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Технологическая карта языкового мероприятия для обучающихся 10-х классов «We Study English»

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  1. Повышать интерес учащихся к изучаемому предмету;
  2. Активизировать ранее изученный материал в игровой форме;
  3. Формировать навык работы в команде, умение применять полученные знания на практике;
  4. Воспитывать чувство поддержки и уважения друг к другу.
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«Технологическая карта языкового мероприятия для обучающихся 10-х классов «We Study English»»

Технологическая карта языкового мероприятия для обучающихся 10-х классов
«We Study English»


  1. Повышать интерес учащихся к изучаемому предмету;

  2. Активизировать ранее изученный материал в игровой форме;

  3. Формировать навык работы в команде, умение применять полученные знания на практике;

  4. Воспитывать чувство поддержки и уважения друг к другу.

Время проведения: 40 минут.

Участники: 3 команды (учащиеся делятся по рядам).

Оборудование: презентация, мультимедийный проектор, карточки с заданиями, флаг и карта UK.

Подготовка к мероприятию:

Учителю необходимо заранее приготовить раздаточный материал и грамоты для вручения победителям.

Ход мероприятия:

Teacher: Hello, dear participants of today's game. I am pleased to welcome you at our lesson. First, I'm going to ask you to split up into teams. Each row is one team. Sit down so that you are comfortable. Thank you. So, you have been studying English for eight years and during that time it became clear that without English it is impossible to live. We have it everywhere - from various services to travels to different countries. And I’d like to check your knowledge not only about school program, but about the English language in general. So, let’s start our competition. I wish you good luck.

Task 1: Guess the country

Teacher: More than 300 million people speak English as a second language. For almost half of the world's population, English is their mother tongue. But do you know that in the composition of the language itself there are words that are not native, but only borrowed from other languages? We'll check it out now. Your task is to determine (and name) the native language for the following words (the words are displayed on the screen). For this task you have five minutes. Is it clear? So, start, please.

Words: dish (блюдо), cup (чашка), butter (масло), cheese (сыр), wine (вино), gate (ворота), to die (умирать), to hit (ударять), to want (хотеть, желать), aria (ария), piano (фортепиано), opera (опера), izba (изба), ruble (рубль), kopeck (копейка), tsar (царь).

Teacher: Well, that was good. So, it’s high time for us to go to the next task.

Task 2: Tongue-twisters

Teacher: The Russian language, as you’ve correctly noticed in the previous task, is also the language from which new words come to English. But is English so simple for us? Most of the sounds are simply absent in Russian, are strange to us, so in order to speak fluently and clearly, we have to hone (= perfect) skills with the help of tongue twisters. The next competition is the captains' competition. You need to choose a person who will not only be the leader of your team, but will also take the responsibility to pronounce the patter (= the tongue twister) correctly and quickly. So, here we go.

  1. Peter Piper picked a pack of pickled peppers.

  2. She sells seashells on the seashore.

  3. Grey geese graze in the green grass.

Teacher: That was great! It's hard to choose between you because everyone tries to perform well. We go on a level, neck and neck. Let us continue our competition.

Task 3: Crocodile tears

Teacher: In order to feel like a fish in water in an English-speaking country, we need to know not only the vocabulary given at school, but phrases that have a figurative meaning, that is, phraseological units and proverbs. The next task is as follows: each team must write a list consisting of proverbs and sayings of the English language. The more - the better, each correct phrase is evaluated as one point. I wish you all good luck (as a hint, a few friends from the school course of Proverbs and sayings are displayed on the screen).

  1. There is no place like home.

  2. Still waters run deep.

  3. All’s well that ends well.

Task 4: I know better than you

Teacher: And now it's time to learn how fast you are able to give correct answers related to English. Each question is given 15 seconds, the question appears on the screen and after the set time goes up, it is replaced by another. It checks the speed of the reaction and erudition. Ready? We're starting.

    1. Nigeria has more English speakers than England (T)

    2. 50% of Swedish people speak English perfectly (F, 89%)

    3. The letter E is most often used in the English language, less often – Q (Т)

    4. In the English language there is a word with a vowel, which is repeated 6 times(Т, indivisibility)

    5. You can't find a word without vowels in English language (F, rhythms)

    6. There is a sentence containing all the letters of the English alphabet (Т)

    7. Until the XX century there were no punctuation marks in the English language (F, XV)

    8. Initially, the word goodbye sounded different and had a different meaning (T, God be with you)

    9. The oldest words of English language are I, we, two, three (T)


Teacher: Well, that's the end of our game. While the results are counted by our judges (teacher of English Tatyana Olegovna), we evaluate today's event. The team captains go out to the Board and take turns pulling out parts of the British flag, putting them together and saying what they have learned.

Подведение итогов:

The winning team gets а five (an excellent mark) for the lesson; the other two are encouraged by diplomas and sweet prizes.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Технологическая карта языкового мероприятия для обучающихся 10-х классов «We Study English»

Автор: Шенкнехт Алина Алексеевна

Дата: 29.09.2022

Номер свидетельства: 614045

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