Сценарий мероприятия " Royal Family Quiz" (Счастливый случай)
Сценарий мероприятия " Royal Family Quiz" (Счастливый случай)
Сценарий мероприятия " Royal Family Quiz" (Счастливый случай) разработан в целях проверки у учащихся знаний о Королевской семьи Великобритании. Очень интересная и содержательная игра.
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«Сценарий мероприятия " Royal Family Quiz" (Счастливый случай)»
Игра «Счастливый случай»
- Good afternoon everybody! Good day dear teachers, students and, of course, participants of the party! Today we are going to speak about Royal Family, in particular, about the Queen and her children, also her likes and dislikes. Welcome to the party “The Royal Family Quiz!” (музыка)
- Добрый день, уважаемые учителя, обучающиеся, и, конечно же, дорогие участники игры «Счастливый случай»! Тема нашей игры «Королевская семья Англии»!
Сегодня в этом зале за право встретиться со счастливым случаем будут бороться 2 команды, они же будут отвечать на вопросы викторины, решать кроссворды и конечно, как же без песен? Именно такая программа ожидает вас на сегодняшней игре!
- Now, let’s meet our teams, the participants of the “Royal Family Quiz!” (музыка).
- Thank you, teams! But who will be the first? Let’s look it. Captains, come to me.
Кто же первым будет отвечать на вопросы? Узнаем это по жеребьёвке. Капитаны, подойдите мне. The … will be the first.
- Now, I want to present you our dear jury. They are Айгуль Рифовна and Айгуль Азатовна – teachers of Russian, Люзия Сахабиевна. – The Head Teacher.
- Следить за правильностью ответов и подсчитывать баллы команд будут многоуважаемое жюри в составе, Айгуль Рифовны, Айгуль Азатовны и председателя жюри – Люзии Сахабиевны.
- OK, let’s start our Quiz. (музыка).
- The I game – Warming-up. Разминка. (музыка)
You get 3 questions. And you have 30 seconds for one question. Is it clear?
(Каждая команда получает по 3 вопроса. На обдумывание одного вопроса – 30 секунд. Зa правильный ответ – 1 балл. )
The first three questions for you,…
Who is the Head of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland? (Queen Elizabeth II ).
When did she ascend to the throne?(She ascend to the throne after his dad’s death in 1952 and was crowned in Westminster Abbey in June 1953).
Where was Princess Elizabeth educated? (she was educated at home with Princess Margaret, her younger sister. She studied constitutional history, law, art, music, learned to ride).
- Thank you.
…, be attentive, next questions for you.
What do you know about the Queen’s husband? (His full name is His Royal Highness Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. They got married in 1947 in Westminster Abbey).
How many children have the Royal Couple? (They have 4 children: Prince Charles, Princess Anne, Prince Andrew, Prince Edward).
Who is the Queen’s heir to the throne? (Prince Charles.)
- Thank you for answers.
- Now, the II game – Know the Man. Узнай героя. (музыка)
Задание: Команды должны определить главных героев тексов, которые будут воспринимать на слух. На обдумывание ответа дается 30 секунд за правильный ответ – 1 балл.
- Let’s begin. Be attentive.
Text 1. He is one of the members of the Royal Family. He is the youngest among the brothers. He studied at Cambridge University. He worked as a school teacher and as an actor at the theatre. Also he was an officer. His name is … (Prince Edward).
Text 2. He is one of the Royal Family. But he is not a monarch. He was born in Greece. He is a qualified pilot. Sometimes he gives interviews. The sphere of his interests is very wide: environment, wildlife, science and technology and sport. He is … (Prince Phillip).
Text 3. She is one of the members of the Royal Family. She finished Beneden school in Kent. She is the hardest working member of the family. She made an excellent sports career. In recent years she has become quite popular with public. She doesn’t wear expensive dresses but she always looks very elegant. She is … (Princess Anne.)
- Well, the next for you … .
