Сценарий проведения внеклассного мероприятия о знаменитой ливерпульской четверке.
1 СЛАЙД(Welcome to the Beatles)
2 СЛАЙД( фото the Beatlles)
Student 1
Good afternoon dear teachers.
Student 2
Good afternoon boys and girls , our dear guests.
Student 1
Today we’ve gathered together because we'ld like to speak about The Beatles.
Student 2-
Our mothers and fathers grew up with their songs. We hope our love of this group will help us to understand each other better.
Student 1.
So let’s start.
Student 2-
Music is the greatest thing which connects people all over the world.
Student 1.
It hasn’t nationality or citizenship.
Student 2.
It’s a common human property.
4 -6 СЛАЙД
Student 1.
Who are they? Or maybe it would be more logic to ask – who were they? Because they don’t exist as a creative union for more than 40 years, and two of them, died. So – who ARE they, the four young Englishmen called ”the famous four?”
Student 2.
The answers may be numerous.
Well, some may say they are four young long-haired hooligans singing primitive rock’n’ roll tunes like “Can’t buy me love”.
Student 1.
The others may put them in the same rank with the greatest composers, such as Mozart, Beethoven and Bach.
Still the others may call them outstanding pacifists, philosophers and optimists remembering texts of their compositions, their mode of life and their obvious influence on the young generation in the sixties.
Student 1.
Let us try to find our own answer to this question.
Student 2
Surely, they are four boys from Liverpool, who decided to play and sing together. None of them got any special musical education. Each and every has got his own strong and sometimes strange individuality.
Student 1
15 years of joint life and work, several concerts at the greatest TV-studios, concert-halls and stadiums of the World, some more than 200 songs.
Student 2
and the super-popularity which doesn’t fade away after so many years of their break-up.
Student 1
They are: energetic, always fighting John Lennon( Слайд о Дж. Ленноне, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Star)
Student 2
romantic and fantastically talented Paul McCartney
Student 1
philosophical and bit religious George Harrison
Student 2
Well, what’s the use of all that talk? – They are THE BEATLES. Have you never heard of them?
A hysteria that the newspapers called “Beatlemania” swept through Britain and America. In 1964 the film “A Hard Day’s Night” was made. In this film we can see John, Paul, George and Ringo and listen to their songs
Student 2
The group came to be perceived as the embodiment of progressive ideals, seeing their influence extend into the social and cultural revolutions of the 1960s
9СЛАЙД (theteamincluded фото всех битлов появляются)
10 СЛАЙД ( Джон Леннон)
Student 1
here were four people in this group. John Lennon is considered to be the organizer and the leader of the ensemble. He was born on the 9th of October 1940 in Liverpool
Student 2
John's father, Alfred (or Fred) worked as a waiter on merchant ships. John's mother's name was Julia Stanley; she was kind and cheerful. John lived with his mother only for 18 months. His father was thought to have died at sea, so Julia re-married. This is why John was brought up by his aunt Mary, Stanley's elder sister. John called her Mimi.
Student 1
After finishing the elementary school, John attended the Quarry Bank Grammar School for Boys. . However, the teachers didn't like him because John wouldn't follow the strict rules. John wasn't a good student at his school. His mother Julia encouraged her son to pursue musical hobbies, teaching him to play the harmonica. Julia later bought a guitar for her son and John spent a lot of hours playing different melodies.
One day he had the idea to organize a band. The group was formed and called themselves The Quarry Men. The boys began playing at home and school parties, birthday parties and street holidays. John became acquainted with Paul McCartney at one of the holidays in 1956. John Lennon once said that the story of the Beatles had begun on that day when he had met Paul McCartney.
11 СЛАЙД (Paul McCartney)
James Paul McCartney was born on June 18, 1942. His mother Mary was a nurse in one of the hospitals.She was a very reserved, patient and diplomatic woman. His father James McCartney was 9 years older than his mother. He was an employer. Paul had a younger brother Michael. They were good friends. People called them twins. As a boy, Paul was patient and kind; everybody called him a diplomat
Paul performed well at the Liverpool Institute, doing best at Latin, Greek and English Spelling. He took an active part in extracurricular activities. At school Paul found out that he was left-handed – he couldn’t write with his right hand.
Student 1
Paul was keen on football, but music didn’t play an important part in his childhood. However, he learned to compose songs on his piano very quickly.
