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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке "Р.Киплинг и его произведения"

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                                  Сценарий к уроку       «BABY ELEPHANT»

N.: Long, long ago there lived a Baby Elephant in Africa. Elephants had no trunks then, and this Baby Elephant had a little black nose. He was a very funny Baby Elephant and he wanted to know everything.

Выходит слон с песней: «Hello…»

Elephant: Hello! I'm an elephant. Look! I've got a little nose.

N: He asked so many questions that all his friends and relatives were angry with him. All animals had no time to talk to him. One day Baby Elephant wanted to know what the Crocodile had for dinner. So he decided to ask the Giraffe.

Жираф выходит с песней «I love to Move it»

B.E: Hello, dear Giraffe.

G: Hello, little Elephant.

B.E: What does the Crocodile have for dinner?

G: Go away! I have no time to talk to you! 

N.: Baby Elephant was very unhappy. So he went to the Monkey.

Обезьяна выходит со стихом.

B.E: Dear Monkey, what does the Crocodile have for dinner?

N.: The Monkey was eating a banana. He got very angry.

M.: Go away! I have no time to talk to you!

N.: Baby Elephant was very, very unhappy and he didn't know what to do. Suddenly he saw his friend Kolokolo Bird. She was flying in the jungle.

Птица выходит с танцем.

B.E: Hello dear bird.

B.: Hello, little Elephant.

B.E: What does the Crocodile have for dinner?

N.: The Kolokolo Bird was very clever.

K.B: If you want to know it, you must go to the big green Limpopo River.

B.E: Thank you very much, good-bye.

N.: Then he said good-bye to his family and friends and went there.

He walked and walked for a long time. And at last he came to the Limpopo River. There he met a Big Snake.

Змея выходит с гимнастическим танцем.

B.E: Hello dear Snake.

S.: Hello, little Elephant.

 B.E: Does the Crocodile live in this river?

S.: If you want to see the Crocodile, there he is.

N.: Baby Elephant saw the big Crocodile.

B.E: Good morning, sir. Are you the Crocodile?

C: Good morning. Yes, I am the Crocodile. And what do you want?

B.E: Please tell me what you have for dinner!

C: Come here, little one! I can show you.

N.: So, Baby Elephant came to the Crocodile. Then the Crocodile opened his big mouth with many teeth in it and caught Baby Elephant by his little nose.

C: I think today I have a Baby Elephant for dinner.

N.: He began to pull Baby Elephant into the water.

B.E: Let go! Don't eat me!

S.: My little friend you must pull too!

N.: So, Baby Elephant began to pull too.He pulled and pulled and his nose began to get longer and longer. At last the Crocodile let go. Baby Elephant was very unhappy, because his little nose was a long trunk. He began to cry.

S.: Don't cry, little one! Your trunk is very nice. You can do a lot of things with your trunk.

N.: Baby Elephant began to like his trunk.

B.E: Thank you, Snake. Now it's time to go home.

N.: So, Baby Elephant went home. Then he saw his family.

Family: You are so funny with your new nose, but we like it!

N.: And all his family went to the Limpopo River to get new noses from the Crocodile!

Then they came back with big trunks, too. And from that day all Elephants have long trunks.

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«Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке "Р.Киплинг и его произведения" »

R. Kipling  December 30th 1865 –January 18th 1936

R. Kipling December 30th 1865 –January 18th 1936

Live and learn It’s never late to learn

Live and learn

It’s never late to learn

Joseph Rudyard was an English poet, short-story writer, and novelist remembered for his tales and poems of British soldiers in India and his tales for children.  He was born in Bombay on December 30th 1865, in the Bombay Presidency of British India. He and his family went to England when he was five years old. Kipling is best known for his works of fiction, including: The Jungle Book (a collection of stories which includes

Joseph Rudyard was an English poet, short-story writer, and novelist remembered for his tales and poems of British soldiers in India and his tales for children.

He was born in Bombay on December 30th 1865, in the Bombay Presidency of British India. He and his family went to England when he was five years old. Kipling is best known for his works of fiction, including:

The Jungle Book (a collection of stories which includes "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi"),

Just So Stories (1902) (1894),

Kim (1901) (a tale of adventure),

Many short stories, including "The Man Who Would Be King" (1888);

He was good at writing short stories. His children's books are known all over the world. Children and their parents read his books and poems.

Kipling received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1907.

He died on January 18th1936.

The Jungle Book 1894-1895

The Jungle Book 1894-1895

Baby elephant

Baby elephant





Kolokolo bird

Kolokolo bird





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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на английском языке "Р.Киплинг и его произведения"

Автор: Кобец Светлана Александровна

Дата: 12.06.2015

Номер свидетельства: 219398

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