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Сценарий урока "St. Valentine's Day" в 4-ом классе совместно с 6-м

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сценарий урока, посвященного Дню святого Валентина. Ученики 6 класса проводят урок в 4-м классе.

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«Сценарий урока "St. Valentine's Day" в 4-ом классе совместно с 6-м»

St. Valentine’s Day.

Цель: Развитие навыка устной речи на основе культурологического материала, развитие страноведческой компетенции учащихся.

Задачи: Активизация лексики по теме «Праздники»; развитие языковой догадки; расширение лексического запаса по теме «Праздники».


Hello, boys and girls! Today we have got our guests. They are the pupils from the 6th form of our school. They are going to help me during the lesson. Can you introduce yourselves, please?

(в гостях у 4 класса 4 мальчика из 6го класса. Они представляются.)

Мозговой штурм.

To get students thinking about the topic of Valentine's Day draw a big heart on the

board and see if your students can fill it with words to do with love.

What are your associations with the heart?

Write as many words in the heart as you can. First let the pupils from the 4th form do it and then the guests can add some more words.

На доске нарисовано сердце, дети по очереди пишут слова, относящиеся к понятию «сердце»

Шестиклассники читают написанные четвероклассниками слова и добавляют свои. Надо , чтобы были добавлены слова, которые дети еще н е знаю. Так шестиклассники учат новым словам, которые будут необходимы в течение урока:

a priest, ribbons, lace, gloves, Cupid, Valentine's Day, a heart, Happy Valentine's Day, a valentine, a box of chocolates, candy hearts, an arrow, a date, writing a valentine, sending a valentine, getting a valentine, a popular boy, embarrassing, carnations, love struck, a rose.

What we are going to talk about today? What is the topic of our lesson?

Right. St Valentine's Day.


Today you are going to get to know more about St Valentine's Day, its tradition. Words will help you to understand our guests.

What do you already know about St. Valentine’s Day? What do people do during this day?

(pupils’ answers)

Let's listen to English children. What do they think about this holiday?

смотрят видео

So what did you understand from the video?

It is a romantic holiday!

You have written the word “priest”. Why?

Let’s listen to our guests. They will tell you about this holiday.

Егор - рассказ в сопровождении слайдов:

Today we are going to talk about St. Valentine’s Day. No one really knows the origin of it. There are many legends.

The story tells us that St. Valentine was a priest who would marry young couples secretly when the Roman Emperor Claudius 2 forbade marriages. He believed that single man were better soldiers.

On Valentine’s Day, people give cards and presents to each other. The cards are called valentines. Some people buy the cards. Other people make the cards. The presents might be something small and sweet or something big and dramatic. Some people get engaged (promise to marry each other) on Valentine’s Day.

Шестиклассники рассказывают о символах Дня Святого Валентина, сопровождая рассказ показом всех этих символов.

There’re many symbols of Valentine’s Day.

1 ученик

Heart. A long time ago people believed that all the emotions were found in the heart. The heart is still a symbol of love and it is also a symbol of Valentine’s Day.

2 ученик.

Red Rose. Red is a color that stands for strong feelings. That is why the red rose is a flower of love.

Ribbons. When ladies gave ribbons to their favorite knights when they went to war.

3 ученик.

Lace. Lace comes from a Latin word; it means “to catch”. Lace was supposed to catch the heart of a loved one. Hundreds of years ago women carried lace handkerchiefs. A man nearby might pick it up and return it to her. Sometimes a woman might see a man she wanted to meet. She might drop her lace handkerchief on purpose to encourage romance.

1 ученик.

Gloves. Years ago when a man proposed marriage to a woman he asked “for her hand”. The hand became the symbol of marriage and love. Soon gloves also became a symbol of love.

2 ученик.

Rings. In some countries men and women exchange rings when they became engaged or marry. Two or three hundred years ago Valentine’s Day was a popular day for giving an engagement ring.

3 ученик.

Love knot.. It is a symbol of endless love. People made love knots from ribbon or drew them on paper. Often, a message was written on the love knot. The message had no beginning or end.

1 ученик.

Love birds and Doves. Lovebirds are colorful parrots found in Africa. They are called love birds because they sit closely together in pairs. Doves remain with the same mates all their lives. As these birds are symbols of loyalty and love they are also symbols of Valentine’s Day.

2 ученик.

Cupid. Son of Venus, goddess of love. He could cause people to fall in love by piercing them with one of his magic arrows.


St. Valentine’s Day is a Day of love. So many poems were written about love. Let’s listen to some of them. At home you made some valentines cards. Will you recite the poems and show us your valentines, please!

(Учащиеся декламируют выученные стихи)

My love is like a cabbage

Divided into two

The leaves I give to others

The heart I give to you.


My heart to you is given

Oh do give yours to me

We'll lock them up together

And throw away the key


Sure as grape grows on the vine,

So sure you are my Valentine –

The rose is red, the violet is blue,

Lilies are fair and so are you!


The sky is high, the sea is deep.

Thinking of you I cannot sleep.

If you love me I love you

Nothing but death will part us too.


Here’s special valentine

With lots of love for you

And since you’re very special

Here are hugs and kisses, too!

Love, love me do,

You know I love you,

I’ll always be true,

So please, love me do.


