Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для учащихся 4-5класса
Мини-спектакль “Три поросёнка”
Цели мероприятия:
Образовательная: познакомить обучающихся с оригинальными английскими песнями;
Воспитательная: воспитание у обучающихся уважения к англоязычной культуре, как неотъемлемой части мирового культурного достояния;
Развивающая: развития навыков диалогической и монологической речи, сценического поведения.
Оборудование :музыкальное сопровождение, декорации, костюмы. Песни можно выбрать на сайте: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/songs/i-can-run
The three little pigs.
1st jester
2nd jester
Mother Pig
Father Pig
3 little pigs.
2nd man
3rd man.
Сцена 1.
Выходят 2 шута.
1й: Once upon a time there lived in the forest a family of pigs: Mother Pig, Father Pig and 3 little pigs.
2й: Three little pigs grew very large, but they didn’t help their parents about the house.
На сцене: лесная поляна , поросята кувыркаются, звучит весёлая музыка.
Father Pig: Children! Children! Come here!
Mother Pig: You grew big. You can’t live in so little house with us.
Father Pig: You should go and build a new big house.
Mother Pig: But you must be careful. Abad Wolf lives in the forest.
1st pig: OK!!
2nd: Don’t worry!
3rd: We will be careful!
All together: Good bye dear Father and Mother!
Parents: Good-bye children!
Поросята уходят с песней: We can do anything , we can do anything what we like!
Сцена 2.
Выглядывает Волк из-за дерева : Ohh!! Little pigs!! Such fat and tasty pigs!
Поросята идут пританцовывая и поют: Who’s afraid of big bad Wolf,
Big bad Wolf , Big bad Wolf?
Tra la la la la la big bad Wolf – ugly hungry wolf?
We are handsome piggy-wigs (3 times)
We are handsome piggy-wigs.
1й,2й шуты выходят на сцену.
1й: Suddenly they saw a man carrying some straw.
1й поросёнок: Good morning ! I would like to build a house. Give me some straw, please…
Человек : Yes, of course . Take your straw and build your house.
1й поросёнок: Now the Wolf can’t catch me for breakfast.
2й шут:Then they saw a man carrying sticks.
2й поросёнок: Good morning! I would like to build a house. Give me some sticks, please…
Человек: Yes, of course . Take your sticks and build your house.
1й поросёнок: Now the Wolf can’t catch me for breakfast.
2й шут: Then they saw a man carrying bricks.
3й поросёнок: Hello ! I would like to build a house. Give me some bricks, please…
Человек: Yes, of course . Take your bricks and build your house. You can build a very strong house!
3й поросёнок: Now the Wolf can’t catch me and eat for breakfast.
Сцена 3.
1й шут: One day the Wolf walked and saw the sweet little straw house.
Волк: Little pigs! Little pigs let me come in!
Поросята: No, no… You can’t come in.
Волк: I’ll huff , I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!
Шуты: and he huffs and he puffs and he puffs.
And the house falls down and little pigs run away.
2й шут: One day the Wolf walked and saw the sweet little stick house.
Волк: Little pigs! Little pigs let me come in!
Поросята: No, no… You can’t come in.
Волк: I’ll huff, I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!
Шуты: and he huffs and he puffs and he puffs.
And the house falls down and little pigs run away.
1й шут: One day the Wolf walked and saw the sweet little brick house.
Волк: Little pigs! Little pigs let me come in!
Поросята: No, no… You can’t come in.
Волк: I’ll huff , I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!
Шуты: and he huffs and he puffs and he puffs.
But he was very tired and went away.
Заключительная сцена.
Выходят поросята и поют : Who’s afraid of big bad wolf?