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Сценарий театрализованного представления "Christmas Story" по мотивам сказки братьев Гримм "Бременские музыканты"

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Сценарий театрализованного представления "Christmas Story" для внеклассной работы по предмету английский язык.

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«Сценарий театрализованного представления "Christmas Story" по мотивам сказки братьев Гримм "Бременские музыканты"»


театрализованной постановки

«Merry Christmas»

(по мотивам сказки Братьев Гримм

«Бременские музыканты» )

Составила: учитель английского

языка МАОУ «Начальная школа

«Мультипарк» Деменева Е.Ю.

Пермь 2016

SCRIPT: Scene I.

Music (Track 1, праздничная, нежная музыка)

Mum: Leon! Wendy! Where are you? Come here, my dear. It’s time to decorate a Christmas tree.

Leon and Wendy: Hooray!

Leon: It’s Christmas time!

Wendy: It’s Christmas time!

Mum: Decorate a tree!

Wendy: What tree?

Mum: The Christmas tree!

Leon and Wendy: Let’s decorate the tree!

Mum: Take some crackers.

Wendy: Take some bells.

Leon: Take some stars!

Wendy: Take some baubles!

Leon and Wendy: And put them on the tree.

Mum: Well done, Leon! Well done, Wendy!

Santa Claus: Knock! Knock!

(Track 2, стук в дверь)

Mum, Leon and Wendy: Who’s there?

Santa Claus: It’s me, Santa Claus.

Leon and Wendy: Hooray! Hello, Santa Claus. Come in, please.

Santa Claus: Now children, you can have your presents. Here’s a ball for you, Leon!

Leon: Wow! Thank you, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: And here is your present, Wendy.

Wendy: It’s a doll! Thank you, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: And it’s a book of fairy tales for you, children! Now I’ll read one tale for you……. Listen…..

Mum: Time for a fairy-tale!

Leon: Hooray! A fairy-tale!!!

Music (Track 3, начало для сказки)

Scene II.

Santa Claus: Once upon a time in a village there was a small farmhouse.  There lived a Donkey who worked hard ….

Music (Track 4, снежная вьюга)

Выходит Осёл, подметает двор

Donkey: I’m not lucky! What can I do to change the situation! I’m upset! For ten years I’ve worked very hard on this farm. But my master wants to sell me. So before he does it I must say good-bye to the old farm. Settled! I’m going to Bremen-town to sing and play. 

Rap (Track 5, животные под рэп обходят круг по сцене)

Can you sing and play?

Come with us! Hooray!

We’re a music band!

Hey! Do your best!

Go to the west!

Dog: Oh, please, please, don´t step on me!  I’m lost. I’m homeless now. I’m scared. I feel terrible.

Donkey:  Help yourself to a sweet bone, please. And don’t be afraid, my dear! I’m with you now. Join me! I’m going to Bremen-town to sing.

Dog: Really? It’s very kind of you! I’ll be a superstar! It sounds great!

Donkey: That’s another pair of shoes! You look fine now! Let´s go.

Rap (Track 5, животные под рэп обходят круг по сцене)

Dog: Look! Somebody is sitting in the road.

Donkey: Oh, it’s a cat.

Cat: Meow, Meow! Poor me!

Dog: What´s the matter with you?

Cat: Meow, Meow! I’m a poor cat. I can’t stand those naughty mice! I’m fed up with catching them. It’s so boring! I don´t know what to do. I’d like to try something new!

Dog: Come with us to Bremen!

Donkey:  Come on! And join our show! 

Dog: We’ll become town musicians. Hooray!

Cat:  Hooray! That’s a good idea.  I’ll go with you.  Let´s go to play and sing in Bremen-Town!

Rap (Track 5, животные под рэп обходят круг по сцене)

Donkey: Listen! Somebody is singing!

Cat: It´s the rooster. He tells the time throughout the year.

Donkey: Why are you so sad?

Dog: What’s the matter with you? Please, tell us.

Rooster: I’m in trouble! I’ll soon be rooster soup, but I’m full of energy and crazy ideas! I’d like to change the world to the best! So I have to run away from here.  Where are you going?

Dog: We’re going to Bremen-Town. 

Donkey: Come with us!

Dog: Leave this awful place and join our band.

Rooster:  Sure. I’ll join you. Let´s go to play and sing in Bremen-Town. But it’s very far from here. We should find a place to sleep. 

Cat: Oh, my friends, look over there! I see a light! There´s a house where we can spend the night!

Donkey: Let´s go over there.

Rap (Track 5) Животные под рэп обходят круг по сцене

Dog: Hush! Hush, my friends!

(Track 6, таинственная, грозная музыка)

The house is full of robbers.

Cat: Let´s make a plan to get those robbers out of the house. (совещаются)

Donkey: What can we do?

Dog: Have you got any ideas?

Rooster: I’ve got an idea! Let´s scare them. 

Cat: Sca-a-are… Meow…

Rooster: We´ll sing, and sing, and sing our song so loudly until we break the windows. 

All: A great idea!!! We’ll get robbers out of the house! Hooray!

Dog: One, two, three…

DONKEY, DOG, CAT, ROOSTER: And Yahoo! Yahoo! Zan, zun, zin, rim, ram, ren, big honey hen! Chiquiti boom, chiquiti bam, hobble ham!

Robber 1: What´s that terrible sound!

Robber 2: Gobblins, ghouls, ghosts!

Robber 1: They are attacking us!

Robber 2: We have to run, run away!

Robbers 1: Help!

Robber 2: Help!

Robber 1: Save our souls!

DONKEY, DOG, CAT, ROOSTER: (мяукают, гавкают, кукарекают, блеют)

Cat: Hooray!

Dog: Hooray! We’ve done it!

Cat: They have gone away! Now we can sit down at the table!

Dog: ….and eat and sing,

Rooster: ….and dance and play!

Cat: … and eat and sing, and dance and play!

Rooster: We are at home at last! Hooray!!!

Dog: Now friends, let´s prepare for our show.

All: We are ready!!! (танец под ритмичную музыку)

Dancing (Track 7)

Scene III.

Mum: It’s a happy end, children!

Leon: Thank you, Santa Claus for such a wonderful present.

Mum: Thank you, Santa! It’s 11 o’clock. (Track 8, звук часов)

It’s time to have a Christmas party! (Track 9, стук в дверь)

(Somebody is knocking at the door)

Santa Claus: Somebody else is coming.

Mum: Leon, open the door, please!

Rooster: How do you do, everybody!

All: How do you do, Rooster!

Rooster: A Rooster Year is coming! Cocka-doodle- doo! Cocka-doodle- doo! Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year! Meet my friends! (заходят Осёл, Собака, Кошка) Let’s sing together!

SONG «We wish you a Merry Christmas!» (Track 10)

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

We wish you a Merry Christmas!

And a Happy New Year!

At Christmas we all like clapping (jumping, dancing)!

At Christmas we all like clapping!

At Christmas we all like clapping!

Oh, Christmas is fun!

Author:  Grimm Brothers

Adapted by:  Demeneva E.U.

Moral Value:  Help.  Teamwork

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Автор: Деменева Елена Юрьевна

Дата: 10.03.2017

Номер свидетельства: 398913

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