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Сценарий сказки "Потерянный рубин"

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сценарий мероприятия для 6-7классов "Потерянный рубин"

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«Сценарий сказки "Потерянный рубин"»

Сценарий сказки « The Lost Ruby

Story teller:There lived once a king who was always sad.He never laughed or smiled.Nothing could please him.An old man looked after the garden.He had worked in the garden since he was a small boy.He was always singing as he worked.

Old man:Pease pudding hot

Pease pudding cold

Pease pudding in the pot

Nine days old.

Some like it hot

Some like it cold

Pease pudding in the pot

Nine days old.

King;Tell me ,old man,why are you always so cheerful?

Old man;Sadness can never enter my heart.I have locked it out.

King;Don’t be stupid.Your heart is not a house!No one can escape sadness.

Story teller;The old man just smiled and went back to his roses.The king was angry with the old man.He decided to prove that he was right and the old gardener was wrong.He took a large ruby from his pocket and gave it the old gardener.(король отдает рубин)

King;I want you to look after this for me.But if you lose this ruby you will lose your life…

Story teller:The old man took the ruby and hid it under his bed.That night the king .dressed as a beggar,went to the gardeners house and stole the ruby.He took it and threw it into the river.(бросает рубин в реку)

King:Come here old,old man!I want you to bring that ruby to the palace in two days time.And remember ,if you lose it…

Story-teller:When the old man got home that night,he looked under his bed.

Old man:Oh,no!Two short days.I would better make the most of them.

Story-teller:He sold his house and decided to give a party for all his friends.He told them he was going away.

Friends( the first friend):Hello!Nice to meet you.Where are you going to?

Old man:Nice to meet you,too.I am going away.But I don’t know when I will return.

The 2-nd friend:It’s a pity.What a pity!Good luck!

Best wishes to you.

Story-teller:When the king came there were well-wishers everywhere.Finally the king found a space on the floor in the corner.

The 3-d friend:I wish you joy.Everything will be all right.Cheer up!

Story-teller:At the end of the party the old man brought in a great platter.There were twelve silver fish.(cадовник несет поднос с рыбой)

Old man:Come ,eat,eat!

The second friend:It’s a feast fit for a king.

Story-teller:The old man sliced up the fish one by one and gave each guest a helping.When he sliced the 12-th fish he found a large ruby.The guests were amazed.

The 3-d friend:Oh!Its a kings ransom.

Old man:Oh,yes.(отдает королю рубин)

King:You are right old man.Your heart is a house and you have locked sadness out.It is you who has taught me the lesson.Take the ruby –keep it.A small reward.(король дает садовнику рубин)

Old man:Thank you ,thank you.(кладет рубин в карман фартука)

Goodgrates!I will buy a new house with it.

Story-teller:He sold a ruby and bought a new house – a bigger house with a large garden.Over the door he hung a sign:The door is open to all-but sadness.

Story-teller:The old man sliced up the fish one by one and gave each guest a helping.When

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Сценарий сказки "Потерянный рубин"

Автор: Булавина Екатерина Михайловна

Дата: 06.03.2018

Номер свидетельства: 460934

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