Student 2
Paul asked his father to buy him a guitar. He had to rearrange the strings on his guitar because he played with his left hand. Paul was fond of rock’n’roll and Elvis Presley. His brother Mike remembers, “When Paul took up the guitar, he forgot everything
12 СЛАЙД (George Harrison)
George Harrison was born on February 12, 1943, in a big and friendly family. There were four children in the family, of which George was the youngest. His mother, Louisa, was merry and very kind. She worked as a shop-assistant. His father, Gerald Harrison, was a tall thin man. He was a bus driver
Student 2
During his childhood he wasn't interested in music, but he was fond of various shows. He was a very good student in school.
When George studied at the Institute he became interested in skiffle. His idol was Lonny Donegan. Louisa bought a guitar for her son. George taught himself to play the guitar with a book.
When George studied at the Institute he became interested in skiffle. His idol was Lonny Donegan
One day on his way to the Institute George met Paul McCartney on the bus. They became friends and had the same interests. Harrison played the guitar better than Paul and was invited to the group, becoming the leading guitarist
13 СЛАЙД (Ringo Star)
Student 2
Ringo Starr was born on July 7, 1940. His father, Richard Henry Parkin Starki, worked as a baker. His wife, Elsie Gleeve, was a waitress in a bar.
Elsie worked hard, that is why little Richard had to stay alone or at their neighbour’s
Student 1
Richard was very sociable as a result. He was a very weak boy and often missed classes at school. He couldn’t read even at the age of 8, though Elsie tried her best to help her son.
He was invited to join the group in summer 1962. He was paid 25 pounds a week.
14 СЛАЙД (достижения)
15слайд ( Love me do)
Student 1
Thus, the group was formed. The Beatles changed pop music forever. From their first single “Love Me Do” in 1962, people heard something different from the usual pop of that time.
Student 2.
So we are listening to the song “Love Me Do” in the interpretation of the boys from 10 grade.(песня“Love Me Do’’)
Student 1.
Thank you, boys.
16слайд ( Yesterday)
Student 2
And we are continuing our song competition.
The song “Yesterday” is the best song in the album “Help!”, which was released in 1965. It is the most popular Beatles song. “Yesterday” is a romantic ballad. What is the origin of this song?
Student 1
Every morning Paul sat at the piano and played his own music. The melody of “Yesterday” appeared one morning while Paul was cooking breakfast. That's why first he named the song “Scrambled eggs”.
Student 2
But he couldn’t think of words. Nice sad music didn’t agree with simple words. The words came after several days and they were charming. Let’s try to sing it all together
Student 1
So we are listening to the song “Yesterday” .The singer is Jessika Gazzaeva from 11 grade)
Student 2
Thank you Jessika. You were wonderful.
18слайд (The Girl)
Student 1
The owner of the nicest voice of our school is Robert Revazov. He will sing one of the most popular songs of the Beatles “The GIRL”
Student 2.It’s from the album ’’Rubber Soul” The song was written by Paul McCartney in September 1965.
19слайд ( Imagine)
Student 1
John Lennon was not only a composer ,painter but an active fighter for freedom and human rights. In the song ‘’Imagine” he asks people of different nations to live in peace and friendship.
Student 2
We are listening to it in the performance of Jessica Gazzaeva and Diana Kaitmazova.
20слайд (Yellow Submarine)
Student 1.
The Beatles’ ‘’Yellow Submarine’’ was written by Paul McCartney in1965. The words were written by John Lennon. “We all live in a yellow submarine” used to say the singers.
Student 2.
In the commercial plan «Yellow Submarine» became the most important composition of an album “Revolver” as it has pushed musicians on the idea of creation of cartoon film.
Student 1
We’ll listen to this song in the performance of the boys from the grade 6b.
18слайд (Halleluian)
Student 2.
One of the first variants of the song Halleluyah was written by the Beatles.
Student 1.
In the cartoon’’Shek’’ it is sung by Canadian singer Ray Charlse.
Student 2.
And we are listening to it in the performance of our charming Diana Kaitmazova
Cлайд ( Let It Be)
Student 1.
The well-known song “Let It Be” from the album with the same name became the last single which has been let out by The Beatles. But the composition has entered into history of modern music not only for this reason.
Student 2
.It has taken the first places in charts of many countries, till now enters into various ratings of the best songs and simply is a favourite song of many admirers of "the Liverpool four».
Student 1.
It is interesting, that John Lennon hated a song “Let It Be”. But public, unlike Lennon, has highly appreciated “Let It Be”. The song has risen on first line Billboard Hot 100 and has entered into ten the best singles of many other things of the countries.
Student 2.The magazine “Rolling Stone” has placed it on the twentieth place of a rating of 500 greatest songs of all times and for the eighth line of the list of 100 best compositions The Beatles.
Student 1
‘’Let It Be” also has been awarded "Oscar" in a nomination «the Best music» and "Grammy" in a category «the Best song written for cinema or TV»
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