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“Strong people of the Great Steppe: A.Kunanbayev”

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 программной статье Президента Казахстана Нурсултана Назарбаева­ «Взгляд в будущее: модернизация общественного сознания» четко обозначено, что «наши национальные традиции и обычаи, язык и музыка, литература и свадебные обряды, одним словом, национальный дух должны вечно оставаться с нами», как и «мудрость Абая, перо Ауэзова, проникновенные строки Джамбула, волшебные звуки Курмангазы, вечный зов аруаха». Первым условием модернизации нового типа Глава государства называет «сохранение своей культуры, собственного национального кода».

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«“Strong people of the Great Steppe: A.Kunanbayev”»


Strong people of the Great Steppe: A.Kunanbayev

тақырыбында сыныптан тыс іс-шараның


Пәні: ағылшын тілі

Әзірлеген: А.А.Ахметова

Шымкент қ.

Пән: ағылшын тілі

Тақырыбы: Strong people of the Great Steppe: A.Kunanbayev


Білімділік:  Жаңа лексикалық сөздермен таныстыру,

Дамытушылық: Ұлы Абай поэзиясын қастерлеуге тәрбиелеу.

Тәрбиелік: Оқушылардың мәдени, әдеби ой-өрісін дамыту,

шет тілдерді үйренуге қызығушылықтарын арттыру.

Сабақтың түрі: сыныптан тыс іс-шара

Қолданылатын әдістер: Миға шабуыл және коучинг әдісі және сұрақ-жауап

Сабақтың ресурстары: Плакаттар, презентациялар,бейнероликтер. Интербелсенді тақта, Үнтаспадан күй, халық әуендері беріліп жатады.

  1. Organization moment.

Good morning, my dear friends! I’m glad to see you! You are looking great! How are you? Let’s start our lesson.

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.


Look at this portrait! Do you know this person? Have you seen him before?

What is A. Kunanbayev?

What is Abay famous for?

When and where was he born?

What poems written by Abay do you know?

Yes, you are right. This is the great poet Abai Kunanbaev.

ІІІ. Жаңа сабақ. Presentation. Video about Abay’s biography.

Today we are going to talk about a great Kazakh writer and poet Abai Kunanbaev. He was born in 1845 in the Chinghis Mountains in Semipalatinsk Region. On the eve of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Abai UNESCO announced the year of 1995 that Abai Kunanbaev, it passed a decision to mark the jubilee throughout the world. This year the 175th anniversary of the birth of the Great Abai is celebrated. In order to promote cultural heritage of the great poet there are three state museums in Kazakhstan. One of them is located in the city of Abay in Karaganda region - a literary-memorial museum of Abai Kunanbaev.

The city  Abai is named after him.

The students greet the teacher and listen to him.

Would you like to know some more information about the famous poet Abai Kunanbaev? Then let’s watch a video about Abay.

Answer the questions

1)- What is Abai Kunanbaev famous for?

- When and where was he born?

-What was his real name?

- Who were his parents?

- When did he go to school?

- What did he learn there?

- What impression did the Russian writers make on him?

- Why has been Abai translated the words into many foreign languages?

- What poems written by Abai do you know?

- What makes Abai so very much popular with people all over the world?

IV. Мәтінмен жұмыс

2)Match the dates and the events:

1)1845 a) He composed about melodies.

2)1904  b)The greatest poet Abai Kunanbaev was died when he was 59.

3)At the age of seven c)He opened embarked on his poetic career Abai started translating Krylov, Pushkin and Lermontov into Kazakh.

4)1886 d)he was born

5)20 e)he began writing the “Book of words”

6) when he was 45 f)he went to school

Please, listen to Abai’s melody.

Group work

Work on the poem “Spring”

What season is it now?

You know, Abai wrote poems devoted to seasons. Please, work in groups, read the extract from the poem “Spring”, written in 1990 and fill in the missing words.

1. Spring came and melted the snow and ice.
The earth was covered in… ( light, soft, green,red) velvet.
Freed from winter's hibernation and heartache
all that lives dings with its heart to… (warmth, coldness, kindness, kind) and light.
2) The birds fly in and spring entered …(the blossoming, beautiful, nice, green) garden,
and the youths made a racket like fledglings.
The old men rose again as from the grave
and are honestly… ( sad, happy, kind, angry) to meet again their friends.

3.The families hurry to their kinsmen in the nearby aul:
embraces, exclamations—a …(happy, nice, kind,pleasant) commotion.
Young laughter is carried on the air in triumph.
The people have shaken off ( the spring, the winter, the autumn, the summer) worries.
The students work in groups and fill in the missing words in the poem and read it.

Then compare with right answer.

Recite the Abai’s poems

Can you recite Abai’s poems?

Students recite the poems in English “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Winter” and show the pictures to the poems)It was their hometask to learn the poems by heart and to draw pictures.


1.Make up the following statement from Abai`s Book of Words putting the words in the right order:

queen, language, of, the, word, the, of, sovereign, Poetry, is, the.

The right answer: Poetry is the queen of language, the sovereign of the word.

2. Translate this statement into the Russian and Kazakh.

VI. Бекіту. Conclusion test:

1. Abai was born in …. a)1825


c)1837 2.He was died ….1904


b) to

c) at 3.His father Kunanbai was very…. a)kind b)strict

c)gentle 4.Abai’s mother and grandmother were good… a)singers b)story-tellers c)dressmakers 5.Later Abai ….works of Russian poets and writers a)to translate b)will translate c)translated 6.Abai went to a religious school at the age of… a)9


c)13 7.At the age of 13 he began to learn…



c)Chinese 8.Abai Kunanbaev died in…. a)1895

b)1904 c)1900 9.We know… .” Words of Abai” a)43



VII.Сабақты қорытындау, үйге тапсырма беру.

The poem “Spring” to learn by heart

VIII. Reflection.

Reflection of mood and emotions. What emotions do you feel?

Our lesson is coming to an end. Please, tell me your opinion about our lesson using these phrases:

• I like the lesson.
• I don’t like the lesson.
• I feel happy.
• I feel tired.

Thank you very much for your attention and work!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Мероприятия

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс

“Strong people of the Great Steppe: A.Kunanbayev”

Автор: Ахметова Айгуль Аллабергеновна

Дата: 09.11.2019

Номер свидетельства: 526306

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