass, Cat, Dog, Cock: We can help you.

Cock: We are going to Bremen too.

Cat: We want to be musicians too.

Dog:But we have no instruments.

Trumpeter: Take them if you like and let’s go together.


Cock: Look, there’s a fire in the forest!

Ass:Let’s go and see, maybe it’s a house.

Dog: Maybe there is some meat there. I’d like to eat it.

Cat: Maybe there is some milk there. I’d like to drink it.

1st Robber: Oh, guys, good news.

Robbers: What? What?

1st Robber:Tomorrow the King will go through the forest. And you know that he has much money.

Robbers: Yes! Great! Wonderful! We like money!

(танцуют и поют)

1st Robber: So, look here, tomorrow we will catch the king and take all his money. We will be rich, very rich!

3 Robber: But don’t you know that the King has many guards.

1st Robber: Don’t be stupid, we are not afraid of them. Our attack will be a surprise.

Trumpeter: Have you heard? We must do something. Let’s think of a plan.

(обсуждают план действий, затем вваливаются в дом и кричат не своими голосами, кот – лает, петух кричит по- ослиному, собака кукарекает, осел мяукает)

Robbers: Oh, my God! What is it? Help! Help!


1 Guard: We are the bravest.

2 Guard: We are the strongest.

All Guards: We are the best guards in the world.

(король оглядывается по сторонам)

King: I don’t like this forest. It is dark. And what if there are robbers here?

All Guards: Don’t worry, be happy.

King: But look, there is anybody here. Who will help? Iamafraid.

(появляются переодетые в разбойников музыканты, прогоняют стражу и связывают короля, а Трубадур его спасает)

King: Oh, you are my savior. I will make any your wish.

Trumpeter: Oh, I love the Princess. If only I could marry her.

King: You saved my life so I will do as I promised. Let’s go to the palace.


Princess: Oh, father, what happened to you? Your guards returned home without you.

King: It was terrible. Those robbers! They wanted to kill me and this brave man saved my life.

Trumpeter: Hello, Princess. I am a trumpeter.

Princess: Nice to meet you. Thank you for your help. I am glad to see you.

King: My dear Princess, I want to choose a prince – a husband for you.

Princess: I don’t want …..

(поют песню «Ничего я не хочу»)

Servant: Listen to me everybody! Today in the palace of our king there is a party.

There are a lot of princes, who have come from all over the world to ask the hand and heart of our princess.

The first prince from Wales, his name is Steve Wonder, he wants to sing a song: “I just called”

The next prince is from France – James Blunt with the song: “You’re beautiful”

The third prince is from Italy, his name is Son-Paskal, and he studies in Kazakhstan now. He is a student there. He learns Kazakh language. He wants to sing a song on Kazakh, listen please!!!

The last prince is from America with the song “I can’t breathe easy”

My dear King and Princess that is all! You must choose any prince you like.

Princess: I don’t marry to these princes, I choose Trumpeter, because he saved my father.

King: OK! I agree with you. Be happy together!!!

(все выходят на сцену кланяются)

I: Dear guests! Our musical – show is over. Thank you for your attention!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

“The Bremen Musician”

Автор: Даулетханова Самал Жанузаковна

Дата: 03.12.2014

Номер свидетельства: 138923

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