The sky is high, the sea is deep.

Thinking of you I cannot sleep.

If you love me I love you

Nothing but death will part us too.


Poems sound so sweet because they are about love and friendship. There are some superstitions on this day. Слово superstition записывается в сердце и объясняется его значение.

5 шестиклассник

Now I’d like to tell you some words about Valentine Facts and Superstitions.

Сотни лет назад в Англии дети одевались, как взрослые в день Св. Валентина. Они ходили, распевая песни от дома к дому. Одна из таких песенок звучала так:

Good morning to you Valentine,
Curl your locks as I do mine -
Two before and three behind
Good morning to you Valentine.

В Уэльсе вырезались деревянные ложки любви и дарились 14 февраля. Сердца, ключи и замочные скважины были любимыми украшениями на ложках. Многие дарят своим друзьям и возлюбленным сладости. В Северной Америке и Европе шоколадные конфеты продаются в красивых коробках в форме сердца. Некоторые коробки украшены цветами и лентами.

В некоторых странах молодая женщина может получить в подарок отрез ткани от молодого человека. Если она сохранит его, это будет значить, что она выйдет за него замуж.

Некоторые люди верили, что если женщина видела в День Св.Валентина малиновку это означало, что она выйдет замуж за моряка. Если видела воробья, выйдет замуж за бедняка, но будет очень счастлива. А если щегла, то выйдет замуж за миллионера.

А гадать на своих возлюбленных можно целый год. Вы уже знаете, что часто для гадания использовались яблоки. Если вы возьмете черенок от яблока и подбросите его, то в момент падения можно называть имена юношей или девушек. Вы выйдете замуж или женитесь на том, чье имя вы произнесли, когда черенок упал. А разрезав яблоко пополам и сосчитав количество семечек внутри, вы можете узнать сколько у вас будет детей.

Об этом может сказать и одуванчик. Когда вы подуете на него, то количество оставшихся семечек укажет на количество детей, которых вы будете иметь.

В День Св. Валентина молодые люди создавали много шума, догоняя друг друга с веревкой в руках. Боли от ударов они не получали, но зато получали огромное удовольствие.

За кого девушка выйдет замуж могут сказать и пуговицы.

Шестиклассник вызывает девочек, у кого на одежде есть пуговицы.

We can tell you who you are going to marry counting your buttons. Let’s count and say all together:

Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief.

Thank you very much girls!

Ну и конечно, несколько слов о Valentine’s box. Этой традиции более 2 тысяч лет. Вытаскивая валентинки из коробки, мы похожи на древних римлян, вытаскивающих имена возлюбленных из сосудов. Как прекрасно думать, как много людей сказали: “Будь моим Валентином”.


Today we are having a special Valentine party. There is no party without games and contests. Well, let’s start our contest

Contest 1 Vlad

On the screen you are having two parts of the sentences. Your task is to connect the right halves and the left halves. Your task is to complete the sentences. I need two pupils.

A part of your body is……………………………………….a heart.

A heart-shaped card is………………………………………a valentine

A man who cared for people is………………………………St.Valentine.

A boy who shoots Arrows is…………………………………Cupid.

A kind of flower is …………………………………………..a rose.

A bunch of flowers is………………………………………...a bouquet.

A friendly look is ……………………………………………a smile.

Used with a bow……………………………………………..an arrow.

A fancy material is……………………………………………lace.

A kind of candy is…………………………………………….chocolates.

Contest 2 Ростик

(пока ребята отгадывают и соединяют части предложения на экране)

Let’s play the game “Who stole my heart?” You should sit with your back to the class. You are holding a paper heart. Another child is chosen to walk up as quickly as he can take the heart. He returns to his seat and puts the heart out of sight. You should turn around and say: “Who stole my heart? Was it you…?” You have 3 guesses. If you guess correctly, you stay in front and play again. If you do not guess correctly, the person who stole the heart gets to go in front.

Are our boys and girls ready?

Contest 3 Егор

We are beginning our grammar competition! You’ll see a card written on Valentine’s Day. Your task is to read the card carefully and find any mistakes there.

Deer, Mary,

I hope that  Falentine’s Dai will bring you lots ov fun! I thinks you’re extra-specially nice. And so does everyone!

Best wesh,


(While they are correcting mistakes other children get together hearts cut into pieces)

Contest 7

Now let’s enjoy ourselves playing some games. To start with guess the puzzle. (На экране написано стихотворение) Tell the name of the girl.

May you answer, “Yes”, my heart

And no longer keep us apart

Remember I love you, dear Valentine

You must be mine as I am thine.

Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.

Нарисовать еще одно сердечко и туда вписать все слова, которые прозвучали. Получится больше слов в сердечке.

That's what love is. Don’t be embarrased of love. Don’t wait untill St Valentines day. Say I LOVE YOU every day. I love you, mom. I love you, little sister. I love you, friend!

Just show your beloved ones how much you care and love them now. Happy Valentines Day! Now let’s stand up and dance together!

Let’s be friends

(Lego friends!)

At home you are to do the crossword and complete the secrete message.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Сценарий урока "St. Valentine's Day" в 4-ом классе совместно с 6-м

Автор: Черкасова Вера Николаевна

Дата: 12.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 438438

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