Text 4. He is one of the members of the Royal Family. He was born in 1948. He is interested in many things: architecture, environment, history, alternative medicine, farming. His favorite sport is polo. He is well-known as a keen promoter of British interests. He has 2 children. He is … (Charles, the Prince of Wales.)
Text 5. He is one of the members of the Royal Family. He is very good at sport. In 1980 he joined the Royal Navy and became a “sea King” helicopter pilot. He is interested in photography. He speaks French and German. In 1986 he married Miss Sarah Ferguson and has 2 daughters. He is … (Prince Andrew, the Duke of York.)
Text 6. She is one of the members of the Royal Family. She is one of the world’s richest women. Three quarters or more of the working life is spent in an office reading and singing state papers. She never gives interview. She likes to spent time with her grandchildren, watch horse-racing, go for a walk and watch TV. Her title in the UK is: “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and her other Realms and Territories Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith”. She is … (Queen Elizabeth).
Very good, thanks for your full answers.
Well, the III game – What does the Queen like or dislike. Что любит и не любит королева. (музыка)
Captains, come to me, please. There are two boxes. You should choose one of them, open it, look at, what is there? There are some papers. Now, you have to click these papers on the posters.
(Суть игры: Каждая команда получает «Волшебную корзиночку» с карточками, на которых записано, что любит и не любит королева. На протяжении трех минут одна команда должна отобрать и прикрепить на плакате карточки со вкусами королевы, а вторая команда – карточки с названиями того, что не нравится королеве. За правильное выполнение задания команда получает 3 балла. )
You have 3 minutes for this task.
А пока команды выполняют задание, для вас музыкальная пауза. Girls, you are welcome! (Выступлениедевушекспесней «Forever young»).
The Queen likes:
Horse racing.
Scottish country dancing.
Jigsaw puzzles.
Bright red dresses.
Long-stemmed, deep-pink carnations.
Quiet evenings at home.
The Beatles film, Yellow Submarine.
The Queen dislikes:
Tennis, including Wimbledon.
Milk pudding.
The cold.
Charles Dickens.
Dictating letters.
Cigar smoke.
Listening to after-dinner speeches.
Thank you, take your seats, please.
The next, IV game – Crossword. Кроссворд. (музыка)
Дорогие участники, вам предлагается найти в кроссворде названия семи предметов, которые королева берет с собой, отправляясь в путешествие. Нa листах написаны толкования этих слов. У вас есть по три минуты на формулирование определения и нахождения этих слов.
Пока команды выполняют задание, послушаем песню в исполнении Сахаутдиновой Диляры. (Песня «Ding – a - dong»).
An apparatus used to make photographs.
A cushion for the head, especially in bed.
Dried leaves of a plant, cultivated in China, India.
A metal vessel with a spout and a handle for boiling.
A sweet crystalline vegetable substance.
A compound of alkali and oil used in washing.
Objects of precious metal often worn for personal abornment.
A divece for telling time which you wear on your wrist.
Two pieces of special glass surrounded by plastic, metal etc. which you wear in front of your eyes in order to see better.
- Thank you, Dilyara. Teams, are you ready? Give your papers to jury.
- And, the last competition, the V game – The British Royal Family Tree. Генеалогическое дерево королевской семьи.
На постере изображено родословное дерево английской королевской семьи с перечнем имен и лет жизни. А под деревом размещены портреты членов королевской семьи. Участники, вам предлагается дополнить родословное дерево фотокарточками.
… and …, you are welcome!
The British Royal Family Tree
King George VI Queen Elizabeth,
189 5-1952 the Queen Mother
Prince Phillip, ELIZABETH II
Duke of Edinburgh b. 1926
b. 1921 Margaret , b. 1930
Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward,
Prince of Wales, b. 1950 b. 1960 b. 1964
b. 1948
- Это задание было последним для наших команд. Пока многоуважаемое жюри подсчитает баллы и определит «Счастливчика» сегодняшней игры, участники, вам слово. (Песня «Первым делом наш английский!»).
- Dear guest and teams, thank you for your game and attentive. See you later? Good buy!
Спасибо всем за внимание, до новых встреч! (Музыка).